It is not for the faint of heart! The man drove 100 km with a knife in his head, to get to the clinic.
The Brazilian drove 100 kilometers in the car with a 30-centimeter knife sticking out of his head. This and other stab wounds he received as a result of a fight in a bar.
He came to the hospital at half past three in the morning and two hours later had been operated. After a three-hour surgery, the patient was still alive. But nobody knows what might be the consequences of the experienced trauma.
39-year-old Brazilian taxi driver got four knife wounds - to the head, shoulder, and two in the chest, one of which hurt the lung. The knife that was in his head, entered the skull just above the left eye, the blade passed through the mouth to the right side of the jaw.
All two hours behind the wheel on the way to the hospital the man was conscious. I was lucky that they were not affected by any vital nerves and organs. The Brazilian has to be in the hospital for some time to treat mild to hurt, but he quickly recovers.
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He came to the hospital at half past three in the morning and two hours later had been operated. After a three-hour surgery, the patient was still alive. But nobody knows what might be the consequences of the experienced trauma.
39-year-old Brazilian taxi driver got four knife wounds - to the head, shoulder, and two in the chest, one of which hurt the lung. The knife that was in his head, entered the skull just above the left eye, the blade passed through the mouth to the right side of the jaw.
All two hours behind the wheel on the way to the hospital the man was conscious. I was lucky that they were not affected by any vital nerves and organs. The Brazilian has to be in the hospital for some time to treat mild to hurt, but he quickly recovers.
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