You do not like olives? And in vain! Their use is undeniable beneficial for your body.
The ancient Greeks called olive tree is a gift that they presented the goddess Athena. Through the centuries unusual taste and useful properties of olives come to know as many residents of northern peoples. The fruit of the olive tree - is food for everybody. But the olives should be consumed each, as they are beneficial to human health. The olives are rich in calcium, potassium, sodium, iron and magnesium. And also boast high in fiber, protein and vitamins A, B, E, D and K. We have collected the main benefits of these fruits and advise you add olives in your daily diet.
Olives ...
... reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Olives contain monounsaturated fatty acids. Their use will help reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and strengthen blood vessel walls. It is also the fruit of the olive tree is rich in polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants. They prevent the emergence and development of atherosclerosis, and improve immunity.
... are an excellent tool for the prevention of cancer.
Studies show that chronic inflammation and oxidative stress have a negative impact on health and can cause a variety of diseases, including cancer. Olives can help reduce the risk of developing cancer because they contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Also, some substances that are present in the composition of the olives, can help treat this disease.
... promote weight loss.
Consumption of monounsaturated fats contained in the olives, reduces weight. These fats are stepping up the process of melting excess fat tissue mainly in the abdominal area. They also help to control appetite, permanently preserving the feeling of satiety.
... accelerate the process of digestion.
Olives are also a good source of insoluble dietary fiber. They accelerate the stomach and cleanse the body, removing toxins and excess bile.
... to improve the condition of hair and skin.
Antioxidants that are part of olives, and help reduce wrinkles. Also, these fruits are rich in vitamins A and E, which will give your hair a beautiful shine and strength.
... improve vision.
Olives are an excellent source of vitamin A, which is necessary for good vision. Also, people who eat foods rich in this vitamin are not affected by cataracts.
Included in the diet food with fruit of the olive tree. Very soon you will notice a positive result.
Share this article on the benefits of olives with your friends, let them also begin to consume these beneficial fruits and assess their miraculous power.
via takprosto cc

Olives ...
... reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Olives contain monounsaturated fatty acids. Their use will help reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and strengthen blood vessel walls. It is also the fruit of the olive tree is rich in polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants. They prevent the emergence and development of atherosclerosis, and improve immunity.
... are an excellent tool for the prevention of cancer.
Studies show that chronic inflammation and oxidative stress have a negative impact on health and can cause a variety of diseases, including cancer. Olives can help reduce the risk of developing cancer because they contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Also, some substances that are present in the composition of the olives, can help treat this disease.
... promote weight loss.
Consumption of monounsaturated fats contained in the olives, reduces weight. These fats are stepping up the process of melting excess fat tissue mainly in the abdominal area. They also help to control appetite, permanently preserving the feeling of satiety.
... accelerate the process of digestion.
Olives are also a good source of insoluble dietary fiber. They accelerate the stomach and cleanse the body, removing toxins and excess bile.
... to improve the condition of hair and skin.
Antioxidants that are part of olives, and help reduce wrinkles. Also, these fruits are rich in vitamins A and E, which will give your hair a beautiful shine and strength.
... improve vision.
Olives are an excellent source of vitamin A, which is necessary for good vision. Also, people who eat foods rich in this vitamin are not affected by cataracts.
Included in the diet food with fruit of the olive tree. Very soon you will notice a positive result.
Share this article on the benefits of olives with your friends, let them also begin to consume these beneficial fruits and assess their miraculous power.
via takprosto cc
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