Japanese banana diet - the easiest way to lose weight. Up to 5 kg in a week - it's real!
Recently, a Japanese physician, Hitoshi Watanabe (Hitoshi Watanabe), shared with the public their experience weight loss. He told the world about the morning banana diet, which has sat down the whole of America. Why is this diet has become so popular? Watanabe says that for weight loss you need only replace the usual breakfast of bananas with warm water. But everything is so simple?
Hitoshi Watanabe said that the combination of bananas with water at room temperature results in faster metabolism, so the man sticking a banana diet, eat lunch and dinner, anything, and it will still lose weight. Plus, in unripe bananas contain a lot of resistant starch, because of which we feel full. As a result of the burning of fat is more intense. Well, room temperature water improves digestion and reduces hunger.
Terms morning banana diet:
1. It is necessary to go to sleep every day until 12 o'clock at night.
2. In no case can not overeat.
3. Exclude from the consumption of dairy products and spirits.
4. Exercise is not necessary, only on request.
5. The only solution drink - water.
Diet menu:
Breakfast: one or more of the unripe bananas and a glass of water at room temperature.
Lunch: at its discretion.
Snack: are allowed snacks, better - favorite fruit.
Dinner: on your own. It is important not to eat after 20:00 and eliminate desserts.
Pros Japanese banana diet:
increase metabolism and reduce the likelihood of overeating during the day; elimination of caffeine from the diet helps to normalize blood glucose levels and a decrease in appetite; early dinner unlearn later snacking and limits the consumption of calories; the exclusion from the diet of dairy products and desserts (at the time) limit fat and sugar; bananas - rich in vitamins and minerals the fruit. Cons banana diet:
Some people do not respond well to clean carbohydrates (especially those with hypoglycemia); a requirement of physical activity.
via takprosto cc
Hitoshi Watanabe said that the combination of bananas with water at room temperature results in faster metabolism, so the man sticking a banana diet, eat lunch and dinner, anything, and it will still lose weight. Plus, in unripe bananas contain a lot of resistant starch, because of which we feel full. As a result of the burning of fat is more intense. Well, room temperature water improves digestion and reduces hunger.

Terms morning banana diet:
1. It is necessary to go to sleep every day until 12 o'clock at night.
2. In no case can not overeat.
3. Exclude from the consumption of dairy products and spirits.
4. Exercise is not necessary, only on request.
5. The only solution drink - water.
Diet menu:
Breakfast: one or more of the unripe bananas and a glass of water at room temperature.
Lunch: at its discretion.
Snack: are allowed snacks, better - favorite fruit.
Dinner: on your own. It is important not to eat after 20:00 and eliminate desserts.
Pros Japanese banana diet:
increase metabolism and reduce the likelihood of overeating during the day; elimination of caffeine from the diet helps to normalize blood glucose levels and a decrease in appetite; early dinner unlearn later snacking and limits the consumption of calories; the exclusion from the diet of dairy products and desserts (at the time) limit fat and sugar; bananas - rich in vitamins and minerals the fruit. Cons banana diet:
Some people do not respond well to clean carbohydrates (especially those with hypoglycemia); a requirement of physical activity.
via takprosto cc
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