Buy butcher's tenderloin, cut into pieces and prepared the batter... Economy dish at all times!
Cuts of meat — the most valuable part of the carcass of the animal that is eaten. It is located above a kidney along the lumbar vertebrae. This muscle tissue during the entire life of the animal receives almost no load, which is why it is the most tender and tasty meat.
Beef tenderloin is considered to be more valuable than pork. But pork chops turn out equally delicious and is also very economical, because for a hearty dinner will only need a pound of meat.
How to cook juicy otbivnaya
To best serve chops with vegetables: boiled broccoli or cauliflower. Salad with fresh vegetables will also be a wonderful addition to meat chops.
Enjoy your meal! Do not forget to share this recipe of chops with friends.
The author
Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.

Beef tenderloin is considered to be more valuable than pork. But pork chops turn out equally delicious and is also very economical, because for a hearty dinner will only need a pound of meat.
How to cook juicy otbivnaya
- 0.5 kg pork tenderloin
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/3 tsp. pepper
- 50 g flour
- Rinse pork tenderloin, remove all the films, fat and tendons. Cut meat across the grain into small pieces with a minimum thickness of 4-5 cm. You should get 5 big chops and 3-4 little ones.
- A good cut of meat. Whip eggs with a fork or whisk well salt and pepper the egg mixture.
- Pour the oil into a heated pan, dip chops in flour, then in egg mixture. Fry the meatballs on both sides. You need to cook meat until until you stand out clear juice. Otherwise you risk to dry chops.
To best serve chops with vegetables: boiled broccoli or cauliflower. Salad with fresh vegetables will also be a wonderful addition to meat chops.

Enjoy your meal! Do not forget to share this recipe of chops with friends.
The author

Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
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