Cheese Casserole 5 minutes: elementary recipe in haste. Heavenly delight!
Cottage cheese - an incredibly useful product, which has a mass of vitamins and minerals, so it should definitely include in your diet. If you do not like the taste of it in its raw form, this product can make this dessert, which would be impossible to refuse. .cc offers you cook cottage cheese casserole without flour and semolina to vary your diet. Quickly memorize the recipe!
500 g of cottage cheese; 4 eggs; 7 Art. l. sugar; 2 tbsp. l. sour cream (20%); 2 tbsp. l. starch; vanilla or vanilla; you can add raisins. Preparation:
1. Separate the yolks from the whites. In a bowl, whip the cheese must be the sugar, egg yolks, starch, sour cream and vanilla.
2. Separately vzbey proteins.
3. Cottage cheese mixture was stirred with whipped whites.
4. If you decide to add the raisins, do it now.
5. Cover the pan with parchment paper, butter smazh it and put cottage cheese.
6. Put in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180-200 degrees.
air and gentle casserole ready!
This casserole is an excellent breakfast for you and for your children. It goes well with unsweetened tea, as it is composed of a sufficient amount of sugar.
Be sure to prepare a dessert, and tell your friends about it!
via takprosto cc
500 g of cottage cheese; 4 eggs; 7 Art. l. sugar; 2 tbsp. l. sour cream (20%); 2 tbsp. l. starch; vanilla or vanilla; you can add raisins. Preparation:
1. Separate the yolks from the whites. In a bowl, whip the cheese must be the sugar, egg yolks, starch, sour cream and vanilla.
2. Separately vzbey proteins.
3. Cottage cheese mixture was stirred with whipped whites.
4. If you decide to add the raisins, do it now.
5. Cover the pan with parchment paper, butter smazh it and put cottage cheese.
6. Put in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180-200 degrees.

air and gentle casserole ready!
This casserole is an excellent breakfast for you and for your children. It goes well with unsweetened tea, as it is composed of a sufficient amount of sugar.
Be sure to prepare a dessert, and tell your friends about it!
via takprosto cc
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