How to meet, so spend it! 12 ritual for 12 days, that will bring you success in the new year.
Start the New Year - the most favorable time for a positive change in your life. The past year brought you a lot of life experience, and now you know that it would like to change. Failures at work, in your personal life, in relationships with others - leave it all in the past. It's time to behave quite unusual way for you! For example, try to realize the 12 rituals. Over 12 days do every day one of them. Just changing habitual behavior, you will achieve the desired result. It is foolish to expect change, doing exactly the same as before. Go the other way - you will be surprised how transforming everything around. Experiment - it's your life and you have the power to improve it!
1 day. Breathing
Try all day to breathe consciously. Breathe deeply, focusing their attention on this. You will not only satisfy your body with oxygen, you will feel yourself really alive. I am grateful for every breath. Appreciate life, it is you alone.
Day 2. Love
Only the person who unconditionally loves and accepts himself capable of loving others. Love - means to forgive. Forgive all the flaws, try to treat yourself with understanding and respect. Due to low self-esteem and dissatisfaction are you terrible things happen - you're not working, you're not confident in your own abilities and not capable of openness in relations with the world. Love yourself - this is the way to success.
3rd day. Update
The man - part of nature. Feeling harmony with nature, you draw energy from an inexhaustible source. Look at the sky, watch the sunset, listen to the birds singing, porazglyadyvat constellation. Nothing soothes the man as nature observation. Behold the natural beauty of nature, and in your heart, peace will prevail.
4th day. Scents
Scents surround you all the time, try to pay attention to them. What scent do you like best? What smell invigorates you? What happens if you inhale the aroma of vanilla and cinnamon - will you pleased? Do not forget to use perfume - when you smell nice, your self-confidence has grown significantly!
5th day. The game
It is not about computer games. Try to play as a child, it is better - in outdoor games. Remember how fun to play ball games. The modern world takes in adults the opportunity to be playful and feel happy about it. Play with your child or someone else, remember that it means genuine unbridled fun.
6th day. Here and Now
Try not to think about the past and future - are present here and now, in this period of time. Control your thoughts and actions, whip away from him negative. When you realize myself here - here I am, I read these words, I sit in a certain posture, licking his lips - you live the moment and make better of him more experience than when distracted by an endless stream of disturbing thoughts. To live in the present tense - the first and most effective remedy for depression and unwanted experiences.
7th day. Cleanse space
Your body needs a constant state of cleanliness, you take the bathroom to take care of themselves. Exactly the same care requires the surrounding area - should be clean in your home, in the workplace and even in my thoughts. And if the purity of the house everything is clear, it is difficult to protect ideas from debris. Try to stop to remember the bad moments, do not dwell on what is not worth your attention. Let go of the past that prevents you from enjoying the present day.
8th day. Move
Walk on foot, do not use the elevator, do small exercises in between work. By activating the body, you bring the brain to a tone - use their potential, enough to be lazy and lethargic!
9th day. Creativity
Try to make something of themselves in any case - to add new ingredients to the usual recipe, decorate the house, be creative at work. When a person is in a constant creative process, his life becomes brighter, richer. The inspiration and the ability to self-realization - everywhere!
10th day. Wisdom
I read a good article or a book full of wisdom. Listen to the conversation of the wise man. Knowledge and experience of others will always be useful to you fills yourself information for thought. This will not only improve the quality of your life, you will be attractive and interesting to other people.
11th day. Prosperity
Imagine that you have just the right amount of money, which you've always dreamed of and spend the day feeling like a rich man. The secret is that anyone who feels secure, automatically attracts new financial flows.
12th day. Thanks
Say thank you to anyone who is grateful. Think about what you are grateful to life, loved ones. Remember the good done for you by someone. You will understand that it's not so bad, it will inspire you to be kinder.
Just thinking person can be really happy - it keeps track of what happens to him and his life. He knows that any event - sledctvie what he did. Take responsibility for yourself and your life, believe me, no hopeless situations!
Let these 12 rites will inspire you every day to work on themselves, then the new year is sure to be better than the last. Perfection has no limits!
via takprosto cc
1 day. Breathing
Try all day to breathe consciously. Breathe deeply, focusing their attention on this. You will not only satisfy your body with oxygen, you will feel yourself really alive. I am grateful for every breath. Appreciate life, it is you alone.
Day 2. Love
Only the person who unconditionally loves and accepts himself capable of loving others. Love - means to forgive. Forgive all the flaws, try to treat yourself with understanding and respect. Due to low self-esteem and dissatisfaction are you terrible things happen - you're not working, you're not confident in your own abilities and not capable of openness in relations with the world. Love yourself - this is the way to success.
3rd day. Update
The man - part of nature. Feeling harmony with nature, you draw energy from an inexhaustible source. Look at the sky, watch the sunset, listen to the birds singing, porazglyadyvat constellation. Nothing soothes the man as nature observation. Behold the natural beauty of nature, and in your heart, peace will prevail.
4th day. Scents
Scents surround you all the time, try to pay attention to them. What scent do you like best? What smell invigorates you? What happens if you inhale the aroma of vanilla and cinnamon - will you pleased? Do not forget to use perfume - when you smell nice, your self-confidence has grown significantly!
5th day. The game
It is not about computer games. Try to play as a child, it is better - in outdoor games. Remember how fun to play ball games. The modern world takes in adults the opportunity to be playful and feel happy about it. Play with your child or someone else, remember that it means genuine unbridled fun.
6th day. Here and Now
Try not to think about the past and future - are present here and now, in this period of time. Control your thoughts and actions, whip away from him negative. When you realize myself here - here I am, I read these words, I sit in a certain posture, licking his lips - you live the moment and make better of him more experience than when distracted by an endless stream of disturbing thoughts. To live in the present tense - the first and most effective remedy for depression and unwanted experiences.
7th day. Cleanse space
Your body needs a constant state of cleanliness, you take the bathroom to take care of themselves. Exactly the same care requires the surrounding area - should be clean in your home, in the workplace and even in my thoughts. And if the purity of the house everything is clear, it is difficult to protect ideas from debris. Try to stop to remember the bad moments, do not dwell on what is not worth your attention. Let go of the past that prevents you from enjoying the present day.
8th day. Move
Walk on foot, do not use the elevator, do small exercises in between work. By activating the body, you bring the brain to a tone - use their potential, enough to be lazy and lethargic!
9th day. Creativity
Try to make something of themselves in any case - to add new ingredients to the usual recipe, decorate the house, be creative at work. When a person is in a constant creative process, his life becomes brighter, richer. The inspiration and the ability to self-realization - everywhere!
10th day. Wisdom
I read a good article or a book full of wisdom. Listen to the conversation of the wise man. Knowledge and experience of others will always be useful to you fills yourself information for thought. This will not only improve the quality of your life, you will be attractive and interesting to other people.
11th day. Prosperity
Imagine that you have just the right amount of money, which you've always dreamed of and spend the day feeling like a rich man. The secret is that anyone who feels secure, automatically attracts new financial flows.
12th day. Thanks
Say thank you to anyone who is grateful. Think about what you are grateful to life, loved ones. Remember the good done for you by someone. You will understand that it's not so bad, it will inspire you to be kinder.
Just thinking person can be really happy - it keeps track of what happens to him and his life. He knows that any event - sledctvie what he did. Take responsibility for yourself and your life, believe me, no hopeless situations!
Let these 12 rites will inspire you every day to work on themselves, then the new year is sure to be better than the last. Perfection has no limits!
via takprosto cc
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