54 manifestations of pride ...

1. Inability of the fact that you are always right. Confidence in the correctness of their own constant (infallibility).
2. patronizing attitude towards others, the ratio down.
3. A sense of self-importance.
4. The humiliation of oneself and others.
5. The idea that you are better than others, bragging.
6. Attribution currently works and achievements of others.
7. The ability to put an opponent at a disadvantage, people management to achieve the desired.
8. Control over the situation, but without incurring responsibility for the situation.
9. arrogant attitude, vanity, the desire often look in the mirror.
10. flaunting of wealth, clothing, and so forth.
11. Nepozvalenie others help themselves, and unwillingness to work with others.
12. Bringing to attention.
13. gab or talk about their problems.
14. Resentment.
15. Excessive sensitivity or insensitivity.
16. Over time his persona.
17. Thinking about what others think or say about you.
18. Use words that the listener does not understand, and you know about it.
19. A sense of worthlessness.
20. Refusal to change or idea that you should not change.
21. Unforgiveness themselves and others.
22. The division of men into hierarchical levels - who is better or more important then the behavior in accordance with the hierarchy.
23. The idea that you are more important than others when you do a particular job.
24. Undertake an impossible job.
25. Distrust of the people of God, a messenger, and a ruler.
26. State concern the impression you make on others.
27. The idea that you are above the law and there is a special son / daughter of God.
28. Creation of an idol of himself and of others.
29. Work beyond measure, t. E. So that the physical body can not withstand.
30. Changing patterns of behavior depending on with whom to talk.
31. Ingratitude.
32. Ignoring the "small people».
33. Inattention.
34. unawareness of his pride and spiritual problems.
35. The presence of irritable tone.
36. Increasing voices in anger and annoyance.
37. The idea is to punish someone, or talk about the third person in a derogatory manner.
38. Failure to comply with the will of God.
39. Lack of self-esteem.
40. "What could you do for me?»
41. The recklessness and foolishness.
42. Availability of relations "my brother there guardian me" reverse position "I am the keeper of my brother».
43. fair to yourself and others.
44. Failure to compromise.
45. The desire to always leave the last word.
46. Reluctance to share their knowledge in order to be able to control.
47. The neglect of the physical body, or excessive attention to it. Inattention to his soul.
48. The idea that you have to do it, t. To. No one else can do it better.
49. Note the mistakes of others in the tone of condemnation.
50. The idea of the need to save others from their problems (and thought and action).
51. Prejudice to the people according to the appearance, color and so on.
52. Pride of the occupied position.
53. Excessive self-respect.
54. Sarcasm.