Qi energy
Life-affirming quote great men in the world istorii.Chasto quotes and sayings appear suddenly, but still live forever. This kind of intellectual baggage of mankind is born of aphorisms, sayings, interviews, witty sayings of great men of the past and the present.
Well-known blogger and advertiser Dmitry Chernyshev, "Mitrich» (mi3ch), regularly publishes in his LiveJournal quotes of famous personalities, and perhaps better than he does not do anybody. Tasteful and at the right time, these nuggets of wisdom to help inspire new ideas, take a different view of the world and ourselves in it and just enjoy life.
In this collection Website to select the best sayings of people past and present.
you slept millions and millions of years. Why do not you wake up tomorrow morning?
/ Kabir /
If you are not ready to see more of what you can see, you will not see anything. / Ruth Bernhard /
When critics get together, they talk about the form, structure and meaning.
When artists get together, they talk about where you can buy a cheap solvent. / Pablo Picasso /
Try to be good to his parents. If you need to rebel, revolt against those who are not so easily vulnerable. Parents - too close to the target; the distance is such that you can not miss. / Joseph Brodsky /
On the mountaintops you can find just the Zen, which is itself to bring. / Robert M. Pirsig /
The same word is pronounced differently in different writers. One of the word dragged inside. The other pulls it out of his coat pocket. / Charles Peguy /
My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened. / Michel de Montaigne /
The sudden intrusion of beauty. That's what life is. / Saul Bellow /
If you fancy yourself as a battle, it seems that it is impossible to retreat. But you do not fight. You - the battlefield.
The basic idea - to die young as late as possible. / Ashley Montagu /
The only true thoughts - thoughts drowning. Everything else - the rhetoric, posture, domestic antics. / José Ortega y Gasset /
I do not want to be a genius, I have enough problems, I'm just trying to be a man.
/ Albert Camus /
Strangeness is a necessary ingredient for beauty. / Charles Baudelaire /
Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible. / Dalai Lama /
If Galileo was told in verse, that the Earth rotates, the Inquisition would have left him alone. / Thomas Hardy /
Forty-seven years old, I would say that everything that I was destined to learn - to learn up to seven years, and all the next forty - aware. / Marina Tsvetaeva /
Simplify, then add lightness. / Colin Chapman /
The poem begins as a lump in my throat. / Robert Frost /
Morality, ethics, laws, customs, faith, doctrine - it's all nonsense. Indeed, it is important only to the delightful become the norm. / Henry Miller /
I never listen to anyone who criticizes my space travel, my rides or my gorillas. When that happens, I'll just pack my dinosaurs and leave the room. / Ray Bradbury /
Even if you were foolish enough to express themselves - do not worry, they will not see. / Henri Michaux /
If you think you have reached enlightenment, just try to spend a week with his family. / Baba Ram Dass /
There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. No other no. / Chanel /
There is a crack in everything, that to us through the light falls. / Leonard Cohen /
Passing through ourselves, we find the robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers and rivals. But there are always themselves. / Joyce /
People think that they stop falling in love when they age, although in reality they age when no longer fall in love. / Marquez /
The worst crime - pretend. / Kurt Cobain /
I do not envy the people who have in your mind a complete picture of the world, for the simple reason that they are obviously wrong. / Salman Rushdie /
The last person in the world sitting in a room. They knock at the door. / Frederick Brown. "The shortest terrible story ever written» /
Next: - Inspirational Quotes Part 2
via www.adme.ru/psihologiya/vdohnovlyayuschie-citaty-440005/
Well-known blogger and advertiser Dmitry Chernyshev, "Mitrich» (mi3ch), regularly publishes in his LiveJournal quotes of famous personalities, and perhaps better than he does not do anybody. Tasteful and at the right time, these nuggets of wisdom to help inspire new ideas, take a different view of the world and ourselves in it and just enjoy life.
In this collection Website to select the best sayings of people past and present.

you slept millions and millions of years. Why do not you wake up tomorrow morning?
/ Kabir /

If you are not ready to see more of what you can see, you will not see anything. / Ruth Bernhard /
When critics get together, they talk about the form, structure and meaning.
When artists get together, they talk about where you can buy a cheap solvent. / Pablo Picasso /

Try to be good to his parents. If you need to rebel, revolt against those who are not so easily vulnerable. Parents - too close to the target; the distance is such that you can not miss. / Joseph Brodsky /

On the mountaintops you can find just the Zen, which is itself to bring. / Robert M. Pirsig /
The same word is pronounced differently in different writers. One of the word dragged inside. The other pulls it out of his coat pocket. / Charles Peguy /

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened. / Michel de Montaigne /

The sudden intrusion of beauty. That's what life is. / Saul Bellow /

If you fancy yourself as a battle, it seems that it is impossible to retreat. But you do not fight. You - the battlefield.

The basic idea - to die young as late as possible. / Ashley Montagu /

The only true thoughts - thoughts drowning. Everything else - the rhetoric, posture, domestic antics. / José Ortega y Gasset /

I do not want to be a genius, I have enough problems, I'm just trying to be a man.
/ Albert Camus /
Strangeness is a necessary ingredient for beauty. / Charles Baudelaire /

Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible. / Dalai Lama /

If Galileo was told in verse, that the Earth rotates, the Inquisition would have left him alone. / Thomas Hardy /

Forty-seven years old, I would say that everything that I was destined to learn - to learn up to seven years, and all the next forty - aware. / Marina Tsvetaeva /
Simplify, then add lightness. / Colin Chapman /

The poem begins as a lump in my throat. / Robert Frost /
Morality, ethics, laws, customs, faith, doctrine - it's all nonsense. Indeed, it is important only to the delightful become the norm. / Henry Miller /

I never listen to anyone who criticizes my space travel, my rides or my gorillas. When that happens, I'll just pack my dinosaurs and leave the room. / Ray Bradbury /

Even if you were foolish enough to express themselves - do not worry, they will not see. / Henri Michaux /

If you think you have reached enlightenment, just try to spend a week with his family. / Baba Ram Dass /
There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. No other no. / Chanel /

There is a crack in everything, that to us through the light falls. / Leonard Cohen /

Passing through ourselves, we find the robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers and rivals. But there are always themselves. / Joyce /
People think that they stop falling in love when they age, although in reality they age when no longer fall in love. / Marquez /

The worst crime - pretend. / Kurt Cobain /

I do not envy the people who have in your mind a complete picture of the world, for the simple reason that they are obviously wrong. / Salman Rushdie /

The last person in the world sitting in a room. They knock at the door. / Frederick Brown. "The shortest terrible story ever written» /
Next: - Inspirational Quotes Part 2
via www.adme.ru/psihologiya/vdohnovlyayuschie-citaty-440005/