The whole truth about teas for weight loss. Find out whether it works ...
In the world there are many varieties of tea. Each variety has a definite impact on the human body. Can I lose weight with tea? According to new research, some teas help burn fat to 10 percent more efficient than light physical activity classes. It is clear that we should not expect much to lose weight simply by eating this popular drink without changing the lifestyle. But as an adjunct to diet it will fit perfectly. .cc has collected information on the four varieties of tea that will help you lose weight.
White tea
White tea is not only refined and delicate taste, but it is still very useful. This grade is subjected to less processing than others. In this case, it is more nutrients and trace elements which contribute to weight loss. White tea speeds up the metabolism. In addition to improving metabolism, it acts as a diuretic. This allows you to bring the body of toxins and wastes.
Tea with barberry
Barberry tea - very tasty, vitamins and health-based drink Pelykh fruits and leaves of barberry. Barberry improves digestion, is a cholagogue, helps cleanse the blood and the whole body, which is very important for effective weight loss. It is also rich in vitamins, which are very necessary for those who are dieting. The barberry contains only 29 calories. Eat barberry tea is recommended three times a day for two weeks, then you need to take a break.
Puer Tea
Puer - a herbal tea, which is great help for those who want to lose weight. It has a large number of benefits: it improves the digestive tract, increases metabolism, helps to digest a heavy meal. This tea is well helps cleanse the body burns fat and reduces appetite. Those who want to lose weight with the help of Puer must drink it half an hour before a meal.
Oolong Tea (oolong)
Oolong tea has different properties: thirst quencher, strengthens teeth, invigorates and improves mood. Also, the traditional Chinese tea beverage helps to improve the shape, but also contains a lot of useful for the body of vitamins and minerals. Scientists claim that people who regularly drink the tea, have a body mass index and body fat is lower than the others. Oolong tea also improves metabolism.
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White tea
White tea is not only refined and delicate taste, but it is still very useful. This grade is subjected to less processing than others. In this case, it is more nutrients and trace elements which contribute to weight loss. White tea speeds up the metabolism. In addition to improving metabolism, it acts as a diuretic. This allows you to bring the body of toxins and wastes.
Tea with barberry
Barberry tea - very tasty, vitamins and health-based drink Pelykh fruits and leaves of barberry. Barberry improves digestion, is a cholagogue, helps cleanse the blood and the whole body, which is very important for effective weight loss. It is also rich in vitamins, which are very necessary for those who are dieting. The barberry contains only 29 calories. Eat barberry tea is recommended three times a day for two weeks, then you need to take a break.
Puer Tea
Puer - a herbal tea, which is great help for those who want to lose weight. It has a large number of benefits: it improves the digestive tract, increases metabolism, helps to digest a heavy meal. This tea is well helps cleanse the body burns fat and reduces appetite. Those who want to lose weight with the help of Puer must drink it half an hour before a meal.
Oolong Tea (oolong)
Oolong tea has different properties: thirst quencher, strengthens teeth, invigorates and improves mood. Also, the traditional Chinese tea beverage helps to improve the shape, but also contains a lot of useful for the body of vitamins and minerals. Scientists claim that people who regularly drink the tea, have a body mass index and body fat is lower than the others. Oolong tea also improves metabolism.
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