8 useful tips girls how to allocate their time and still have time to

Surely many think that too few hours per day and still have time to simply impossible. In fact, to make the day as much as possible can help time management - a technique with which you can plan everything and to find time for themselves, and to work, and children.

1. Formulate your tseliNeobhodimo give the name of each case, which would you like to do. But note that your goal is to sound briefly and specifically - for example, "to visit the gym" or "buy groceries for dinner».
2. Start bloknotKazhdomu occupation - their time. Plan your day. You will spend on it no more than half an hour, but then will know exactly how much time you should spend in the gym, how many - on cooking and how much - to communicate with their families. It is better to paint everything minute by minute. For example:
"09.00 - 09.40. Take the child to school »
"09.40 - 11.20. Workout in the gym ».
And so on.
Do not rely on your own memory. Seeing in front of a graph is much easier and more efficient - so you'll know exactly how much time you have left and when to proceed to the next lesson. Nowadays convenient daily in almost every phone, but at the very least your regular notebook, which is easy to carry.
3. Separate zadachiInogda one big problem is easier to break into smaller subtasks. Cooking dinner may include the purchase of products and immediately the process of cooking, and communication with the child - educational games and a bedtime story. Fits into your daily plan sub - so you do not spend too much time trying to remember what exactly needed to be done.
4. Place poryadokPoryadok in mind is the result of the order in the house. If the home is a mess, then you at least take the time to find the necessary items and, in some cases, more and upset, because this time could be better spent.
5. Do what lyubitePostaraytes find as much as possible to engage in pleasant things for you and incorporate them into their daily plan. Love music - select at least a few minutes of listening to her.
6. Take a few cases odnovremennoKak Paradoxically, it is possible. There are tasks that do not require full concentration. For example, when driving a car on the highway neozhivlёnnoy - switch Teach English and repeat the word. And to drive away places, and increase vocabulary.
7. Make exercise a daily ritualomNachinayte morning with charging - this will give you the necessary energy boost and provide a good mood and energy for the rest of the day. In addition, try to allocate more charging at least an hour in the other exercise - such as fitness or evening jog. Remember that a healthy body - healthy mind.
8. Praise sebyaOtdyh no less important than the most important work. For each item of the plan is successfully executed Reward yourself a little gift - it may be a cup of coffee at your favorite cafe or the pages of beloved books. So you clean the mind and prepare yourself for the next case, which is urgent. It is desirable to these "five-minute" also register in his notebook to remind yourself that the rest - it's not a sign of laziness, and you act according to the plan.
As you would be hard at times it had no, do not forget that it is very important to choose the time to maintain a good shape.
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