What to do in 20 years, then to go through life in mountain

years from 20 to 30 - this time to understand what we want to be - personally and professionally. They need to spend for the benefit, in the future become a successful and happy life of man.
Website contains tips users of social network Quora, which they would like to get in 20 years.
Write down your goals Do not go on about your ego. Do not let pride or vanity blind you. In a world of hundreds of possibilities and qualities hinder see them. Ask yourself: "What if it's really wrong? What if I'm wrong? »< Read as much as possible Do not try to live someone else's life. To measure the achievements stranger easy to measure, but you never feel that you have achieved something. Live your mind and do not do something just because allegedly "must". Your life belongs to you and no one else. Do not regret the past. There are two kinds of people: some look back, the other looking forward. The first says, "I could do to learn," or "Oh, that's if I married her, would have been a fairy tale." These people are constantly looking for reasons to regret and miss chances. And the second is said to myself: "I will get this job," "I'll take care of the family", "I can do it all and do it." Life for them - this is an opportunity to grow and learn, every failure - a lesson, but not a reason to regret. More often tell families how you like them. Let it becomes a habit. Take them pleasant things, speak good words - so you will have more opportunities to share with your loved ones life. Share your feelings, do not hesitate - will return a hundredfold. Take care of your health. Many people over 40 spend all their money on drugs. Move more - than ever get used, the easier it will continue into adulthood. But choose these types of physical activity that really love, otherwise soon dropped. to save for old age. Spend less than you earn. Open a retirement account in a secure bank account and replenish it regularly - the earlier start, the more interest nabezhit. So you will be able to retire when you want, not required in 55-60 years. Ask questions. A lot in life depends on the exchange of thoughts and ideas. Ask questions - get answers from a variety of people, and for the answers will come opportunities. Scientists believe that the pursuit of knowledge is strengthening personal relationships, because you are listening to a partner, and promotes career development, because you can not hide the desire to learn and grow. Use dental floss , in the future, not to sit for hours in the dental chair - a frustrating and expensive. Dentists recommend flossing toothpicks, and at least once a day to remove plaque from between the teeth, where you do not get a toothbrush. Stay updated on the latest medical advances , to protect themselves from unscrupulous doctors and "miracle" drugs. It is best to read scientific papers in reputable journals. Learn how to cook. Now you may live alone, but someday you'll have a loved one and / or children. Then the handy ability to cook. Another home-cooked meal is usually healthier restaurant, and save money. Take part in important projects is interested in what is happening in the world. If you follow the news, you will have more chances to find his life's work, or understand where you are in demand. Bonus: will be able to support any conversation. Travel Spend at least half an hour a day with myself Evaluate failure
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via www.businessinsider.com/changes-to-make-in-your-20s-2015-11