50 facts about Bruce Willis

1. Walter Bruce Willis was born on 19 March 1955 in Idar-Oberstein (former West Germany) at the US military base.
2. Father Bruce - David Willis. In 1957, David was discharged and returned to his family in the United States. He was a mechanic and welder. Mother - Marlene Willis, an ethnic German. When Bruce was 16, his parents divorced.
3. Bruce, two brothers and a sister. Bruce - the eldest child in the family. David Willis, Jr. - a film producer of several films of Bruce ("The Whole Nine Yards," "Die Hard 3", "Hostage"). Robert Willis (brother) - a web designer. He died of pancreatic cancer in 2005, aged 42 years. The only sister - Flo Willis.
4. In the childhood excitement Bruce stuttered badly. Through participation in school plays he was able to overcome this malaise, and now says it with a smile.
5. Bruce was president of the school drama club and student council. Classmates called Willis "soul school».
6. In 2003, Bruce arranged a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the end of school and organized a party for 300 graduates in 1973. For this event, he took off his hotel «Trump Plaza» in Atlantic City. All meals, drinks and entertainment, he paid from his own pocket. The celebration of the actor has managed in 30 thousand dollars.
7. Bruce pierced left ear at the age of 14 years.
8. At seventeen Willis broke his left shoulder. Doctors had to remove part of the muscle to the bone fused correctly. Now Bruce at this place makes a scar.
9. After high school, Willis went to work at a chemical plant «Du Pont». After the death of one of his colleagues, Bruce decided to leave. He worked part time as a truck driver, a bodyguard, a waiter and bartender. And in his spare time, he played the harmonica, and performed with the group «Loose Goose».

10. The College Montclair, was involved in a student production of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." So dropouts Bruce dropped out of college and moved to New York, and again began to earn money as a bartender.
11. Bruce colleagues at the bar gave him the nickname Bruno. In 1986, Bruce released a solo platinum album "The Return of Bruno". In 1988, he starred Bruno Radolini in the movie "The Return of Bruno". In 1996 he voiced the lead role in this film, "Bruno the Kid».
12. At the premiere of the film "Surveillance", August 1987, Bruce met with Demi Moore. The main role in this film is played by Emilio Estevez - groom Demme. Bruce and Demme began to meet almost daily. And November 21, 1987 were married in Las Vegas. Their marriage was called exemplary, but 11 years later, one of the most famous Hollywood couple announced their split. They divorced 18 October 2000. The reason for his separation Willis and Moore secret to this day.
13. Since her divorce from Demi Murr Bruce has repeatedly stated that still loves his ex-wife. When Demme Moore has a new boyfriend Ashton Kutcher, Willis repeatedly frightened him with passionate declarations. Once Bruce even expressed a desire to be the best man at his wedding Kutcher to Murr. But after some time he changed his mind.
14. Bruce Willis started balding at age 30. The actor went to treatment in a Swiss clinic after one laughed at him, Jack Nicholson, said: "My friend, let your head will soon become like a big egg." For untold money Bruce implanted hair in problem areas, but soon acquired locks also began to drop. Then the actor has decided to shave bald. All were convinced that Willis has long resigned to his bald head. But last year, Bruce learned about a whole new technology gaining lush head of hair, which is called hair cloning, and immediately rushed to consult a specialist. The procedure so far only been tested in rodents and is currently awaiting government approval, but Willis is ready to become the first person subjected to cloning hair.
15. Willis film debut happened in the movie "First Deadly Sins" (1980): He was a diner at a time when there was leaving the main character played by Frank Sinatra. The credits Bruce has not been specified.
16. The second role was Willis in "The Verdict" (1982): Bruce has been involved in the crowd in the courtroom.
17. The first big role Bruce Willis (and only the third one) was the role of David Edison in the TV series "The Agency" Moonlight "(1985-1989), which also brought him a good income: for the series Bruce received 50 thousand dollars. With the singer starring Cybill Shepard Willis even had a little romance. But as his fame grew, Shepard increasingly angry at him, and by the end of the show their relationship grew into hatred. After the "Agency" Moonlight "Willis sworn never to appear in the series.
18. on the role of John MacLane in the film "Die Hard" (1988) auditioned Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Richard Gere. Bruce Willis producers were invited to the last, and it has paid off more than half of the jokes in the movie was invented by Willis. This is because the producers liked that in the next "Die Hard" Bruce was allowed to improvise as much as necessary.
19. For the role in "Die Hard" Willis got enormous at the time the fee - $ 5 million. Before him, this money is not paid to any actor. In "Die Hard 2" (1990), Bruce earned a 7, 5 million, and for the "Die Hard 3" (1995) received $ 15 million.

