The mysterious story of a boy who did not feel hunger and thirst more than a year
In the 21st century medicine he stepped very far, but even today there are diseases that will baffle all medical soobschestvo
12-year-old Landon Jones from Waterloo, Iowa, did not feel hunger and thirst since October 14, 2013 as the first year went to bed with a full stomach and ice cream pizza. When he woke up, it turned out that he completely lost a sense of thirst and hunger. Instead, he was ill, and since then he has often dizzy.
Even a year later, Landon parents have no clue about what happened to him, and how to help him.
"Landon is always laughing, always been a very energetic, always loved to ride a bike and walk in the park" - said Mrs. Jones. "But last year on 14 October, it all suddenly stopped, he lost the ability to feel hungry and thirsty».
Pediatricians in Iowa Landon administered antibiotics, but they had almost no effect. Then the boy showed doctors in other cities - Des Moines, Cedar Rapids in, in Madison. He was even in the world-famous Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, but even there the doctors were not able to establish what happened to him. According to Dr. Marc Patterson, child neurologist at the Mayo Clinic, Landon case may be unique in the world.
Experts suggest that the boy is likely to be suffering from disturbances in the hypothalamus, this is the part of the brain that is responsible for regulating hunger and thirst for the regulation of body temperature, blood pressure, and sleep cycles. But there is no conclusive evidence to support this hypothesis. "They can do a blood test, they can do all possible tests, but they were not able to verify the hypothalamus," - said Mr. Jones.
John also suggested that the reason for the current Landon disease can be treated, which has been designated a boy three years ago. When Landon was 9 years old, he could sit for hours and stare into space, oblivious to the world around us. For the treatment of seizures he had been prescribed medication called Depakote, and he took it for a year. Now doctors are wondering whether there is a link between this drug and suppression of appetite.
Soon Landon will go to research at the National Institutes of Health, where we consider only the rarest and most complex diseases. Meanwhile, the lack of normal appetite led to the fact that the weight decreased from the normal 42 kg to 27 kg, and it continues to lose an average of 2 kg per week.
via factroom.ru

12-year-old Landon Jones from Waterloo, Iowa, did not feel hunger and thirst since October 14, 2013 as the first year went to bed with a full stomach and ice cream pizza. When he woke up, it turned out that he completely lost a sense of thirst and hunger. Instead, he was ill, and since then he has often dizzy.
Even a year later, Landon parents have no clue about what happened to him, and how to help him.
"Landon is always laughing, always been a very energetic, always loved to ride a bike and walk in the park" - said Mrs. Jones. "But last year on 14 October, it all suddenly stopped, he lost the ability to feel hungry and thirsty».

Pediatricians in Iowa Landon administered antibiotics, but they had almost no effect. Then the boy showed doctors in other cities - Des Moines, Cedar Rapids in, in Madison. He was even in the world-famous Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, but even there the doctors were not able to establish what happened to him. According to Dr. Marc Patterson, child neurologist at the Mayo Clinic, Landon case may be unique in the world.

Experts suggest that the boy is likely to be suffering from disturbances in the hypothalamus, this is the part of the brain that is responsible for regulating hunger and thirst for the regulation of body temperature, blood pressure, and sleep cycles. But there is no conclusive evidence to support this hypothesis. "They can do a blood test, they can do all possible tests, but they were not able to verify the hypothalamus," - said Mr. Jones.
John also suggested that the reason for the current Landon disease can be treated, which has been designated a boy three years ago. When Landon was 9 years old, he could sit for hours and stare into space, oblivious to the world around us. For the treatment of seizures he had been prescribed medication called Depakote, and he took it for a year. Now doctors are wondering whether there is a link between this drug and suppression of appetite.
Soon Landon will go to research at the National Institutes of Health, where we consider only the rarest and most complex diseases. Meanwhile, the lack of normal appetite led to the fact that the weight decreased from the normal 42 kg to 27 kg, and it continues to lose an average of 2 kg per week.
via factroom.ru
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