10 compelling reasons why tomatoes should be consumed daily. This you did not know exactly!
Over 200 years ago the tomato was considered poisonous. Now that the myth has long been dispelled, we all know that tomatoes - one of the most useful products that the nature has given us. It contains many useful elements and vitamins, which will not only allow the body to get all the nutrients you need, but also help fight disease and prevent some of them.
1. Tomatoes are rich in folic acid and vitamins A and C, as well as a number of antioxidants including lycopene, alpha lipoid acid, lutein, beta-carotene and choline. Lycopene is responsible for the color of tomatoes, red tomatoes therefore more useful than their relatives other shades.
2. Alpha lipoid acid transform glucose into energy, as well as help control blood sugar and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.
3. Choline is indispensable when it comes to memory and learning, as it is useful during exercise.
4. Malic acid and citric acid contained in tomatoes, helps to solve the problems of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
5. And vitamins C and A strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.
6. The substance lycopene prevents cancer, as well as a good prevention of macular degeneration, which causes blindness. The amount of lycopene from any heat treatment increases, so necessarily there is only raw vegetables. It is also very useful to use the tomatoes with olive or sunflower oil - so all the nutrients are better absorbed by the body.
7. useful not only the tomatoes, but any food in which basis is this vegetable. For example, tomato juice helps with gastritis with low acidity, anemia and memory impairment.
8. Tomatoes are known for their laxative effect, so they are often prescribed as a treatment for constipation.
9. Tomato helps improve not only physical health, but mental. A huge dose of serotonin and thiamine, which are nothing more than the hormones of happiness, to help cope with depression and improve mood. Eat tomatoes with stress, mental shock and states of depression.
10. Tomato is very valuable as a dietary product. Despite these extremely useful properties, it is very nizkokalorien and can be used with any type of diet and nutrition. Chromium, which is found in this vegetable, blocks feelings of hunger and brings a feeling of satiety.
It is not recommended to use the tomatoes to people with gallstone and kidney disease, as well as those who are allergic to this type of vegetables. Pickled and canned tomatoes is better, if not eliminate, or at least reduce their number in your diet, as they can provoke an aggravation of heart disease and peptic ulcer disease. It is better to eat fresh tomatoes in the summer, and in winter - frozen. To learn how to freeze tomatoes in the winter, there is a lot of information on the Internet.
You probably did not know that tomatoes are so helpful and want to incorporate them into your diet. And it will be the right decision, because the value of this product for the human body is difficult to overestimate.
via takprosto cc
1. Tomatoes are rich in folic acid and vitamins A and C, as well as a number of antioxidants including lycopene, alpha lipoid acid, lutein, beta-carotene and choline. Lycopene is responsible for the color of tomatoes, red tomatoes therefore more useful than their relatives other shades.
2. Alpha lipoid acid transform glucose into energy, as well as help control blood sugar and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.
3. Choline is indispensable when it comes to memory and learning, as it is useful during exercise.
4. Malic acid and citric acid contained in tomatoes, helps to solve the problems of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
5. And vitamins C and A strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.

6. The substance lycopene prevents cancer, as well as a good prevention of macular degeneration, which causes blindness. The amount of lycopene from any heat treatment increases, so necessarily there is only raw vegetables. It is also very useful to use the tomatoes with olive or sunflower oil - so all the nutrients are better absorbed by the body.
7. useful not only the tomatoes, but any food in which basis is this vegetable. For example, tomato juice helps with gastritis with low acidity, anemia and memory impairment.
8. Tomatoes are known for their laxative effect, so they are often prescribed as a treatment for constipation.
9. Tomato helps improve not only physical health, but mental. A huge dose of serotonin and thiamine, which are nothing more than the hormones of happiness, to help cope with depression and improve mood. Eat tomatoes with stress, mental shock and states of depression.
10. Tomato is very valuable as a dietary product. Despite these extremely useful properties, it is very nizkokalorien and can be used with any type of diet and nutrition. Chromium, which is found in this vegetable, blocks feelings of hunger and brings a feeling of satiety.
It is not recommended to use the tomatoes to people with gallstone and kidney disease, as well as those who are allergic to this type of vegetables. Pickled and canned tomatoes is better, if not eliminate, or at least reduce their number in your diet, as they can provoke an aggravation of heart disease and peptic ulcer disease. It is better to eat fresh tomatoes in the summer, and in winter - frozen. To learn how to freeze tomatoes in the winter, there is a lot of information on the Internet.
You probably did not know that tomatoes are so helpful and want to incorporate them into your diet. And it will be the right decision, because the value of this product for the human body is difficult to overestimate.
via takprosto cc
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