Ready "Korean" salad shops - NOT SYROEDCHESKIE.

Why buy dry sea kale, and in any case do not take ready-made salads?
Buy laminaria better in dry form. It sells in the markets where they sell spices, seasonings. It is necessary to ask. It is not always spread it on the counter.
• In no case do not take sea kale in the ready salads.
Firstly, in them - it is already cooked, and secondly - in such salads add any chemical stuff: MSG (to enhance flavor), preservatives, etc.
. This also applies to the rest of the prepared salads in the shops - where they pour the hot vegetable oil and add the roasted spices, seeds, garlic, onion
. • Buy dry and do a salad of seaweed in Korean. Buying spices "Korean", also see the composition that had no MSG, which is now like to add anywhere. I hope, about the dangers of this glutamate is known to you.
And: sea kale in milled form sold in pharmacies. This can be used as salts.
• Dry the cabbage pour clean water at room temperature. A couple of hours it soak, swell, you need to wash it several times, especially if there is a lot of sand.
Irrigate better through a colander, sieve: all the slime and sand washed out available.
Sliced it and adds olive oil (or other) oil. You can add onions, garlic.
Such chopped cabbage can be added to salads, in gruel of grown wheat, in the cake from the same wheat germ
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