Do not like your job
The article, which breaks the stereotype of "do what you love" and demonstrates the danger of this frazy.Miya Tokumitsu (Miya Tokumitsu), Doctor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania, was wondering about the true meaning of the phrase "Do what you love and love what you do", which It has recently become very popular among representatives of different professions.
Website offers you a translation of her article in which the author tries to evaluate all the pros and cons of such a worldview. It is not so simple as it seems at first glance.
«Do what you love. Love what you do ». Similar remarks apply to social networks with great speed. It's safe to say that these words - the credo of our time workers. But the main problem here is that it devalues the real work and "dehumanizing" a huge amount of ordinary workers.
At first glance, this is a great motivational advice that forces us to find something that we really love to start making money on it. But why do we have to capitalize on the fun? And to whom is addressed this general aphorism?
«Do what you love and love what you do." - secret code selected and the world, which allows to classify themselves as "elite" and rise above the rest. em>
Usually aphorisms many sources and manifestations. It is difficult to understand how this saying went. Oxford Handbook says, among other things, about the authorship of tennis player Martina Navratilova. Often the Internet statement attributed to Confucius, and Oprah Winfrey and other adherents of positive thinking for many years have included it in their repertoire. Not spared this scourge and the world of business: As you know, the last serious preacher of this principle was Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. In his address to the graduates of Stanford in 2005, Jobs told the history of the company and said the following:
«You have to find something that you love, and this advice is equally valid both for work and for the relationship. The work will be a big part of your life, and the only way to be satisfied with their lives - is to love what you are doing. If you have not found, keep looking, do not give up ». Em>
So, the work is divided into two opposite types: one - a nice (creative, intellectual, and social prestige) and the other - a monotonous, dumb, unremarkable. em>
For the second hand is a different story. The creed of "do what you love," there is no place work that goes beyond that and requires something more than just a love (by the way, is the real work). As in the speech Jobs hated, but socially necessary work is banished from our minds.
Just think about the great work that has allowed Jobs to at least one day to stay at the head of the company. Food grown for him in the fields, then set off on a long distance. Products of his company who is going to, packaging, transporting. To advertise Apple wrote the script, looking for actors who performed the shooting. The company represents in court. In the end, someone has endured bins out of the office and filling the ink cartridges.
Ignoring most of the work and the rest referring to love, "do what you love" may become the most elegant anti-labor ideology. Because the workers can defend their interests if the concept of "work" does not exist? em> * * *
"Do what you love" hides the fact that an opportunity to choose a job for the soul - a great fortune and privilege to certain socio-economic class. If we believe that the work of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley or the fashion journalist allows us to be honest with you, then say what we think about the hopes and lives of those who, for example, cleans hotel rooms? The answer is: nothing.
No one denies that a favorite work - it is also work.
Ironically, "Do what you love" allows to exploit workers: regular processing, low wages or even unpaid work - is the new norm. em>
Rather than organize the community for self-actualization, happy employees, our era, "Do what you love" creates a small rate professors and interns without pay. People are persuaded to work for low or no cost, in addition, the damage to health. This applies to all those students who work for the evaluation zachetke or trainees willing to work for free for the day of the company, they are very eager to get there.
Another unpleasant aspect of the motto "Do what you love": it is no secret that in the areas that exist largely thanks to the work of interns, most employed women. It is the fashion, media and art.
For a low fee or even free work, mostly women: nurse, temporary teachers and interns without pay. They are united by an understanding that the salary - not the main thing in their work. Em>
* * *
Do what you love, and you do not have to work another day in this life. Before you give into the power of this pleasant promises better look critically: «This particularly advantageous that I do not take a job as work? "or" why I should not think that I'm working, when in fact I work? » em>. So "do what you love" - perfect ideological tool of capitalism, designed to hide the operation, which it feeds. If we perceive all our work as labor, we could set strict limits to demand proper payment and gentle schedule that would have left us time to rest and family.
And if we could do it, many of us would be able to do what it really interesting.
