Prepare the right chops! With this recipe you want to prepare them constantly ...
For many people, who welcome in their diet meat dishes, steak - the most favorite food. Due to its high protein content and the fact that the meat chops usually sufficient fiber saturation after eating steak comes immediately. And then there would not be desirable for a long time ... And what about the taste! For steak, which is cooked correctly - it is very, very tasty, flavorful dish.
Here is a diagram of the correct preparation of a chop. Stick to these simple advice and you will turn a meat dish, filled with bliss of all who try it.
1. Cut a piece of meat, the thickness of 1-1, 5 cm. If there is a bone - it srezh.
2. otbey meat - it is better through the film, so as not to break the future chop. To the meat to lose weight, to sprinkle it lightly with cold water.
3. If there is unstripped fat lip, then it will make cuts to later she pulled off during frying. Fry can be as simple as, a pepper, as well as in lezone (ie, dipped in flour and beaten egg in salt). You can chop and fry in batter, mixed in equal proportions of milk, eggs and flour, with the addition of salt. If you decide to cook a steak without the batter, add salt necessarily a piece of meat at the end of coarse salt, or chop will be dry.
4. Fire away on a normal, well-heated frying pan, preferably on quality lard (putting it at once, and when the pan heats up). If not, you can take a mixture of butter and vegetable, in a ratio of 2 to 1. One of butter can burn much, and cooking does not fit well with roasted pork meat.
5. So, chop in lezone perch meat in flour, then in beaten egg, put on a frying pan. Gently flatten that the meat is roasted evenly fry with 2 sides for 1-2 minutes. Then put in a preheated oven 180-200 ° C, which will bring a dish until done within 7-10 minutes.
6. When the meat is produced warbler, a sure sign that the preparation is complete! Get the dish from the oven, smazh butter for more shine and serve with a side dish.
Elegant dish turns out! Try the steak for this recipe, you will appreciate the result. Experiment with different side dishes and sauces - from what you combine such a noble dish as steak, depends on how perceive the taste quality of the meat.
Cooking with inspiration and remember that the right recipe - it is half way to success! Came your friends this recipe steak, maybe it's the fact that they have been looking for.
via takprosto cc
Here is a diagram of the correct preparation of a chop. Stick to these simple advice and you will turn a meat dish, filled with bliss of all who try it.
1. Cut a piece of meat, the thickness of 1-1, 5 cm. If there is a bone - it srezh.
2. otbey meat - it is better through the film, so as not to break the future chop. To the meat to lose weight, to sprinkle it lightly with cold water.
3. If there is unstripped fat lip, then it will make cuts to later she pulled off during frying. Fry can be as simple as, a pepper, as well as in lezone (ie, dipped in flour and beaten egg in salt). You can chop and fry in batter, mixed in equal proportions of milk, eggs and flour, with the addition of salt. If you decide to cook a steak without the batter, add salt necessarily a piece of meat at the end of coarse salt, or chop will be dry.
4. Fire away on a normal, well-heated frying pan, preferably on quality lard (putting it at once, and when the pan heats up). If not, you can take a mixture of butter and vegetable, in a ratio of 2 to 1. One of butter can burn much, and cooking does not fit well with roasted pork meat.
5. So, chop in lezone perch meat in flour, then in beaten egg, put on a frying pan. Gently flatten that the meat is roasted evenly fry with 2 sides for 1-2 minutes. Then put in a preheated oven 180-200 ° C, which will bring a dish until done within 7-10 minutes.
6. When the meat is produced warbler, a sure sign that the preparation is complete! Get the dish from the oven, smazh butter for more shine and serve with a side dish.
Elegant dish turns out! Try the steak for this recipe, you will appreciate the result. Experiment with different side dishes and sauces - from what you combine such a noble dish as steak, depends on how perceive the taste quality of the meat.
Cooking with inspiration and remember that the right recipe - it is half way to success! Came your friends this recipe steak, maybe it's the fact that they have been looking for.
via takprosto cc
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