THINK ENERGY good, peace and love.

Our thought is the highest creative energy and that what we think are our mental images. The more energy we imbibed in our mental images, the more and more accurate it will be implemented in our reality. Therefore it is very important to learn to pay attention to the thoughts, because the quality of our thoughts, the purity of our thoughts depends on our health, our appearance, mood, emotions and feelings.
If one thinks about the problems, difficulties, failures, diseases - it attracts all. On the contrary, positive thinking, imagining in his mind the desired end result, a long time meditating on it, we do it all the more likely. And if we at the same time and ourselves will take action, to make efforts for the realization of our goals, the success we achieved.
The energy of our positive thoughts attract to us the necessary circumstances and luck. With positive thinking accumulate positive emotions, we covered enthusiasm, good mood, confidence and joy in anticipation of victory.
If we want to be healthy, good, successful, lucky draw joy, love and happiness in your life, you must learn to think in a positive thought forms.
To learn to think the energy of love and kindness, to begin to learn to control your thoughts. This, of course, is not easy. All of us are moments of despair, sadness, discontent. If we "fixate" on the problems, difficulties, failures, diseases, then we get all this in even greater quantities. "Our well-being depends on the quality of our thinking!" Why positive thoughts attract good things and negative - poor? It all comes down to a simple exchange of energy, the energy moves and like attracts like. If our thoughts, words and actions carry a negative, then Her Majesty Life responds the same to us. A good and love in the thoughts, actions and words creates Welcome to life.

Recently, this topic is actively discussed in the media, the Internet, information can be read in the medical journals. Many psychologists and therapists believe that our thoughts, our minds control the body, so the mind that is set positive, will contribute to the health of the body, and frequent negative thoughts lead to disease. Also found that the feeling of anger has a detrimental effect on the body, leading to more frequent cardiac rhythm, narrowing of the arteries, and eventually to disease. The feeling of gratitude, love, on the contrary, leads to the fact that the contraction of the heart become more regular - it works better. Increased and the level of immunoglobulin "A", which protects our body against infections and diseases. The feeling of gratitude to your body, to your body - improves the functioning of internal organs. Even the cells of the body "know" our thoughts.

Scientists electronically tracked the behavior of the human body cells, logging, both positive and negative reactions to human thought and action. Cells of the human body placed in the solution in which the electrodes are inserted into the recording device. Man sent to walk among the poor and homeless in the poorest quarter of the city. However, his action filmed with a hidden camera. While the young man was calm, instruments showed a slightly undulating curve. When the subject was frightened, who were at a distance of several kilometers, reacted negatively to having met a homeless menacing appearance, its cells. Recorder registered a strong negative spike. Once he sent his sympathies cells signal immediately stylus drew a sharp positive peak. The cells of our body know our thoughts!
The better and kinder than we think about your body, the more grateful to him, the more our cells, our bodies respond to our positive thoughts, helping us to be healthy. Therefore, positive thoughts promote physical health, negative - on the contrary. Our way of talking can also affect our health. If we often resort to negative statements regarding the parts of our body, these statements under certain circumstances may be. For example, statements such as: "I have him neck pain", "I'm from her sick", "It breaks my heart," "Something my legs do not hold" - will not benefit either our neck or our feet, nor our heart.

We need to express love to our body and, in particular, to the body that is not performing. Recently specialists conducted an experiment, which was attended by people with broken legs. Some of the patients in the treatment gently turned to his leg, mentally asked her forgiveness, expressing her love. However, they mentally "observed" as the fracture heals at an accelerated pace. As a result these patients recovery occurred an average of 35 percent faster. The same approach can be applied to any other organ of the body. Our thoughts can help the doctor to heal us.
Try the following exercise. Relax and imagine your sick body. Think of it with love. Ask for forgiveness. Perhaps it is you are a little guilty that he was ill. Imagine it smoothly functioning and healthy. You "see" how he will respond to your mental image. Express your sincere love for him and give thanks for the good work.
Love and thoughts of good energy and peace. By giving love to people, it will return back to you, and it will have even more. The more shares you good, wish happiness, the more will get back as energy moves in the universe, like attracts like.
I wish you all, kindness, peace and love!