The ideal body for 4 minutes a day? Japanese training - what you need!
Dr. Izumi Tabata Japan made a revolutionary discovery: he found some exercise gives the best results. His discovery was pleased and professional athletes and doctors, and those who simply love an active lifestyle. "Interval training" or "Tabata interval method" - are widely known and practiced all over the world. Dr. Tabata was head coach of the Japanese national team in speed skating because the effect sought to achieve a comprehensive, training athletes. As a result, the ideal training must not only burn fat. The important point is to strengthen the muscles, improve blood circulation and increase the endurance athlete.
Through this remarkable exercise all the major fitness goals are achievable! That is its essence:
1. Do the exercise for 20 seconds at maximum intensity at which you are capable. As an exercise, you can use the standard sit-ups, push-ups, swing press. Suit jumping rope exercises with dumbbells. You can complicate the task, and perform a complex exercise: lunge and squats, push-ups, squat, lunge.
2. Rest 10 seconds. Fully breath during this time, and continued training. Such approaches should be 8 - 20 seconds rest between each 10 seconds. After 8 approaches rest 1 minute. This is the completion of one cycle, it takes 4 minutes. Just a workout can be done 4-5 of these approaches - it depends on your physical fitness. Do not load too much at the beginning of classes.
3. This training is very effective, it is enough to engage in 2-3 times a week. We need to give your muscles rest in between workouts.
You can easily exercise at home using this method. All you need - a stopwatch and willpower. This is a good option for people who do not have time to visit the gym. Before training needed light workout after workout, do not forget to stretch. Be careful with such training, if you have problems with the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. For beginners and people who are contraindicated in severe stress, it is advisable to monitor the heart rate during training. The optimal heart rate during training - from 144 to 156 bpm. / Min. to 170-180 bpm. / min. However, this is a very personal record, those who have just started, and the elderly do not need to exceed the threshold of 120 bpm. / Min.
This training - a real godsend for those who want to quickly achieve visible results! Tell a friend about the method of Dr. Tabata, sedentary life - that's the beauty and health at the same time.
via takprosto cc

Through this remarkable exercise all the major fitness goals are achievable! That is its essence:
1. Do the exercise for 20 seconds at maximum intensity at which you are capable. As an exercise, you can use the standard sit-ups, push-ups, swing press. Suit jumping rope exercises with dumbbells. You can complicate the task, and perform a complex exercise: lunge and squats, push-ups, squat, lunge.

2. Rest 10 seconds. Fully breath during this time, and continued training. Such approaches should be 8 - 20 seconds rest between each 10 seconds. After 8 approaches rest 1 minute. This is the completion of one cycle, it takes 4 minutes. Just a workout can be done 4-5 of these approaches - it depends on your physical fitness. Do not load too much at the beginning of classes.
3. This training is very effective, it is enough to engage in 2-3 times a week. We need to give your muscles rest in between workouts.

You can easily exercise at home using this method. All you need - a stopwatch and willpower. This is a good option for people who do not have time to visit the gym. Before training needed light workout after workout, do not forget to stretch. Be careful with such training, if you have problems with the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. For beginners and people who are contraindicated in severe stress, it is advisable to monitor the heart rate during training. The optimal heart rate during training - from 144 to 156 bpm. / Min. to 170-180 bpm. / min. However, this is a very personal record, those who have just started, and the elderly do not need to exceed the threshold of 120 bpm. / Min.
This training - a real godsend for those who want to quickly achieve visible results! Tell a friend about the method of Dr. Tabata, sedentary life - that's the beauty and health at the same time.
via takprosto cc
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