20. Willis joined the "Club of 20 million" - the informal name for a number of actors receiving for the film of not less than $ 20 million - only in 1999, when she starred in the movie "The Sixth Sense».
21. Bruce - left-handed. However, in the movie "The Sixth Sense" in one scene, he writes with his right hand to the operator it easier to remove. To do this, Willis had to work out fairly.
22. Bruce always wears a watch on the right hand dial down. This can be seen in many of his films: "Die Hard," "Mercury Rising" and others.
23. Bruce Willis is very much like that with him in the film "The Whole Nine Yards" starred Matthew Perry. He called him at home every day for a few weeks, to offer a role, but Perry was not at home. In the end, Matthew Bruce left a message on the answering machine: "I will cut off your legs, set fire to your house and make you crawl on fire with bloody stumps." This phrase is then entered into the film.
24. After filming "Nine Yards" with Bruce Matthew argued that if the picture takes first place at the box office in the first week of the show, the Willis to star in "Friends" for free. In the end, Bruce Willis appeared in three episodes of "Friends", and although the fees he still paid, he transferred the money to the account of the charity fund. For a small role in the series Willis won an "Emmy».
25. During the filming of an episode of "The Whole Nine Yards 2" when the heroes Willis and Perry wake up in the same bed after drinking, Bruce decided to play a trick on Matthew, he went to bed naked. Perry was so scared - because it was not in the script - that Willis was afraid to ask why he was naked. The director decided to leave the scene in the film.
26. Bruce Willis is very like to play Vincent Vega in "Pulp Fiction" (1994). But the role went to John Travolta. Willis was so upset that director Quentin Tarantino took pity on him and offered the role of a boxer Butch, which originally planned to invite an unknown professional athlete. Bruce was delighted and agreed to an all-time low for themselves a fee of 800 thousand dollars.
27. At the end of filming the movie "Tears of the Sun" (2003) made a gift to John Willis Anyaku, appearing in a cameo role. Anyak - a refugee from Sudan, a one-legged. After four months of filming in the jungle of his prosthesis completely worn out, and Willis bought him a new one for 20 thousand dollars.
28. In November last year Bruce sued the producers of the movie "Tears of the Sun" for the negligent handling of his stellar body. The fault of pyrotechnics during filming shootout one of the charges, which was to simulate the bullets hit the ground, hit in the forehead Willis. The actor was forced to turn then to the doctor.
29. In 1998, Willis became the first actor to "play" in the video game Sony's PlayStation. To the body of Bruce were attached sensors that are transferred to a computer of his movements and facial expressions, including the famous squint and smile. The game "Apocalypse" hero Willis Trey Kincaid struggles with fully painted on the computer villains. For this "role" Bruce Willis was more than 1, $ 2 million.

