Black olives vs green olives - little-known facts about the ancient product
Than olives differ from olives? Than useful olives?
It is believed that the olive tree is a tree that is responsible for the mystical connection of the earth and sky, and that's it. Olive worshiped and revered at all times. It's a mighty beautiful tree is still considered the symbol of nobility, maturity and wisdom. The ancient Greeks to the winners of the Olympic games put up the wreaths woven from olive branches. It is believed that his journey around the world olives started from Greece. Thanks to the guests of Greece, which were taken away and planted this tree at home, it appeared in America, Africa and other continents.In religion Oliva is recognized as a symbol of rebirth, because the dove brought aboard Noah's ark exactly an olive branch, informing about the end of the flood. The difference between green olives and black olives If you evaluate an olive from a practical point of view – this beautiful tree gives people a great fruit, called olives. And what tree grow olive trees?
Olives grow on the same tree – the olive. These fruits vary quite a bit: the only difference is in the degree of maturity and oil content. Of course, we are talking about olive oil. Differ oil variety of olives, which contain up to 80% oil and zasolochnye varieties.The olive tree is a very hardy tree and can grow from a small root which was left after the uprooting of an old tree. The olive tree is a tree-survivor. Legend has it that there are still olive trees under which Christ prayed. Where are the olives in Spring, during flowering, it is a wonderful tree with white flowers, later in their place you can see the poisonous green fruit. With the maturation of the olives becomes grass-green, purple, and then black. Besides the black color olives may have different shades: purple, brown or reddish. As well as olives can be, depending on the varieties, brown and red.Local gourmets may well afford a trip to another village to purchase especially loved the variety of olives. And varieties of olives there are many, their difference, to put it simply, oily appearance, meatiness, taste and color. Green olives are firmer, but they contain a lot of oil. Ripen, they become softer and the oil content is increased. That's why they got the name olive.
With one tree you can collect from 15 to 50 kg of fruit, and to produce one liter of oil takes 5 kg of olives.Olives eat only canned because raw they are very bitter. The preparation of olives is quite difficult and time consuming, however, as the production of oil. This is due to the considerable cost of these products. Olive oil you Need to know about the varieties of olive oil. When talking about the benefits of olive oil, this only applies to extra virgin oil ("Extra Vergin") and second ("Vergin") extraction. Oil second class obtained after heating the meal, and the cheapest third grade is a mixture of first class and refined oil. It is desirable for salads, use oil of the highest quality.Consumption of olive oil has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Thanks to the oil cleansing the blood, strengthening blood vessels, increases immunity, normalizes the digestive process, stops the process of aging. Consumption of olive oil contributes to the prevention of heart attack, diabetes and even cancer. Than useful olives and black Olives is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is composed of pectins, proteins, vitamins C, E, B, sugar R-active catechins, as well as macro and microelements of salt of phosphorus, iron and potassium. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, olives are very desirable products on our table. However, one should not forget that canned olives contain a large amount of salt. Try to understand how to apply the nutrients contained in olives and black olives. Pectins are active helpers who are removed from the body of various toxins, up to heavy metal salts. Therefore, the pectin necessary for people living in the conditions of bad ecology. Thanks to the pectin is improving the intestinal microflora.Proteins, as you know, are the building blocks of the body.Complex of vitamins contained in olives, is a classic example of proportionality and use. Vitamin b calms the nervous system, invigorates and helps skin and hair to maintain their fresh and youthful appearance. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants, they help prevent various failures of the body, including the warning cancer.Unsaturated fatty acids have the same properties. Mineral elements contained in olives, protect blood vessels and heart muscle from overload, strengthen bone tissue of the skeleton, promote the increase of hemoglobin in the blood. The quality of olives General requirements olives:the Fruit must be of the same size and big enough.Bone should not be too large compared to the fetus and should be easy to separate.Olives should not be too soft, elastic and of course delicious.Your choice manufacturer and get olives, while receiving the pleasure and benefits for your health.
