7 best cleaning recipes salads.

You can eat salads all day cleaning, you can replace them lunch, dinner and even better. Ideally it would be nice to have a salad every week.
The main components of the salad are cabbage, carrots and beets.
Cabbage - a real storehouse of vitamins, it contains a lot of potassium, enzymes, vitamin C, protein, and other useful and necessary materials. But beyond that, cabbage - a top aide in weight loss
Fiber contained in cabbage, improves bowel and removes from the body toxins and cholesterol. No wonder cabbage is recommended included in the diet for constipation and hemorrhoids. Also cabbage improves the intestinal microflora and the process of digestion of food.
Carrots are also rich in vitamins such as C, P, PP, salt of calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, and various trace elements. In addition, the carrot has a positive effect on the bowels.
Beet - one of the main vegetables for weight loss. Beetroot is not just perfectly cleans the intestines, but also establishes the metabolism due to the content of a substance such as betaine.
Fiber contained in the beet, increases gastric motility and normalizes the process of digestion. It is thanks to all these qualities, these three vegetables are the main ingredients of cleaning lettuce.
Find one universal, and most importantly, original salad recipe complicated. There are many variations of the cleansing salad, but be sure it contains one or two of the above vegetables.
Recipe number 1
Ingredients: cabbage, beets, carrots, prunes, lemon juice, oil
Preparation: rub on a coarse grater cabbage, beets and carrots. All vegetables should be raw. Thoroughly mash them with your hands, until the juice.
Add the vegetables to the pre-soaked and cut into small pieces dried plums. Refill the salad with lemon juice and add a little vegetable oil.
Recipe number 2
Ingredients: beets, carrots, apple, vegetable oil, lemon juice
Preparation: rub the grated beets, carrots, apple. Knead all hands, dressed salad with oil and lemon juice.
Recipe number 3
Ingredients: cabbage, carrots, apple, lemon juice, vegetable oil
. Preparation: finely shinkuem cabbage, carrot and apple or rub on a grater. All sprinkled with lemon juice and add a drop of vegetable oil.
Recipe number 4
Ingredients: cabbage, carrots, beets, apples, seaweed, prunes, lemon juice, vegetable oil
Preparation: shinkuem or three grated cabbage, carrots, beets and apple. Adding one hundred grams of seaweed and prunes, previously soaked and cut into small pieces.
Refill with lemon juice and vegetable oil. But a few salads that will help cleanse your intestines.
Recipe number 5
Ingredients: boiled beets, sauerkraut, peppers, tomatoes, onions, olive oil
Preparation: rub on a grater boiled beets, cut into rings onion, peppers, tomatoes. All the mix, and dressed with olive oil. This rather unusual salad perfectly helps to clean the intestines.
Recipe number 6
Ingredients: celery, parsley, cucumber, tomato, avocado, basil, olive oil, lemon juice
Preparation: chop the ingredients, mix, and dressed with lemon juice and olive oil
Recipe №7
Ingredients: boiled beets, raw beetroot, lemon juice, vegetable oil
Preparation: shinkuem boiled and raw beets in equal proportions. Refill the salad with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
Snake venom prevents the formation of blood clots.
Studies of Japanese scientists suggests that help to cope with thrombotic diseases can snake venom. Thanks to his influence can avoid unwanted blood clotting.
In addition, the venom helps prevent the spread of infections. The structure of snake venom contains a large amount of toxins that affect proteins in platelets. Some of these substances prevent blood clotting.
On the surface of platelets discovered protein called CLEC-2, which is involved in blood clotting and the formation of various types of vessels, in particular lymph.
It was found that the snake venom block the action of this protein and thus resists the formation of blood clots.
Healing aspirin solution on the spurs, varicose veins and osteochondrosis
Take 10 aspirin tablets and grind them to a powder, pour 250 grams of vodka. Let sit for two days. You will get a suspension, as a tablet is not completely dissolved.
Take the gauze (or bandage), soak it in a solution attach to the heel, then wrap polyethylene wear socks on top and leave for the night. In the morning all clear, rinse the feet and lubricate them with cream.
To do so it is necessary every day, even after the first procedure, you will forget about their spurs, and after 10 days of your heel and forefoot are safely cleared of compacted and coarse skin.
If corns and cracks of such a procedure will also be useful. When varicose veins then polish the affected area, the pain will pass.
When osteochondrosis then polish the sore spots, where the salt deposits. Also, after the massage is very useful to make this solution, rubbing.
Here is such a magical aspirin. By the way, if you are bitten by a wasp, bitten place it is necessary to moisten with water and rub the aspirin. Just like a hand lift!
You should not "reinvent the wheel" and to think that modern medicine is better than what the test of time.
Treated like something our parents and grandparents conventional drugs, and are much healthier than today's generation.