7 breakfast harmful to our body. Take care of your health!
We know that breakfast is the most important meal. From that, we start the day, we depend for our well-being. Therefore, useful and balanced breakfast - this is what you need for each of us. But, unfortunately, because of the modern advertising and other factors, not all of us know what is really bad there as the first meal. Explore the 7 foods that you should not eat after waking up, and about what they can be replaced.
1. Baking
Many people prefer to eat for breakfast croissants, but such food is harmful not only for the figure, but also for health. Baking - is fast carbs, so soon after such a breakfast you want to eat again. Also, they cause surges in blood sugar levels. This may cause stress on the body, and to withdraw from the normal operation of the pancreas.
Pastries best to replace dietary pie. Well vzbey eggs, cottage cheese and honey in a blender, pour the mass into shape and bake in the oven. The cream is prepared from low-fat yogurt, cocoa and honey, and whipped in a blender. Simple and healthy breakfast ready.
2. Semolina
Munk does not contain complex carbohydrates and fiber. Wheat with a strong grinding loses its beneficial properties. But the starch and gluten are.
Those who are watching their figures, it is better to abandon this product. Especially, do not add to the semolina sugar, milk and butter.
3. Flakes with milk
Advertising on television assures us that cereal with milk - a healthy breakfast, especially for children. But this is a real fraud. Most of these products contain sugar and various harmful additives. A valuable component - the tissue that makes up most 2% in preparing breakfast.
Replace chocolate oatmeal. Pour in the evening porridge with milk, add cottage cheese, cocoa and honey. Let it brew for the night.
4. Cheese curds and cheese
Curd cheese often contain palm oil, and large amounts of sugar. Processed cheese is prepared in many cases of waste. They also contain sodium, which makes this product desirable for human consumption with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. This product contains no advantage to the organism supplements. Allergy sufferers and people with diseased kidneys of this cheese is better to abstain. Especially harmful to eat it on an empty stomach.
Replace the conventional food or cheese curds homemade. Mix cottage cheese with honey and banana in a blender, and then gives the mass shape. Then fields cocoa and water mixture. Put in the freezer for an hour.
5. Sweets
Sweets increased fasting blood glucose levels. This breakfast is not beneficial to health, especially the digestive tract.
If you like sweet in the morning, then you can eat marshmallows or candy, but only after the main meal. For breakfast you can eat cheese and honey.
6. Sausages
Meat sausages in a little, but it was full of flavors. They often contain starch, emulsifiers, and a lot of salt.
Instead of sausage best use smoked chicken, turkey, chicken ham.
7. Quick-cooking cereals
Grains such milled cereals and steamed. It contains useful trace elements, but still in the usual mess of a lot more. And almost always in cereals noodles can be found in the composition of chemical additives and sugar.
Replace oatmeal without additives. If you do not have time zaley porridge in the evening milk. Add fruit and nuts to taste.
If you want to start the day properly and in good state of health, then you need to carefully select the products for breakfast. Share with your friends with this information!
via takprosto cc
1. Baking
Many people prefer to eat for breakfast croissants, but such food is harmful not only for the figure, but also for health. Baking - is fast carbs, so soon after such a breakfast you want to eat again. Also, they cause surges in blood sugar levels. This may cause stress on the body, and to withdraw from the normal operation of the pancreas.
Pastries best to replace dietary pie. Well vzbey eggs, cottage cheese and honey in a blender, pour the mass into shape and bake in the oven. The cream is prepared from low-fat yogurt, cocoa and honey, and whipped in a blender. Simple and healthy breakfast ready.
2. Semolina
Munk does not contain complex carbohydrates and fiber. Wheat with a strong grinding loses its beneficial properties. But the starch and gluten are.
Those who are watching their figures, it is better to abandon this product. Especially, do not add to the semolina sugar, milk and butter.

3. Flakes with milk
Advertising on television assures us that cereal with milk - a healthy breakfast, especially for children. But this is a real fraud. Most of these products contain sugar and various harmful additives. A valuable component - the tissue that makes up most 2% in preparing breakfast.
Replace chocolate oatmeal. Pour in the evening porridge with milk, add cottage cheese, cocoa and honey. Let it brew for the night.
4. Cheese curds and cheese
Curd cheese often contain palm oil, and large amounts of sugar. Processed cheese is prepared in many cases of waste. They also contain sodium, which makes this product desirable for human consumption with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. This product contains no advantage to the organism supplements. Allergy sufferers and people with diseased kidneys of this cheese is better to abstain. Especially harmful to eat it on an empty stomach.
Replace the conventional food or cheese curds homemade. Mix cottage cheese with honey and banana in a blender, and then gives the mass shape. Then fields cocoa and water mixture. Put in the freezer for an hour.
5. Sweets
Sweets increased fasting blood glucose levels. This breakfast is not beneficial to health, especially the digestive tract.
If you like sweet in the morning, then you can eat marshmallows or candy, but only after the main meal. For breakfast you can eat cheese and honey.
6. Sausages
Meat sausages in a little, but it was full of flavors. They often contain starch, emulsifiers, and a lot of salt.
Instead of sausage best use smoked chicken, turkey, chicken ham.
7. Quick-cooking cereals
Grains such milled cereals and steamed. It contains useful trace elements, but still in the usual mess of a lot more. And almost always in cereals noodles can be found in the composition of chemical additives and sugar.
Replace oatmeal without additives. If you do not have time zaley porridge in the evening milk. Add fruit and nuts to taste.
If you want to start the day properly and in good state of health, then you need to carefully select the products for breakfast. Share with your friends with this information!
via takprosto cc
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