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30 things You should start doing for yourself

Remember today, because it is the beginning.Today is the starting point of a new amazing future.!

Here it is, the list with a plus — 30 points in which says that we must begin to do for yourself:

1. Spend time only with appropriate people. Are those people, who you are who love and appreciate you, have a beneficial effect on you. Those who makes you feel the taste of life who not only accept you the way you are, but also embody what you want to be.

2. Meet the problem head-on. You got not only the problems themselves, but also how you react to them and how you solve them. Problems will not disappear until you begin to act. Do what you can when you can and be aware of what you are doing. This is a small step in the right direction, inch by inch. In the end, those inches add up to yards and miles.

Three million four hundred thirty four thousand four hundred forty three

©Elena Korneeva

3. Be all honest with yourself.– Honestly admit what is right and what you want to change. Honestly admit what you want to achieve and who you want to be. Always be honest in every area of life. Because you are the only person, who can always count on. Look for the truth in your soul, to know exactly who you are. When you do, you will be able to better understand where you are and how I got here. And you will be armed with the best knowledge about where you are now and how you got here. Read the article "the Road little traveled".

4. Put your own happiness on the first place.– Your needs are important. If you value yourself, don't care about yourself, not defending yourself, you harm yourself. Remember that it is possible to take into account their own needs, simultaneously taking care of others. And when your needs are met, you will have more opportunities to help those who need it.

5. Be the real you and be proud of it.– Trying to be someone else cause damage to that person that you are. Be yourself. Use someone who is inside you — his ideas, strengths, charm, not anyone else. Be the way you know a better version of themselves on their own terms. First of all, be yourself with yourself. If you can't do that, you will not succeed with others.

6. Pay attention to the present and live it.– Right now — is amazing. Right now is the only moment you are guaranteed is. Life goes right now. Stop thinking about the great things in the future. Stop living by what happened or not happened in the past. Learn to be the here and now. Live what's happening now. Be grateful to the world for the beauty that it brings you into the present moment.

7. Appreciate the lessons obtained through their mistakes.– Mistakes are okay — they are a sign of progress. If you from time to time will not fail, you will try and learn. Risk occupies, fall, and then rise and try again. Appreciate what you are moving, learn, improve and grow. Significant achievements necessarily occur at the end of a long road of failures. One of the "mistakes" that you fear might be a bridge to your greatest achievements.

8. Be more polite to yourself.– If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, how long you would be enough for friendship with such a man? How you treat yourself sets an example to others. You have to love yourself the way you are like no other.

9. Have fun with what you already have.– The problem with many of us is that we believe that will be happy only when you reach a certain level in life. The level at which there are others — your boss, in his authoritative study, some friend of one of your friends who owns a Villa on the coast... unfortunately, you need time to get all this, and when you get it all you have in mind will have other plans. As a result, you will spend your entire life working on something new, not stopping to enjoy what you have now. So take a quiet moment every morning immediately when you Wake up to evaluate what you already achieved and what you already have.

10. Create your own happiness.– If you are expecting that someone else will make you happy, you're doing it. Smile, because you can do it. Choose happiness. Be the change you want to see in the world. Be happy who you are now, and let your positive attitude inspires your tomorrow. Happiness can often be found there, and when and where you decided to look for him. If you are looking for happiness there, where you have all the chance to find it, eventually you will find it. But if you constantly look for something else, then, unfortunately, you will find. Read the article "How to accidentally find happiness."

11. Give a chance to their ideas and dreams.– In life it rarely comes to get a chance, we are talking about how to take advantage of this opportunity. You will never be 100 percent sure that you will succeed, but you can be 100 percent sure that nothing will happen, if nothing is done. And you just have to take the time to seek this chance! And no matter which side it will turn, then it always ends as it should. Or you will succeed or you'll learn something. In any case, you win.

12. Believe that you are already ready for the next step.– You are ready! Think about it. You already have everything you need for a small step forward. Take advantage of the opportunities that you are given, don't hide from problems is a gift that helps you grow.

13. Make new relationships with people when it is worth doing.– Establish relationships with reliable honest people that are a reflection of the personality you are or want to be. Choose your friends, familiarity with which you are proud of, people you admire, who treat you with love and respect — people who respond to your kindness with kindness and interest. Pay attention to what other people do, because human action is more important than his words or how he is described by others.

14. Give chance to new people. It sounds unpleasant, but you will not be able to keep the friendship with everyone who was your friend. People and priorities change. One relationship come to naught, there are others. Appreciate the possibility of a new relationship, getting rid of in a natural way from those that do not work. Trust your judgment. Take a new relationship, knowing that you are entering unfamiliar territory. Be willing to learn, be prepared for problems and be ready to meet someone who will change your life forever.

15. Compete against your old self.– Get inspiration from others, appreciate others, learn from others, but know that competing with them is a waste of time. You compete only with one person — yourself. You compete to become the best that you can be. Set a goal to surpass his own achievements.

