I'm shocked how many people saw this, but even more surprised me, how old he is!
Imagine a person who was born before the advent of TV, copier, a tape recorder, air conditioner, dishwasher, clothes dryer, computer and even an FM radio!
This man was born in a world where there was no antibiotics and vaccination against poliomyelitis. Moreover, for such diseases as AIDS nobody even heard of. When he was born, no one imagined that such a credit card or mobile phone, people wore glasses, and had no idea that such a contact lens. There were no phones, no pens ...
He found a day when man landed on the moon, and in his childhood, no one even thought that space flight can be a reality, not the plot of the book. Earrings while wearing only girls.
Even human relations have changed! He, like his wife, it was the first marriage. And they even celebrated their golden wedding, and had lived a lifetime together. All families have been both father and mother.
In his youth people to respect each other. No one knew about the rights of sexual minorities, or how you can see the person being hundreds of kilometers away.
He was brought up on the Bible and common sense. He always attended church. Distinguish right from wrong he was taught to parents and clergy. They also taught him to patriotism and sense of responsibility.
In his youth, no one even heard of McDonalds or Starbucks. At each corner were shops where you can dress up for a few dollars. Ice Cream, public transportation, movie ticket - it's worth mere pennies! At that time, even a car can be bought for $ 500. When the man was still young - the grass was what grew in the garden or on the lawn, coca was just a drink. The then young people were not so corrupt as today's children.
On the shelves it was impossible to find at least one item made in China. If a man said that he had a serious relationship - which means that he gets along well with his brothers and sisters.
The generation of this man was the last person to believe that a woman needs a man to give life to a new person.
It is not strange that today the grandchildren laugh with their grandparents when they are trying to understand the new-fangled phones. Today, with the abundance of new technologies, the gap between the two generations is even more. We are becoming increasingly difficult to understand each other.
You presented this man? And now guess how old he is! No, he was not a hundred, he's only 60 years old.
Are you shocked? Share this instructive article with your friends, take care of the eternal values, despite a century now.
via ofigenno ru
This man was born in a world where there was no antibiotics and vaccination against poliomyelitis. Moreover, for such diseases as AIDS nobody even heard of. When he was born, no one imagined that such a credit card or mobile phone, people wore glasses, and had no idea that such a contact lens. There were no phones, no pens ...
He found a day when man landed on the moon, and in his childhood, no one even thought that space flight can be a reality, not the plot of the book. Earrings while wearing only girls.
Even human relations have changed! He, like his wife, it was the first marriage. And they even celebrated their golden wedding, and had lived a lifetime together. All families have been both father and mother.
In his youth people to respect each other. No one knew about the rights of sexual minorities, or how you can see the person being hundreds of kilometers away.
He was brought up on the Bible and common sense. He always attended church. Distinguish right from wrong he was taught to parents and clergy. They also taught him to patriotism and sense of responsibility.
In his youth, no one even heard of McDonalds or Starbucks. At each corner were shops where you can dress up for a few dollars. Ice Cream, public transportation, movie ticket - it's worth mere pennies! At that time, even a car can be bought for $ 500. When the man was still young - the grass was what grew in the garden or on the lawn, coca was just a drink. The then young people were not so corrupt as today's children.
On the shelves it was impossible to find at least one item made in China. If a man said that he had a serious relationship - which means that he gets along well with his brothers and sisters.
The generation of this man was the last person to believe that a woman needs a man to give life to a new person.
It is not strange that today the grandchildren laugh with their grandparents when they are trying to understand the new-fangled phones. Today, with the abundance of new technologies, the gap between the two generations is even more. We are becoming increasingly difficult to understand each other.
You presented this man? And now guess how old he is! No, he was not a hundred, he's only 60 years old.
Are you shocked? Share this instructive article with your friends, take care of the eternal values, despite a century now.
via ofigenno ru
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