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The way we look can tell not only about nature, but also reveal some other secrets about which we do not know. The main thing - good prismotretsya.Vmeste with the publication Business Insider editors suggest to familiarize with some scientific research on this subject.
eyebrows, mouth and intelligence h2> Scientists from the Czech Republic have identified several features, which can judge the level of intelligence of men. For smart, according to researchers, are characterized by wide-set eyes, a big nose, slug raised corners of the lips and pointed chin. In this case, men with lower levels of intelligence have a massive chin, close-set eyes, a tiny nose and rounded person.
Symmetry and happy childhood h2>
Plump cheeks - a health hazard h2> Here at the University of Glasgow have tried to revise the traditional methods of evaluating the physical form of man, implying measurement of body mass index. According to Professor Benedict Jones, state of health does not depend on the amount of fat, but from, where it is deposited.
Insidious difference in the length of fingers h2> Entertaining study conducted by scientists from the University of South Korean Gachon. They traced the relationship between the length of the fingers of men and penis size. The study involved 144 people aged 20 years. All of them were patients of the University Hospital.
The growth hormones and disease h2> Tell Something about the person (as a man and a woman) can and its growth. For example, very high people are less prone to cardiovascular diseases
Read the nature of pictures h2> A study conducted at the University of Austin (USA) found that people are able to accurately determine the traits of a stranger in his photographs. However, the picture must be "special." In the experiment, attended by 123 students and 12 volunteers. Authors of the project the students photographed in full length in two positions - strong (look at the camera, hands at his sides) and neutral.
eyebrows, mouth and intelligence h2> Scientists from the Czech Republic have identified several features, which can judge the level of intelligence of men. For smart, according to researchers, are characterized by wide-set eyes, a big nose, slug raised corners of the lips and pointed chin. In this case, men with lower levels of intelligence have a massive chin, close-set eyes, a tiny nose and rounded person.
The ability to assess the level of intelligence, scientists have tested 40 volunteers. People showed photos of strangers with different types of faces and asked to answer a clever man in the picture or not. Winners rounded individuals, massive chin and close-set eyes, most participants in the experiment called unintelligent.
Interestingly, women with photos that trick did not load. Although it would seem, the same scheme.
Symmetry and happy childhood h2>
Researchers from the University of Edinburgh went further and found that some features are able to talk about the past, man.
According to Professor Ian diarrhea, facial symmetry on can influence stress, bad ecology, and even poor nutrition. The study involved 292 people aged 80 years.
In the first phase researchers conducted tests, which revealed the conditions in which the childhood of volunteers, where they lived, whether they had their own room and how they were treated by parents. The second stage was an analysis of facial features (location of the nose, eyes, ears). It was found that the majority of volunteers with symmetrical faces had a happy childhood, and people with asymmetrical features a young age faced with domestic difficulties
In addition, the scholar said that the owners of symmetrical individuals are perceived by others as more attractive. About why such people are more likely to succeed in life, can be found here.
Plump cheeks - a health hazard h2> Here at the University of Glasgow have tried to revise the traditional methods of evaluating the physical form of man, implying measurement of body mass index. According to Professor Benedict Jones, state of health does not depend on the amount of fat, but from, where it is deposited.
According to the scientist, one of the most dangerous places for the accumulation of "extra kilos" is a person. < people with chubby faces, I'm sure the professor, are more susceptible to infectious diseases and stress.
Insidious difference in the length of fingers h2> Entertaining study conducted by scientists from the University of South Korean Gachon. They traced the relationship between the length of the fingers of men and penis size. The study involved 144 people aged 20 years. All of them were patients of the University Hospital.
At first, doctors compared the length of the nameless and index fingers of the subjects, and then measured the length of the penis. As a result, scientists have concluded that the less than the difference in the length of the fingers, the more the penis. And vice versa.
By the way, the length of the index finger and ring affects the amount of testosterone in the body. The longer it is, the higher levels of the hormone, according to the Biological Journal of the British Royal Society.
The growth hormones and disease h2> Tell Something about the person (as a man and a woman) can and its growth. For example, very high people are less prone to cardiovascular diseases
Read the nature of pictures h2> A study conducted at the University of Austin (USA) found that people are able to accurately determine the traits of a stranger in his photographs. However, the picture must be "special." In the experiment, attended by 123 students and 12 volunteers. Authors of the project the students photographed in full length in two positions - strong (look at the camera, hands at his sides) and neutral.
The volunteers were divided into two groups of six and asked to rate photos of students and test them for a few personality traits: extraversion, kindness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness, self-esteem, religiosity, political orientation. The first six considered "strict" shot, and the second - «neutral».
Volunteers who have studied the "strict" pictures guessed with extraversion and self-esteem. However, the rest of the items were given less precise estimates. But those who are considered "neutral" pictures, guessed almost all items, except for the political orientation.
As a result, scientists have concluded that people tend to judge strangers on two types of criteria: static (eg, style of dress, the shape of the skull) and dynamic (facial expression, facial expressions). In this last allow us to make a more detailed psychological portrait of a man.
via www.anews.com/ru/post/28366675
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