Main dishes for raw foodists.

Modern people treat their nutrition is not very responsible. As a result, they lack of vitamins, which can start from dental problems. Of course, dentistry allows the ruble to cope with existing diseases. But it is better to prevent trouble than to fight it. Preventive maintenance is very simple - it's dishes, all of which are full of vitamins and trace elements.
The recipes that are given little below, there are all the necessary components for the maintenance of human health. These are the main food for raw foodists, which differ excellent taste.
Recipe №1. Stuffed cabbage with sauce of garlic and beetroot.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
lettuce (several sheets);
cabbage (200 grams);
Apple (2 pieces);
beets (half);
garlic (3 cloves);
ground black pepper.
In the beginning, you need to prepare your sauce stuffed cabbage. Take the 1, 5 apples, we make him a puree and add the juice squeezed from beets. Finely chop the garlic and add it to get a lot of apples and beets.
On the plate decompose lettuce. Every single dish - a new leaf. Cabbage cut into thin slices and put it on top of the sheet. Avocado cut into slices and also put it on a lettuce leaf. Pour sauce stuffed cabbage and beets served at the table.
Recipe №2. Cutlets from nuts and apples.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
walnuts (glass);
Apple (2 pieces);
fresh onions;
ground black pepper;
The process of cooking burgers will not take much time and effort. For starters take a dried walnuts and grind them in a food processor. I should get a meal of nuts. Apples peeled and rub them on a grater with small cells. Green onions chop as finely as possible. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, pepper, and add spices to your taste. They get a lot of neat form the patties. The dish is ready to be served!
Recipe №3. Snack nuts.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
walnuts (glass);
pumpkin seeds (half a cup);
ground black pepper.
Walnuts are put into cold water and keep them there for half an hour. Then add the pumpkin seeds and grind the ingredients in a food processor. Banana finely chop and add it to the crushed seeds and nuts. Perch resulting mass and mix thoroughly all ingredients. Then you need to create a neat balls and decorate them with greenery. You can start tasting!