Begins and ends the day right! 18 rituals that you should definitely take a habit.
To a certain ritual become a habit, he must like you, and you shall receive from him the most pleasure. .cc 20 procedures recommends you that you need to take the habit, and then they can change your life. Take a mental note those that you like the most.
The morning rituals:
1. Start with gratitude
Write down five things for which you are grateful. This is a very simple ritual that develops positive thinking.
2. Drink water with lemon
We all know that you need to drink a lot of water every day, but often forget about it.
3. Meditate
Highlight a few minutes a day to clear your mind. Listen to your favorite song, or just close your eyes for a few minutes. It is also useful as a shower.
4. Move
The movement will cause your body to intensify its strength and fully awake. Make a small charge in the morning or just walk a couple of minutes.
5. Breakfasted
You have to eat breakfast every day, because that breakfast gives you strength and energy for the whole day.
6. Get dressed
It sounds simple, but it is important, even if you work at home. So you gather and be more productive.
7. Cover the bed
Enough to lie under a blanket in the morning. When you stood up, carefully laid out for just a bed.
8. Lead blog
If you go every morning to write your thoughts, you clear your mind for new and interesting ideas.
9. Start your day with a good
When you sit down to work, you start with the things that you want to do the most, and then begin your day with positive thoughts.
Evening ritual:
1. Prepare
Prepare yourself for the morning breakfast and iron clothes, make a list and then you zaprogrammiruesh yourself up for success.
2. Light a candle
They will help you relax and calm down before bedtime.
3. Take time to electronics
Highlight a few hours in the evening to check e-mail, to climb on the Internet, and even watch TV.
4. Pamper yourself late snack
This can be done if left to sleep a few more hours. Going to bed hungry and not very nice.
5. Listen to music
It will soothe and relax you. Listen to the same album in the evening to relieve the tension.
6. Read
The book is a very good way to escape the evening. It will carry you into a world of interesting and exciting adventures.
7. Made a trip to the bathroom
In the evening, it is necessary to brush my teeth and wash my face. A warm bath will remove toxins from your body.
8. Make yourself an evening drink
This can be an herbal tea or just water with lemon. Choose something from which you will become warm and cozy.
9. Make a list of things that you have to feel and do not
Just write down the first thing that came to mind: love, support, happiness, joy, productivity, energy, intuition.
Get in the habit a few of these morning and evening rituals to your life changed for the better. You will feel that you have changed the mood of the morning and you can relax and unwind in the evening.
via takprosto cc
The morning rituals:
1. Start with gratitude
Write down five things for which you are grateful. This is a very simple ritual that develops positive thinking.
2. Drink water with lemon
We all know that you need to drink a lot of water every day, but often forget about it.
3. Meditate
Highlight a few minutes a day to clear your mind. Listen to your favorite song, or just close your eyes for a few minutes. It is also useful as a shower.
4. Move
The movement will cause your body to intensify its strength and fully awake. Make a small charge in the morning or just walk a couple of minutes.
5. Breakfasted
You have to eat breakfast every day, because that breakfast gives you strength and energy for the whole day.
6. Get dressed
It sounds simple, but it is important, even if you work at home. So you gather and be more productive.
7. Cover the bed
Enough to lie under a blanket in the morning. When you stood up, carefully laid out for just a bed.
8. Lead blog
If you go every morning to write your thoughts, you clear your mind for new and interesting ideas.
9. Start your day with a good
When you sit down to work, you start with the things that you want to do the most, and then begin your day with positive thoughts.
Evening ritual:
1. Prepare
Prepare yourself for the morning breakfast and iron clothes, make a list and then you zaprogrammiruesh yourself up for success.
2. Light a candle
They will help you relax and calm down before bedtime.
3. Take time to electronics
Highlight a few hours in the evening to check e-mail, to climb on the Internet, and even watch TV.
4. Pamper yourself late snack
This can be done if left to sleep a few more hours. Going to bed hungry and not very nice.
5. Listen to music
It will soothe and relax you. Listen to the same album in the evening to relieve the tension.
6. Read
The book is a very good way to escape the evening. It will carry you into a world of interesting and exciting adventures.
7. Made a trip to the bathroom
In the evening, it is necessary to brush my teeth and wash my face. A warm bath will remove toxins from your body.
8. Make yourself an evening drink
This can be an herbal tea or just water with lemon. Choose something from which you will become warm and cozy.
9. Make a list of things that you have to feel and do not
Just write down the first thing that came to mind: love, support, happiness, joy, productivity, energy, intuition.
Get in the habit a few of these morning and evening rituals to your life changed for the better. You will feel that you have changed the mood of the morning and you can relax and unwind in the evening.
via takprosto cc
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