Morning exercises for weight loss.
Morning exercises - a great tool not only lose weight but also to cheer up the whole den.Gimnastika slimming at home - a set of exercises that promote muscle development, strengthening of the press treatment of excess cellulite and general physical strengthening.
Show more ... choose the right set of morning exercises can help bring your figure in the order of a few weeks. The main rule: exercise for morning exercises should be performed daily. Let the time allocated for the set of morning exercises, will not be so great, for example, 10-15 minutes would be enough, but the regularity of fundamental importance. Daily gymnastics will soon have you in the habit.
A set of exercises morning exercises:
• 15-20 seconds of stepping on the spot, lifting knees high. The first 4 steps - breath, the second step 4 - an exhalation;
• raise the arms straight up, laid back line, with an elongated toe, foot. Then, bend the leg in front of him and lifts his hands knee to the chest, head down, as low as possible. Then everything Do the same with the other leg. Perform 3-5 times with each leg;
• We arrange the legs as wide as possible. Bend the left leg at the knee and three do springy tilt the toe of the right leg, which must be straightened at the knee. Then - on the contrary, to the other leg. In each side of the exercise should be repeated 8-10 times;
• legs wide apart, perform a circular (with the largest amplitude) movement pelvis. Do not forget that the most important in this exercise is a protrusion and retraction of the abdominal wall. To repeat rotation in each direction at least 8-10 times;
• Starting position - standing, hands on his stomach. Three times in a row do springy squat while pressing on his stomach with his hands. Repeat 18-20 times;
• standing on one leg, bends toward the bent knee to the other leg, and make a circular motion with the hip highest possible amplitude in one or the other way. In each side of repeat 10-12 times;
• stand on "tiptoe" holding hands on the back of a chair. Within 20-30 seconds springy straighten and bend ankles feet;
• jump standing on two feet, and then, one (for each line) for 20-30 seconds. At the end of the exercise - a peaceful walk on the spot;
• lying on your back, bend your knees. Then, we sit down and straighten them. We make two tilt forward, trying to touch the face of the knees, and then, again lie down and bend your knees. Repeat 12-16 times;
• lying on your back, legs bent breed, foot rests on the floor. Raise your pelvis and swing it from side to side 4-6 times. Exercise is carried out in series with a break in between 6-8 seconds. Such episodes should not be less than three;
• lying down, put his hands on his stomach. Protrude and retract the stomach, pushing his hands on the abdominal wall. Repeat 10-12 times;
• breathing exercise. Standing, hands raised and slightly reaching back and up - inhale, lean forward, dropping his hands relaxed - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times. This last exercise is a complex morning exercises.