This desperate married woman has asked the advice of technical support ... such a response she did not expect!

Family, like the farm, - voluntary. But somehow, having lived a year or more in a marriage, some people are beginning to suggest that marital relationships are like bondage and someone dragged them back by force. In the eyes of her husband's wife acquires features treacherous winding snake and the woman seems that the husband on the head there horns. The result is that both can not afford to live in such an exotic zoo. Begin quarrels and scandals. Somewhere disappears love and romance.

This girl is no different from the others. She is familiar, what is, on the one hand, the family fortune, and on the other - ohladevshie feelings and despair. It is concerned with the question: "How to keep the relationship, return the freshness of the first meetings and not to remain with nothing?" She decided not thinking to ask advice from technical support but do not expect to get such a comprehensive answer ...

Dear tech support! i>

At the beginning of the year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and found a significant slowdown of the system. This is particularly true of applications Flowers and Jewels, which under Boyfriend 5.0 works just perfectly. I>

In addition, Husband 1.0. there was no such useful programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but established a bunch of unnecessary programs such as: Premier League 5.0, 3.0 and NHL Billiards 4.1. i>

Communication 8.0 stopped working, and cleaning the house while trying to run 2.6 brings down the entire system. I tried to use Nagging 5.3 to fix them, but it did not work. I>

What do I do now? i>

Desperate i>

Support Workers read the cry of the soul desperately and gave a brilliant answer!

Dear Desperate! i>

In our license indicated that Boyfriend 5.0 - is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 - operating system. Try to run the utility, "I thought you loved menya.exe," download the application Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install an update of a sense of guilt 3.0. If you do everything correctly, the system Husband 1.0 will automatically launch applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. I>

However, note that if you use too many of these applications, the system will start the oppressive silence of 2.5, 7.0, or Beer Friends 6.1. As for Beer 6.1 - this is a dangerous virus program that downloads without your knowledge and application fart loud snoring Beta. I>

But anyway, do not install the application mother- in-law 1.0 (it runs a virus that touches you manage the entire system, and you lose control over it). i>

In addition to this - do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0. They are incompatible with Husband 1.0, and it will cause a system crash. I>

Finally: Husband 1.0 - an excellent program, but it has limited memory resources and it is very slow to start any new applications. To increase memory and improve system performance - we offer you to buy a few new programs. We recommend: Cooking 3.0 and beautiful lingerie 7.7. I>

Good luck to you! i>

I imagine the face of despair, when she read the answer to his letter of complaint. Sadness from the face vanished! Surely she grinned and directly at your computer screen has decided to change his family life. As you know, technicians are able to think clearly and rationally. Share these clever tips to strengthen relations with other married couples.

via ofigenno ru


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