Excessive consumption of milk can kill you

It is believed that milk is very good for the bones, but a large-scale study conducted in Sweden shows that it is not tak

you are not lactose intolerant? If so, you seem to have avoided a lot of trouble: according to one study, high intake of milk (more than 1 cup a day) is associated with increased mortality in both men and women. These data were obtained during the study, which was conducted in Sweden in the 80s and 90s. The main conclusion of the study is to ensure that a daily glass of milk not only increases mortality, but contrary to popular opinion, significantly increases the risk of bone fractures in women. The study's authors warn that the results may intervene "reverse causality" (for example, women with a high risk of bone fractures, usually drink more milk). But even in this case, you should not abuse the milk.

According to the researchers:

«The aim was to study the high consumption of milk and its relationship with mortality and fractures. The project involved two large groups of people from the 3 districts of central Sweden: 61 433 women (age 39 to 74 years) and 45,339 men (age 45-79 years).

Results: With a median observation of 20 years, died of 15540 women and 17252 were fractures, of which 4259 - a hip fracture. In the men's group, with a mean follow-up of 11, 2 years 10112 people died, fractures were in 5066, with 1166 - hip fractures. Women on average daily consumed more milk than men (2 to 3 cups daily). From what we can conclude that a high intake of milk is directly related to higher mortality and higher risk of fractures in women ».

via factroom.ru


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