A man swam to his boat into the sea. He could not believe my eyes when I saw this ...
«Alaska Quest» - organization conducting various tours of southern Alaska to all who want to see whales, dolphins and bears. But the family has witnessed something completely different! A few miles from the shores of Tom and his family saw four deer, floating on the sea.
Tom says: «They sailed straight to the boat and their eyes were pleading for salvation. I tightened the noose around his neck, first one deer, and then others, and pulled them into the boat. They soaked to the skin. Fortunately, our boat is allowed to leave the animal while on board ». I>
Deer completely exhausted, it was hard to breathe, and once they got on the boat, immediately collapsed to the floor.
«One of them was really bad. I almost did not feel his heartbeat because his body is massaged for 20 minutes. He was pale as a lamb. But I hope that the animal appreciated my efforts », i> - says Tom.
Shortly after the deer got stronger, Tom released them into the forest. The animals were very lucky that the family was there at the right time. Share this wonderful story of salvation with others!

Tom says: «They sailed straight to the boat and their eyes were pleading for salvation. I tightened the noose around his neck, first one deer, and then others, and pulled them into the boat. They soaked to the skin. Fortunately, our boat is allowed to leave the animal while on board ». I>

Deer completely exhausted, it was hard to breathe, and once they got on the boat, immediately collapsed to the floor.

«One of them was really bad. I almost did not feel his heartbeat because his body is massaged for 20 minutes. He was pale as a lamb. But I hope that the animal appreciated my efforts », i> - says Tom.

Shortly after the deer got stronger, Tom released them into the forest. The animals were very lucky that the family was there at the right time. Share this wonderful story of salvation with others!
The jury were expecting the usual dance on the rope. But what they saw, all at once on the spot.
These incredibly realistic pictures Relive the Past! Made a trip through time.