16. Rejoice in the victories of others.– Pay attention to what you like in others and tell them about it. The understanding of what wonderful people around you, leads to good performance, satisfaction and peace. Rejoice for those who are making progress. Cheer for their victories. Be sincerely grateful to them for all the good. Sooner or later your attitude will come back to you, and people will be worrying already for your success.

17. Look for the good in difficult situations.– When it's bad and you're upset, a few deep inhale and exhale, and then start to look for the good — small signs of hope. Remind yourself that you can become and will become stronger because of these difficulties. Continue to remember their achievements and victories — all the things that was right in your life. Focus on what you have, not on what you have.

18. Forgive yourself and others.– Sometimes we suffer because of their decisions or the decisions of others. And although the pain we are experiencing is normal, sometimes it lasts too long. We again and again experienced the pain, and we can't get it out of my head. Healing in forgiveness. This does not mean you erase the past or forget what happened. This means to forget the hurt and the pain, learn from it and move on.

19. Help those around you.– Take care of the people. If you know a better way to specify them. The more you help others, the more others will want to help you. Love and kindness begets love and kindness. And always will be.

20. Listen to your inner voice.– If it helps, discuss your ideas with those closest to you, but reserves the right to follow their own intuition. Be honest with yourself. Say what you have to say. Do what you feel.

21. Do not allow yourself to stress, take breaks.– Slow down. Inhale and exhale. Give yourself permission to pause, regroup and move forward in a clear and purposeful. When you are very busy, a little break can restore the freshness of mind and increase productivity. These short breaks will help you regain composure and think about what you have done, to make sure that your actions do not go against your goals.

22. See the beauty of every moment.– Instead of having to wait when you done something great — a wedding, birth of children, job promotion, winning the lottery — find happiness in small events that happen every day. Small events, like a morning Cup of coffee, the wonderful taste or the smell of home-cooked food, fun to share with someone something that pleases you, or simply hands of your loved one that you hold in your hands. Every day, pay attention to these small pleasures, it will definitely affect the quality of your life for the better.

23. Take even of that imperfect.– Remember that perfect is the enemy of good. One of the most serious problems of those who want to improve themselves and the world around, is to learn to accept reality for what it is. Sometimes it is better to appreciate and accept the world for what it is and people for who they are than trying to fit all under an unattainable ideal. No, you should not become a mediocrity, but learn to love and appreciate even that's not perfect.

24. Every day work to get closer to their goals.– Remember that the journey of a thousand miles always begins with the first step. Whatever you dreamed, each day, try to do something to get closer to the dream. Act! The harder you work, the luckier you will be. Although many of us in life want to find their calling, only a handful actually working on it. By "work on it" I mean consistently be given to achieving results. Read "the 7 habits of those who are accustomed to result."

25. Don't hide what you feel.– If you hurt, give yourself the time and opportunity to pobijedila, but do not hide it. Talk about it with loved ones. Tell them how you feel. They let you listen to. It's so easy to say out loud that you are afflicted with, and this will be the first step to regaining a good mood.

26. Take full responsibility for their lives.– Let your choices and your mistakes will be your own, be prepared for the fact that you will have to do something in order to fix them. Or do you take responsibility for your life, or it will make someone else. And when that happens, you will become a slave to his ideas and dreams instead of their own. You are the only person who can control my life. Yes, it is not always easy. Each of us will have many obstacles. But you have to take responsibility in this situation and overcome these obstacles. Abandoning that, you will prefer a miserable existence.

27. Actively cultivate the most important relationship.– Bring real, sincere joy in your life and the lives of those you love, just keep telling them how much they mean to you. You can't be everything to everyone, but you can be everything to a few people. Decide what role these people play in your life, and treat them as the highest gift. Remember, you don't need many friends, you need friends whom you can call real.

28. Focus on what subject to your control.– You can't change everything, but you can change something. The loss of time, talent and emotional energy on something that is not in your power to change — a direct path to disappointment, suffering and slump. Direct your energy on what you can control and apply to their efforts.

29. Focus on positive results. Your brain needs to believe that they can do something before we actually can do it. The best way to overcome negative thoughts and bad emotions is to develop opposing positive emotions, stronger and more vivid. Listen to your inner voice and replace negative thoughts with positive. No matter how was the situation, focus on the fact that there was something that you REALLY WANT. And then take a step forward. No, you can't control everything that happens to you, but you can control your reaction to what is happening. Everyone in life has both positive and negative aspects — whether you are happy or not, in the end it largely depends on which of these parties you focused. Read the article "How to achieve happiness".

30. Think about how you are still rich.– Henry David Thoreau once said: "Wealth is the ability to experience life to the end». Even when hard times come, it is important to see things in perspective. You can choose clothes that will wear in the morning. You are so much worked today. You don't need to be afraid of anything. You have enough clean drinking water. You can get medical help. You have access to the Internet. You can read. You can say that you are incredibly rich, so remember that you need to be grateful for what you have.

P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

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