Influence of raw food on the body.

The ancient Greeks and Egyptians believed that the use of animal food affects human health and even his aging. People who lived in the past centuries, even if a person studied and the factors that affect its vital functions. In today's world of science does not stand still, we have proved many theories and made many new discoveries. Today, people began to pay more attention to health, exercise and listen to the advice of nutritionists. Many go on a proper diet, someone sticks vegitarianstva or raw food.
Any diet - it is stressful for the body, especially if you go sharply to a completely different food or several times to reduce your diet. Many are obliged to adhere to strict diets because of diseases of the stomach, liver, heart or other organs. Of course, it is hard to go on the consumption of raw foods when you're used to on a daily basis to eat fried, baked.
At all times it was believed that raw food is much more useful than those that we prepare on the stove or in the oven. When heat treatment any vegetables and fruits lose their properties, which means that our body is not getting essential vitamins. Hence, the disease organs, skin, hair and nails. Raw foodists are not obese, it feels very easy and do not experience drowsiness. They are full of vitality and do not feel discriminated against because of a lack in their diets of many dishes that are on the table for people who eat normally.
Everyone decides for him useful. Choose for yourself what you congenial and feel healthier.