Slow down, to keep pace with: sounds crazy, but it's true!
An innovative view of the speed issue is almost clear: fast - well, slowly - badly. All we are trying to work fast, think fast, to quickly adapt to the new, solve a thousand questions at once (ie faster), to recover quickly after childbirth / illness / divorce, quick to learn, more quickly to make a million.
And the most frequent complaints against itself and, therefore, to your children what we have? - "What do you Copan" "What do you sluggish, the horror!" "Lord, how long can you have to mess ?!" "Yes, the faster!" "We're going to be late, and all because of you!" "You're always crawling like boiled fly! "The list could go on almost indefinitely.
In this context, the proposal therapist "slow" is perceived as a provocation or insanity. "I did, and so did not have time, and you advise me to slow down?»
Let's see, why slow down, and what does it mean?
Slow down - not an end in itself, but a means. The means to move from mode feverishly preoccupied with the race in another -. A calm and measured, to feel comfortable and confident
Slow Down - so give yourself time to notice what was happening. Take plenty of time to make decisions. Notice has already made in the intervals between the cases.
And it can be done only through the deceleration: slow breathing, lengthening the exhalation. Slowing the flow of rapid thinking, focusing on their experiences and needs. Slowness of movement, to keep up to feel any part of the body and overstrained through breathing and attention to these parts, remove excess stress.
Slowing down allows you to notice and to complete even started a small business, and then release the energy, "canned" in these pending processes.
Those who dared to slow down, notice that there is time and opportunity to find creative solutions, to make choices instead of automatic repetition of old inefficient actions, and simply begin to live, not just running and spinning.
As it is not paradoxical sounds, slowing down can help more to keep pace. This is because the fatigue and automatically repeating certain actions faster and faster, we do a lot, but sometimes we do "too much", and do not do the necessary. Of course in mathematics, each of us knows that the shortest route from point to point - straight. But life is not like a math problem.
Any mom convinced from their own experience that it is technically the most simple and economical theory, time is not always the solution becomes in the implementation of simple and fast.
For example, theoretically, the fastest way to bathe a small child - it is quickly push him into the shower. But in practice (taking into account the resistance, yelling, jumping out of hand, the collection of the spilled water and spent nerves and time to comfort the child and recuperation and spiritual mother of tranquility), this method is not always and not every child gets the most economical.
Sometimes faster to get pure child, if you choose like a long way: dial the tub, tell the tale of vodichku in the game to captivate the baby in the tub with toys together to blow the foam or collect droplets from the walls
. But to find economical and appropriate way to make faster and easier it is impossible, if you do not give yourself time to find this solution, if not stop and ask yourself: "What I want and what suits me right now?»
. Slow to keep up
Those who are afraid to start moving like a fly in honey, and did not have time, I want to offer a little experiment. Try not very critical act is not familiar to your situation, and slowing down a bit. For example, do not move around the apartment with the wonders of logistics: at the same time grabbing a plate, a child under his arm and simultaneously checking e-mail, and in another way: by fixing his attention on every domestic action by allocating a separate time necessary for him
. If you have to leave at the time of any household or process it ends (for example, put kettle) - pronounce a short sentence: "yet the case!" (Long, kettle)
. It sounds a little crazy? Try and compare hourly, if it turns out a lot slower than it attempts to make faster and a lot of things at the same time?
And check on state of health - how do you get tired? If you are a very unusual behavior, it may initially be some sort of mental fatigue (from unusual assignments and due to anxiety), but the body should be easier.
And the most frequent complaints against itself and, therefore, to your children what we have? - "What do you Copan" "What do you sluggish, the horror!" "Lord, how long can you have to mess ?!" "Yes, the faster!" "We're going to be late, and all because of you!" "You're always crawling like boiled fly! "The list could go on almost indefinitely.
In this context, the proposal therapist "slow" is perceived as a provocation or insanity. "I did, and so did not have time, and you advise me to slow down?»

Let's see, why slow down, and what does it mean?
Slow down - not an end in itself, but a means. The means to move from mode feverishly preoccupied with the race in another -. A calm and measured, to feel comfortable and confident
Slow Down - so give yourself time to notice what was happening. Take plenty of time to make decisions. Notice has already made in the intervals between the cases.
And it can be done only through the deceleration: slow breathing, lengthening the exhalation. Slowing the flow of rapid thinking, focusing on their experiences and needs. Slowness of movement, to keep up to feel any part of the body and overstrained through breathing and attention to these parts, remove excess stress.
Slowing down allows you to notice and to complete even started a small business, and then release the energy, "canned" in these pending processes.
Those who dared to slow down, notice that there is time and opportunity to find creative solutions, to make choices instead of automatic repetition of old inefficient actions, and simply begin to live, not just running and spinning.
As it is not paradoxical sounds, slowing down can help more to keep pace. This is because the fatigue and automatically repeating certain actions faster and faster, we do a lot, but sometimes we do "too much", and do not do the necessary. Of course in mathematics, each of us knows that the shortest route from point to point - straight. But life is not like a math problem.
Any mom convinced from their own experience that it is technically the most simple and economical theory, time is not always the solution becomes in the implementation of simple and fast.
For example, theoretically, the fastest way to bathe a small child - it is quickly push him into the shower. But in practice (taking into account the resistance, yelling, jumping out of hand, the collection of the spilled water and spent nerves and time to comfort the child and recuperation and spiritual mother of tranquility), this method is not always and not every child gets the most economical.
Sometimes faster to get pure child, if you choose like a long way: dial the tub, tell the tale of vodichku in the game to captivate the baby in the tub with toys together to blow the foam or collect droplets from the walls
. But to find economical and appropriate way to make faster and easier it is impossible, if you do not give yourself time to find this solution, if not stop and ask yourself: "What I want and what suits me right now?»
. Slow to keep up
Those who are afraid to start moving like a fly in honey, and did not have time, I want to offer a little experiment. Try not very critical act is not familiar to your situation, and slowing down a bit. For example, do not move around the apartment with the wonders of logistics: at the same time grabbing a plate, a child under his arm and simultaneously checking e-mail, and in another way: by fixing his attention on every domestic action by allocating a separate time necessary for him
. If you have to leave at the time of any household or process it ends (for example, put kettle) - pronounce a short sentence: "yet the case!" (Long, kettle)
. It sounds a little crazy? Try and compare hourly, if it turns out a lot slower than it attempts to make faster and a lot of things at the same time?
And check on state of health - how do you get tired? If you are a very unusual behavior, it may initially be some sort of mental fatigue (from unusual assignments and due to anxiety), but the body should be easier.