Source: sovettebe.ru/zdorovie/olivki-i-maslinyi/

It is believed that the olive tree is a tree that is responsible for the mystical connection of the earth and sky, and that's it. Olive worshiped and revered at all times. It's a mighty beautiful tree is still considered the symbol of nobility, maturity and wisdom. The ancient Greeks to the winners of the Olympic games put up the wreaths woven from olive branches. It is believed that his journey around the world olives started from Greece. Thanks to the guests of Greece, which were taken away and planted this tree at home, it appeared in America, Africa and other continents.In religion Oliva is recognized as a symbol of rebirth, because the dove brought aboard Noah's ark exactly an olive branch, informing about the end of the flood. The difference between green olives and black olives If you evaluate an olive from a practical point of view – this beautiful tree gives people a great fruit, called olives. And what tree grow olive trees?
Olives grow on the same tree – the olive. These fruits vary quite a bit: the only difference is in the degree of maturity and oil content. Of course, we are talking about olive oil. Differ oil variety of olives, which contain up to 80% oil and zasolochnye varieties.The olive tree is a very hardy tree and can grow from a small root which was left after the uprooting of an old tree. The olive tree is a tree-survivor. Legend has it that there are still olive trees under which Christ prayed. Where are the olives in Spring, during flowering, it is a wonderful tree with white flowers, later in their place you can see the poisonous green fruit. With the maturation of the olives becomes grass-green, purple, and then black. Besides the black color olives may have different shades: purple, brown or reddish. As well as olives can be, depending on the varieties, brown and red.Local gourmets may well afford a trip to another village to purchase especially loved the variety of olives. And varieties of olives there are many, their difference, to put it simply, oily appearance, meatiness, taste and color. Green olives are firmer, but they contain a lot of oil. Ripen, they become softer and the oil content is increased. That's why they got the name olive.
With one tree you can collect from 15 to 50 kg of fruit, and to produce one liter of oil takes 5 kg of olives.Olives eat only canned because raw they are very bitter. The preparation of olives is quite difficult and time consuming, however, as the production of oil. This is due to the considerable cost of these products. Olive oil you Need to know about the varieties of olive oil. When talking about the benefits of olive oil, this only applies to extra virgin oil ("Extra Vergin") and second ("Vergin") extraction. Oil second class obtained after heating the meal, and the cheapest third grade is a mixture of first class and refined oil. It is desirable for salads, use oil of the highest quality.Consumption of olive oil has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Thanks to the oil cleansing the blood, strengthening blood vessels, increases immunity, normalizes the digestive process, stops the process of aging. Consumption of olive oil contributes to the prevention of heart attack, diabetes and even cancer. Than useful olives and black Olives is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is composed of pectins, proteins, vitamins C, E, B, sugar R-active catechins, as well as macro and microelements of salt of phosphorus, iron and potassium. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, olives are very desirable products on our table. However, one should not forget that canned olives contain a large amount of salt. Try to understand how to apply the nutrients contained in olives and black olives. Pectins are active helpers who are removed from the body of various toxins, up to heavy metal salts. Therefore, the pectin necessary for people living in the conditions of bad ecology. Thanks to the pectin is improving the intestinal microflora.Proteins, as you know, are the building blocks of the body.Complex of vitamins contained in olives, is a classic example of proportionality and use. Vitamin b calms the nervous system, invigorates and helps skin and hair to maintain their fresh and youthful appearance. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants, they help prevent various failures of the body, including the warning cancer.Unsaturated fatty acids have the same properties. Mineral elements contained in olives, protect blood vessels and heart muscle from overload, strengthen bone tissue of the skeleton, promote the increase of hemoglobin in the blood. The quality of olives General requirements olives:the Fruit must be of the same size and big enough.Bone should not be too large compared to the fetus and should be easy to separate.Olives should not be too soft, elastic and of course delicious.Your choice manufacturer and get olives, while receiving the pleasure and benefits for your health.
Source: sovettebe.ru/zdorovie/olivki-i-maslinyi/