The main signs of spiritual pride
one of the insidious signs of spiritual pride is the illusion unawareness in itself pride. Sometimes a Person who is in spiritual growth first results, begins to speak to others that either He has no ego problems, or begins to demonstrate what an effort He makes in order to loosen the grip of the ego. It is a manifestation of vanity, generated by the ego itself. All People pass the test on the sense of self-importance, which is the opposite vibration to a sense of Divine Dignity;
— lack of Gratitude to those who helped You in the relevant period of Life in the way of advice, matter, Energy, etc. "Forgetting" what was important at the time. The illusion that You have achieved for themselves by their own labor;
— theorizing of their Worldview. The lack of Practice, past Experience suggests that ego You have out of control;
— lack of Responsibility. Responsibility means the following: all Your words should be lived by You in a literal sense. Responsibility for their thoughts, words and deeds in front of other People means that You have lived, and tested what is currently the suitable, powerful tool for You. You can recommend Others, but with the caveat that this tool is not a panacea;
— the desire to resist, to defend their point of view. Loud arguments, trying to convince the interlocutor is akin to the struggle for survival. A sign of the presence of mental lock – dead beliefs and dogmas;
— the failure of the new. The fear of Change the fear of dying old and the birth of the new, the unknown. Addictive, which is just enough and do not need to change, the fear of losing under the onslaught of the Wind of Transformation is a common symptom of spiritual pride. Itself Merging with the consciousness of the ego perceives as its own death;
— condemnation of other points of view, techniques, lifestyles and worldview of others. Condemnation is a defensive reaction of the ego from expanding worldview. The ego desperately tries to convince the Human Mind that other people live wrong, wrong and anything "useful" they can't;
— concentration on quantity and not on quality. It's a trick of the ego is a waste of Your Energy because of the lack of a clear goal, or Your Goal is due, prone to variability. Scattering Your efforts on many projects, impossible, but the desire to embrace the boundless is spiritual greed, one of the qualities of spiritual pride. And to serve is irrelevant. Take care of every project like our own child, decorate it, like, pay attention;
— conviction: the information is for the elect, not for everyone. The emergence of new terms, a complication is simple and affordable, the desire to look spectacular – all that is of inferior manifestations of the ego out of control;
— concentration on Service, that Your efforts paid off. The first priority, the first step to Spirituality is selfishness. If You learn to be unselfish, then Your efforts will be paid. And paradox is there. Paid by who gives from the Heart. Otherwise, a Person may experience irritation from the fact that he is asked to help;
— the impact of the shortage, not excess. Sometimes a Person thinks about how others earn money by himself without a material basis under their feet. Or involved in charity work himself, because of laziness or disbelief and not trying to live in prosperity. That everything is spiritual hypocrisy – one of the manifestations of spiritual pride. If You do not know, can not, can not – do not offer, and try to learn to be able to, to be able to achieve. And then from abundance to give to Others, whether it be money, information or Energy of Love;
— being a teacher, knowledgeable people. In the fourth dimension of Mindfulness is a Gift for all Awakened people to know, to predict the actions of the ego. Knowledge of psychology egoic nature, the ability to analyze does not mean that You attained the heights of Wisdom. This feeling of "knowing all about the people" brings "teacher" satisfaction because there is the illusion of awareness in everything. In fact, this illusion comes from fear of the unknown, veiled under the mask of psychological "knowledge of the nature of man." For such a Person is a terrible word that could escape from His mouth – "don't know". In fact, to know and to predict the people can neither the Higher self nor the Coaches, devoid of duality.
Why? There is the search Space, Freedom of Will and Choice. Friends, Mentors and Higher I don't have the emotion of fear of the unknown: for Them, every Human decision is always a Miracle! They know that there are no errors, there is a unique Experience! Tell me: how can You know Man? You knew Him yesterday? But this morning He woke up with new thoughts, feelings; He was enriched by Knowledge, Experience, happened certain situations, meetings etc. So on what basis do You conclude that "know" the Person? Based on past experience? Based on the fact that You might have been able to calculate Its life moves? Dear, this is one of the greatest illusions of spiritual pride;
— the feeling that the acquired Knowledge is sufficient. In this case, you may want to expand the Knowledge and disseminate it without learning New things. Arise religious and ideological currents that have a narrow specialization;
— emotional response that is the Lesson. Anger, resentment, irritation, etc. caused by pressing on a painful point is only the catalysis of the Beginning of the Lesson. Those who possessed spiritual pride, try not to take a Lesson, don't run yourself on yourself;
— emotional and mental dependency on the feeling of "being wanted". For a Person whose Consciousness possesses spiritual pride, alien sense of self-Love. That is why it is vitally important the recognition and the feeling of being needed – so that through the reflection of others to accept myself;
— a sense of entitlement, exclusivity. All are unique, but there is a view that this Person declares that He is unusual, and all the rest – are typical. Sometimes a Person says about their special inoplanetnoe or the fact that His Family is quite ancient and mystical. Honey, You're all alien, and Your Family – the whole Family of Light!
