Products that invigorate the morning.

1. Chocolate because it contains quite a lot of sugar and is the impetus for the production of endorphins - this is quite enough to get a boost of energy for a couple of hours, if not longer.
2. Cold water. You'll feel much better physically, if you drink it in the morning just getting out of bed at least a glass of water.
3. Berries. Any berry - it is good and useful. Better yet, if it raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. These berries are full of natural stimulants!
4. Orange juice. Citrus - a godsend for sleeping forever! Himself juice is full of vitamin C, which fills the body with energy, and the smell of orange, lime and lemon stimulates brain activity.
5. Meat. Proteins are found in meat, processed slowly, respectively, the energy is released more slowly, but it, and lasts for a longer time. Of course, instead of coffee can not eat a piece of meat and immediately wake up, but energy supply will be replenished. The same applies to the fish. If a hard day ahead is better to eat a piece of chicken or fish than pasta or bread.
6. Nuts. They are also highly nutritious and will help you recharge your batteries. Just get involved in them, too, not worth it, especially at night, because the remnants of unprocessed energy deposited, alas, not in the brain and in other parts of the body.
7. Green tea. If you drink a cup of tea, you will be vigorous much longer than after a cup of coffee. Only if after the coffee you almost immediately feel hearty, the effect of tea comes not so fast.
8. Apples. Apples contain boron, which enhances the body's vigilance. That is the attention to detail plus the increases in apples are many other nutrients, so chew on health (for teeth is also useful).
9. Oatmeal. It is full of complex carbohydrates and fiber. And if you add something sweet to her, you get a wonderful energetic breakfast.
10. Bananas. Bananas are a lot of sugar, natural sugar, which is absorbed by the body much better.
11. Yogurt. The whole point of magnesium - an excellent source of long-running power. Just remember that in yogurt with fillers are much more sugar than it seems.
12. Eggs. The eggs generally can be attributed to a super-food. They are full of protein, vitamins and minerals (leucine among them), which are necessary for the body to complete the work and recovery after exercise. Besides, you will not get tired as quickly.