30. For a long time Bruce doubted that should be removed, "Die Hard 4", although there were discussions for a long time. But at the end of February this year it became known that the film will still be. The script is already written, to begin shooting this fall, and the picture will appear on the screens in 2006. The working title of the film "Die Hard 4.0", because now John McClain, who resigned from the police force, will save the world from computer terrorists or hackers. Other details are kept secret.
31. Bruce Willis has said several times that he was tired of the militants and will no longer be acting in them. For the first time in 1998, after the movie "Armageddon." The latter - in March 2005. Nevertheless, just released his new thriller "Hostage", and now Bruce talks about shooting the film "The sixteenth quarter" as the New York police.
32. Bruce Willis likes to cook. He says he learned culinary skills thanks to his daughters, whom he always wanted to please delicious. It is best to succeed Bruce lasagna and kachiatore - stewed chicken, baked with herbs, tomato sauce and mushrooms.
33. Bruce Willis' three daughters of Demi Moore: Rumer Glenn (born in 1988), Scout Larue (born 1991) and Tallulah Belle (born in 1994). All three were shot with him in small roles in the film "The Whole Nine Yards" (2000), Scout and Tallulah have also appeared in the movie "Bandits" (2001), and Rumer in the film "Hostage" (2005) played his daughter.
34. After her divorce from Demi Moore, Bruce Willis has replaced a lot of girlfriends. From 1998 to 2000, Willis met with the Spanish model Maria Bravo Rosado. They separated from the fact that Mary is often met with former lovers, while Bruce was on the set and throws a big noisy gatherings in their home with Willis.
35. From 2001 to 2003, Bruce continued close communication with models Rachel Hunter, Eve Yasanovski Emily Sandberg and Estella Warren. They were replaced by a serial actress Nadia Berlin. But the greatest scandal caused a porn star Alisha Klass. After breaking up with Willis Alicia he boasted that the two men acquired Demi Moore: her ex-husband Bruce and her former fiance Emilio Estevez.
36. In autumn 2003, Willis began dating actress Brooke Burns (TV series "Baywatch"), which is younger than his 23 years. In April 2004, in Paris Bruce Brook presented a diamond ring from Cartier, followed by rumors about their forthcoming marriage. However, in June, Willis and Burns decided to leave Bruce would prefer to spend more time with his ex-wife and daughters.
37. Bruce loves the city of Hailey (Idaho), where he has an estate. There Willis owns the theater «Liberty Theater», cafe «Shorty's Diner» and a nightclub «The Mint». He was also the owner of the local pharmacy, but in the early '90s closed shop, the building was empty for a long time and eventually was sold.
38. 21, 5 thousand dollars in fines had to be paid to Bruce Willis in September last year for a harmless desire to clean the wetlands in a pond near his home in Hailey. Environmental Inspectorate unauthorized reclamation works are not like stars, and to comply with the environmental area, they ordered Willis to return to the place of the swamp. Bruce returned.
39. Once Bruce Willis became a television presenter. Actor invited to talk shows on the channel CBS, but it turned out that David Letterman is a leading home with an eye infection. Producers saw Willis, immediately put him in the lead chair. Bruce kept his head and coped brilliantly with the task of: a talk with Dan Rater, made scandalous exclusive interview with Saddam Hussein, chatted with Carmen Electra and joked with the winner of "Grammy" John Mayer. Reaction Letterman and Willis himself at such an unexpected move the producers is unknown. But on CBS argue that this one-off event.

40. In the winter of last year Bruce Willis decided to give part of their land in Idaho local airport: airport managers beat itself a large area for a decade, but the state government could not solve this problem. Present Willis is now carefully examined by the Commission by the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure compliance.
41. In 2001, Willis bought the land (7 hectares) on the coast of the island Parrot Cay (Caribbean) for $ 7 million. After a couple of years, he built a villa for himself and two guest houses.
42. After the filming of "Hart's War" Bruce is so in love with Prague, he decided to buy a house there. Accommodation in the Czech capital, located between the Vltava River and the Prague Castle, the actor has managed in 4, 5 million dollars. The ground floor is occupied by shops, but the other four floors are completely at the disposal of Willis.
43. Bruce Willis - a staunch Republican and intimately acquainted with all the family Bush, including his father, George HW Bush.
44. Bruce Willis was one of the few Hollywood celebrities who supported the war in Iraq. He is even willing to personally take part in the hostilities, but was "rejected" by age. However Bruce in September 2003 went to the US military bases in the conflict area, to support the soldiers.
45. Bruce Willis sometimes likes to play in the casino. Once he won at cards 500 thousand dollars. But at other times lost in roulette 117,000 dollars.
46. Willis is a soloist of the group «The Accelerators», serving style of rhythm and blues. Sometimes they go on tour, but basically give charity concerts: to support the soldiers in Iraq, or in order to entertain visitors Disneyland Paris, or to raise funds for victims of the tsunami.
47. Bruce wrote the song «Slow Burn» for the film "The Whole Nine Yards" (2000) and the title theme for the movie "Hudson Hawk" (1991).
48. In 1991, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg opened the restaurant chain "Planet Hollywood". Business star several times was on the verge of bankruptcy, but somehow continues to exist until now. True, no Schwarzenegger. But Willis still serves European restaurants "Planet Hollywood" with his band.
49. In 2001, Willis opened his own recording studio «Uptop Music Corp.», to help young musicians who refused to co-operation and major radio stations known record labels.
50. Bruce Willis watching their official website www.brucewillis.com. Sometimes an actor can be found in the forum, ask him a question, and even to get an answer. Bruce appears there under the "nickname» King B.
Source: www.bruce-willis-fan.ru
via factroom.ru
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