a spiritual "fatigue". Man thinks he knows and had seen enough; It is nothing surprising and not inspiring. This lock Creative, Mental, and Heart Energies. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: rdlove.ru/2012/11/priznaki-duh-gordyni/

— lack of Gratitude to those who helped You in the relevant period of Life in the way of advice, matter, Energy, etc. "Forgetting" what was important at the time. The illusion that You have achieved for themselves by their own labor;
— theorizing of their Worldview. The lack of Practice, past Experience suggests that ego You have out of control;
— lack of Responsibility. Responsibility means the following: all Your words should be lived by You in a literal sense. Responsibility for their thoughts, words and deeds in front of other People means that You have lived, and tested what is currently the suitable, powerful tool for You. You can recommend Others, but with the caveat that this tool is not a panacea;
— the desire to resist, to defend their point of view. Loud arguments, trying to convince the interlocutor is akin to the struggle for survival. A sign of the presence of mental lock – dead beliefs and dogmas;
— the failure of the new. The fear of Change the fear of dying old and the birth of the new, the unknown. Addictive, which is just enough and do not need to change, the fear of losing under the onslaught of the Wind of Transformation is a common symptom of spiritual pride. Itself Merging with the consciousness of the ego perceives as its own death;
— condemnation of other points of view, techniques, lifestyles and worldview of others. Condemnation is a defensive reaction of the ego from expanding worldview. The ego desperately tries to convince the Human Mind that other people live wrong, wrong and anything "useful" they can't;
— concentration on quantity and not on quality. It's a trick of the ego is a waste of Your Energy because of the lack of a clear goal, or Your Goal is due, prone to variability. Scattering Your efforts on many projects, impossible, but the desire to embrace the boundless is spiritual greed, one of the qualities of spiritual pride. And to serve is irrelevant. Take care of every project like our own child, decorate it, like, pay attention;
— conviction: the information is for the elect, not for everyone. The emergence of new terms, a complication is simple and affordable, the desire to look spectacular – all that is of inferior manifestations of the ego out of control;
— concentration on Service, that Your efforts paid off. The first priority, the first step to Spirituality is selfishness. If You learn to be unselfish, then Your efforts will be paid. And paradox is there. Paid by who gives from the Heart. Otherwise, a Person may experience irritation from the fact that he is asked to help;
— the impact of the shortage, not excess. Sometimes a Person thinks about how others earn money by himself without a material basis under their feet. Or involved in charity work himself, because of laziness or disbelief and not trying to live in prosperity. That everything is spiritual hypocrisy – one of the manifestations of spiritual pride. If You do not know, can not, can not – do not offer, and try to learn to be able to, to be able to achieve. And then from abundance to give to Others, whether it be money, information or Energy of Love;
— being a teacher, knowledgeable people. In the fourth dimension of Mindfulness is a Gift for all Awakened people to know, to predict the actions of the ego. Knowledge of psychology egoic nature, the ability to analyze does not mean that You attained the heights of Wisdom. This feeling of "knowing all about the people" brings "teacher" satisfaction because there is the illusion of awareness in everything. In fact, this illusion comes from fear of the unknown, veiled under the mask of psychological "knowledge of the nature of man." For such a Person is a terrible word that could escape from His mouth – "don't know". In fact, to know and to predict the people can neither the Higher self nor the Coaches, devoid of duality.
Why? There is the search Space, Freedom of Will and Choice. Friends, Mentors and Higher I don't have the emotion of fear of the unknown: for Them, every Human decision is always a Miracle! They know that there are no errors, there is a unique Experience! Tell me: how can You know Man? You knew Him yesterday? But this morning He woke up with new thoughts, feelings; He was enriched by Knowledge, Experience, happened certain situations, meetings etc. So on what basis do You conclude that "know" the Person? Based on past experience? Based on the fact that You might have been able to calculate Its life moves? Dear, this is one of the greatest illusions of spiritual pride;
— the feeling that the acquired Knowledge is sufficient. In this case, you may want to expand the Knowledge and disseminate it without learning New things. Arise religious and ideological currents that have a narrow specialization;
— emotional response that is the Lesson. Anger, resentment, irritation, etc. caused by pressing on a painful point is only the catalysis of the Beginning of the Lesson. Those who possessed spiritual pride, try not to take a Lesson, don't run yourself on yourself;
— emotional and mental dependency on the feeling of "being wanted". For a Person whose Consciousness possesses spiritual pride, alien sense of self-Love. That is why it is vitally important the recognition and the feeling of being needed – so that through the reflection of others to accept myself;
— a sense of entitlement, exclusivity. All are unique, but there is a view that this Person declares that He is unusual, and all the rest – are typical. Sometimes a Person says about their special inoplanetnoe or the fact that His Family is quite ancient and mystical. Honey, You're all alien, and Your Family – the whole Family of Light!
a spiritual "fatigue". Man thinks he knows and had seen enough; It is nothing surprising and not inspiring. This lock Creative, Mental, and Heart Energies. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: rdlove.ru/2012/11/priznaki-duh-gordyni/
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