Occupation - director of dreams

It so happens that you can sleep and still realize that sleep and can even control how events unfold in the dream - if you were the director and actor of a Hollywood movie, where everything is subordinated to your creative ideas.
It's quite amusing phenomenon is called "dream off when fully conscious," and 20 percent of all people on a regular basis, at least once a month, they are enjoying.
For those who are deprived of this pleasure, the researchers propose a very simple way to increase the chances to see your own dream "blockbuster". According to the study, published in the scientific journal Dreaming, for this you need only often use the alarm "snooze a few minutes».
Researchers at the University of Swansea Bethan Smith and Mark Blagrov examined 84 people who most often see bright dreams like movies, among them 44 women and 39 men aged 18 to 75 years.
These people were given the following definition of the phenomenon under study, "the man is fully aware of the fact that a dream and at the same time continues to sleep, take the opportunity to manage the content of dreams and events, developing in him».
After that, 23 study participants were told that these dreams have never seen. The rest of these determine the frequency of dreams 7-point scale, where 1 - at least once a year (this option is selected 12 participants), and 7 - 4-7 times a week (this option is selected 5 participants).
One of the major discoveries of the study was the relationship between the frequency of dreams when fully switched off consciousness and frequency of use snooze button in the morning.
This association was evident even after considering all other factors - such as the ability to recall dreams, and how many times a person wakes up during the night. That there are people who every morning pushed the snooze button to nap a little bit more, have seen bright "kinosny" significantly more frequently (an average of 3, 04 points above the 7-point scale) than people who have never such an alarm function is not used ( an average of 2, 76 points on the same scale).
The researchers explain the results obtained in this way:
After sleeping man interrupted the need to press the snooze button, it is most likely to "dive" back - the so-called REM sleep, where once again, and there are the most vibrant and exciting dreams.
So the surest way to enjoy the "manage" a dream - is to set an alarm for an hour to the time when you really need to get up every few minutes to press the snooze hold themselves thus in REM sleep.
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