See also:
Do what you love
via www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2014/01/do_what_you_love_love_what_you_do_an_omnipresent_mantra_that_s_bad_for_work.html
Website offers you a translation of her article in which the author tries to evaluate all the pros and cons of such a worldview. It is not so simple as it seems at first glance.
«Do what you love. Love what you do ». Similar remarks apply to social networks with great speed. It's safe to say that these words - the credo of our time workers. But the main problem here is that it devalues the real work and "dehumanizing" a huge amount of ordinary workers.
At first glance, this is a great motivational advice that forces us to find something that we really love to start making money on it. But why do we have to capitalize on the fun? And to whom is addressed this general aphorism?
«Do what you love and love what you do." - secret code selected and the world, which allows to classify themselves as "elite" and rise above the rest. em>
Usually aphorisms many sources and manifestations. It is difficult to understand how this saying went. Oxford Handbook says, among other things, about the authorship of tennis player Martina Navratilova. Often the Internet statement attributed to Confucius, and Oprah Winfrey and other adherents of positive thinking for many years have included it in their repertoire. Not spared this scourge and the world of business: As you know, the last serious preacher of this principle was Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. In his address to the graduates of Stanford in 2005, Jobs told the history of the company and said the following:
«You have to find something that you love, and this advice is equally valid both for work and for the relationship. The work will be a big part of your life, and the only way to be satisfied with their lives - is to love what you are doing. If you have not found, keep looking, do not give up ». Em>
So, the work is divided into two opposite types: one - a nice (creative, intellectual, and social prestige) and the other - a monotonous, dumb, unremarkable. em>
For the second hand is a different story. The creed of "do what you love," there is no place work that goes beyond that and requires something more than just a love (by the way, is the real work). As in the speech Jobs hated, but socially necessary work is banished from our minds.
Just think about the great work that has allowed Jobs to at least one day to stay at the head of the company. Food grown for him in the fields, then set off on a long distance. Products of his company who is going to, packaging, transporting. To advertise Apple wrote the script, looking for actors who performed the shooting. The company represents in court. In the end, someone has endured bins out of the office and filling the ink cartridges.
Ignoring most of the work and the rest referring to love, "do what you love" may become the most elegant anti-labor ideology. Because the workers can defend their interests if the concept of "work" does not exist? em> * * *
"Do what you love" hides the fact that an opportunity to choose a job for the soul - a great fortune and privilege to certain socio-economic class. If we believe that the work of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley or the fashion journalist allows us to be honest with you, then say what we think about the hopes and lives of those who, for example, cleans hotel rooms? The answer is: nothing.
No one denies that a favorite work - it is also work.
Ironically, "Do what you love" allows to exploit workers: regular processing, low wages or even unpaid work - is the new norm. em>
Rather than organize the community for self-actualization, happy employees, our era, "Do what you love" creates a small rate professors and interns without pay. People are persuaded to work for low or no cost, in addition, the damage to health. This applies to all those students who work for the evaluation zachetke or trainees willing to work for free for the day of the company, they are very eager to get there.
Another unpleasant aspect of the motto "Do what you love": it is no secret that in the areas that exist largely thanks to the work of interns, most employed women. It is the fashion, media and art.
For a low fee or even free work, mostly women: nurse, temporary teachers and interns without pay. They are united by an understanding that the salary - not the main thing in their work. Em>
* * *
Do what you love, and you do not have to work another day in this life. Before you give into the power of this pleasant promises better look critically: «This particularly advantageous that I do not take a job as work? "or" why I should not think that I'm working, when in fact I work? » em>. So "do what you love" - perfect ideological tool of capitalism, designed to hide the operation, which it feeds. If we perceive all our work as labor, we could set strict limits to demand proper payment and gentle schedule that would have left us time to rest and family.
And if we could do it, many of us would be able to do what it really interesting.
See also:
Do what you love
via www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2014/01/do_what_you_love_love_what_you_do_an_omnipresent_mantra_that_s_bad_for_work.html