Wisdom of Bruce Lee.
If you criticize, it means you're doing something right. Because people are attacking anyone who has a brain.
Move like water. Freezes as the mirror. Answer me, like an echo.
True friends - like diamonds - expensive and rare. False friends - like autumn leaves - they are everywhere.
Truth has no path. Truth is alive, therefore changeable.
It does not matter how slowly you advance, the main thing that you do not stop.
When I look around, I always learn something, and it's all in order,
to always be yourself, express yourself and believe in yourself. Do not look for a successful personality to emulate her.
Mistakes are always forgivable, if you have the courage to acknowledge them.
Be gentle but not submissive, be strong, but not tough.
Collect all the great teachers in the same room, and they agree on all things in the world. Collect them students - and they will argue about everything.
The more we value things, the less we value ourselves.
Knowledge is not enough, you must apply them. Desire is not enough, you have to do.
The key to immortality - is, first of all, to live life,
decent memory.
I'm not afraid of who is studying 10,000 different strokes. I'm afraid of, who studies one hit 10,000 times.
A good fighter is not one who is tense, and those who are ready. He does not think or dream, he was ready for anything that might happen.
Love - it's like friendship on fire. At the beginning of the flame enchantingly beautiful, often searing and dazzling, but more is easy and stable. When love grows older, our hearts mature and our love is like the embers: lit from the bottom and neugasaema.
Do not think, feel! It's like a finger pointing to the moon. Do not concentrate on
finger, or skip this divine
Life - just a fleeting moment when her days are not filled with a dream.
If you love life, do not waste time - time is something of which life is made.
The teacher does not reveal the truth, he - the conductor of truth that each student must discover for himself. A good teacher - a catalyst.