2016 - where to direct energy.

Comes 2016. In numerology - the number 9. This will be the completion of certain things and the disclosure, a revelation of something unexpected in other things. If you come across a shocking revelation - not jump on it, wait. And in their place build new things, rather than to punish those who did. Do you see the difference? Where are you going to direct your energy? You can build, knowing the error, or you'll go for them? This is part of a new paradigm: "To move forward and not stop to punish." It is - a very new idea: Where should focus energy? Did you know that it will speed up your future: If you start to change the paradigm of what happens when errors are detected and blunders?
On the planet there is something terrible, and you can see in your media that this is happening. They are "wind the": You receive the news and you get the same news the next day, the next ... and so on ... and the wind the news you ... an event that happened once - there are hundreds and hundreds of times. Consciousness then continues and repeats, and draws ... That's what I mean. Instead of moving forward and look for something that will continue, more beautiful - you twist at the same place around the fact that there is now, and around how much of all this fear.
[Kryon, seriously, confidentially:]
Dear you - Pioneers ... and you will get help! I want to make you feel the environment that you have right now. I want to make you feel that it speaks to you: at the right time in the right place - it's really for you. You all have different ways ... at all! And we know what this path. You have a particle of the Creator God. Every master who walked the planet, I told you about it. Masters gave you instructions that you define yourself in what is a mature and peaceful - that would not give out any angry reactions or any other actions and deeds but wonderful and benevolent. You offered it again and again, and so many times it did not work, but this time - it will work ... because your light will be visible on the planet ... and paradigms of peaceful response put forward by forward-looking ideas will be seen as a beautiful, loyal - a much greater number of people than ever before.
[Kryon, very seriously:] "Are you ready for what you have?" And I appeal to a lot more than just those present in this hall ...
[Pause ...]
That is the message. It could not be clearer. Times have changed. But above all, the beginning of the shift the relationship between light and darkness in the direction of the victory of light. And what are you trying to do, Lightworker, will be seen differently than code has ever been. You have so much help! And there will be those who stand by and help you with the financing they are ready, and you have to find them. And it flies in the face of the old paradigm, which states: "It can not be, because Big Money captured and corrupted." Wait a minute, and you'll see ... the money where you did not think to find them ... the money to support the certain things that had never supported ... - because you highlight of your Light! And it makes sense: it makes economic sense ... it makes sense to create a sense of integrity ... for a planet that is changing.
Come things that will amaze you. Not everything will be fine, there will be some failures and return to the past. Do not look at it and do not give up! The dark side will be repelled fiercely when you will push it. It is not yet finished, dear, but it will be over. Get involved and keep working! We need your light. And now your light more power than ever before. We watched the planets in space before, and we know what is coming. Very close battle, and you gain victory in him! And you should firmly hold this light and do not let it take away from you. You have received support, dear: We are right behind you and millions of others still do not agree with you, you will meet along the way, and you will be amazed and surprised that they are with you.
This is - the future. And this is the message. I want you out of here, thinking in a different way than when you came. I want you sought out the evidence of what I speak. Other new methods for how you operate. You will see a message about what you did not expect - and then you will remember my words. It's real, and it happens, and it - not necessarily esoteric ...
Welcome to the New Earth!
And so it is.