3 decision that will change your attitude to Life
If you start to make these decisions consciously, you can change your life from today!
There is nothing worse than a chronic anger or unhappiness - especially in a rich man. Believe me, for this is not the slightest excuse - and yet I see like almost every day. The reason for these phenomena is the same - an extremely unbalanced life, in which they expect too much and not enough appreciate what they have.
If you do not appreciate what you have, and be thankful for this fate, you'll never be satisfied with their lives in earnest. But how do you achieve balance in life? What do achieve something if at the same time achieve a plunge into the chaos of your life?
For four decades, I teach people how to live - and believe me, I am proud to list their clients, because among them were some of the most powerful men and women on this planet. I have worked with both the presidents of the US and a successful businessman and owners of large companies.
And you know what? During this time, I realized that almost every moment of his life, everyone takes three key decisions ultimately determine the quality of his life.
And if you take those decisions unconsciously, then most likely, you will find the fate of the majority of people living today - is far from ideal bodily, emotionally exhausted, and often poor as church mice. But if you start to make these decisions consciously, you can change your life from today.
The first solution: carefully choose what to focus on.
Every moment of your life compete for your attention, millions of different things. And you have a choice - to focus on what is happening here and now, that determines your future, or nothing squander your attention to what happened in the past.
Concentrating on something, you direct your energy to it. What you focus on what and how you do it, define your life.
What is better to focus on? On the fact that you have, or what you are missing?
I am more than sure that you think about both sides of this coin. But if you look carefully at your everyday thoughts, you will realize that the lion's share of your time is spent on any one of them. So for what is?
If you understand that a large portion of your time is spent thinking about what you do not, and the envy of those who are more fortunate you financially, then maybe you should admit that you should be thankful for the fact that you have, some of which has nothing to do with money. After all, you really should be grateful for your health, family, friends, and the possibility of sanity.
Accustomed to appreciate what you have, you can easily create a new level of emotional stability and wealth. Try to feel this gratitude to all of your mind, body, heart and soul. For here lies the real joy, happiness and contentment with life.
Now look at your attention on the other side. What do you often focus your your attention - on what you can control, and that transcends your control?
If you focus on what you can not control, you just add to your life a little stress. Yes, you have power over your life by many factors, but neither you nor anyone else can not control every single one of them.
After you change the pattern of thinking in the right direction, you should go to the next important decision. And it ...
The second solution: Try to understand what it all means.
Ultimately, what you feel in relation to your life is irrelevant to what's going on your financial situation, and to what happened to you, or did not happen. The quality of your life depends primarily on how you feel about all this.
Most of the time you can not even be aware of the effect that makes your life as your subconscious, giving a particular life event a certain sense.
When you might be something that ends abruptly the usual course of your life (a car accident, health problems, dismissal, and so on), what you think this event - the end or the beginning?
If someone comes to you in the conflict that you eject from this - gratuitous insult or a valuable lesson?
And if fate deals you a crushing blow, what does that mean? Does this mean that a higher power you want for something to punish or experience? Or maybe it's still an invaluable chance to become stronger?
Your life is the way you want it to be. And along with the value that you allot it to you comes a whole bunch of different emotions - which, in turn, change your life like itself, and the way you live it.
During my workshops, I always ask the question: "Do you know someone who sits on antidepressants, but did not get rid of depression?" And, as a rule, 85 to 90 percent of the collected affirmative answer.
You have not thought about why? Because, after all, and drugs to take to make it better. And only antidepressants in the list of possible side effects listed suicidal thoughts.
The truth is that no matter how much a man may take antidepressants if he always spends his time and attention to the fact that he can not control, the use of antidepressants, even only temporarily removes depression. And if he is going on and make a conclusion such as "life - rubbish and not worth living", this emotional cocktail can not overcome, no antidepressant.
But if as a result of what happened to him the same man finds a new purpose in life, the reason to go on living, or the belief that everything that is done - for the better, it will not break, no misfortune, moreover, it will make it a stronger .
When people break out of the trap of habitual aspirations and values, they begin to realize that in fact they are not restricted, and can make their life as they want. Change the object on which you focus your attention, and the shift in the perception of life, can change the biochemistry of your body in a positive direction in just a few minutes.
So return regain control over their lives, and always remember: the perception of life is equal to the emotions, and the emotions are life. Choose consciously and wisely. Look for the bright side in any event - and gain wealth, which did not even know his true wealth, the deepest sense.
As soon as you change the perception of life in the right direction, this change creates new emotions, which in turn lead you to the need to make a third important decision:
The third solution: What to do?
Commits actions you pretty much painted the emotional state in which you are. If you, for example, are evil, you will behave very differently than when you are gay or outraged.
And so if you want to direct your actions in a certain direction, the easiest way to do that - to choose a worthy goal, and try to change your emotions so that they gave you strength, not fettered.
And for each person the individual emotions. One man was blinded by anger and forces to retreat to another, he just gives the strength and desire to go forward.
Some people express anger quietly and peacefully. Someone - loudly and violently. And someone is successfully suppressing it with a cool head to gain the upper hand in the dispute, or be able to take revenge.
Where do we take these behaviors? As a rule, we subconsciously copy their behavior with other people - those whom we respect and love.
But what about those of us who are furious or angry? Often we reject them consciously behaviors simply because these people you do not like ... But somehow, we all too often find us again and again "refuse" to seemingly unworthy behaviors of our youth. Why is this happening to us?
Any person would be very useful to look as carefully as possible to those behaviors, which he slips when irritated, angry, sadness or feeling lonely. For without this he never let them change.
And now that you know about these three decisions, and know what they have power over you, you can already start looking for themselves role models - people who have made my life the way you want to see and yours. And I can tell you without a shadow of a lie - people who support each other calm, soft attitude to live a much more full and rich life, than those who are constantly cursing or fighting. After all, only they really know the meaning of their lives.
But if you read this article, you already know that you can achieve the same as you. And if you understand how different people approach the above three decisions, you will certainly look for their own way to positive changes in your life.

There is nothing worse than a chronic anger or unhappiness - especially in a rich man. Believe me, for this is not the slightest excuse - and yet I see like almost every day. The reason for these phenomena is the same - an extremely unbalanced life, in which they expect too much and not enough appreciate what they have.
If you do not appreciate what you have, and be thankful for this fate, you'll never be satisfied with their lives in earnest. But how do you achieve balance in life? What do achieve something if at the same time achieve a plunge into the chaos of your life?
For four decades, I teach people how to live - and believe me, I am proud to list their clients, because among them were some of the most powerful men and women on this planet. I have worked with both the presidents of the US and a successful businessman and owners of large companies.
And you know what? During this time, I realized that almost every moment of his life, everyone takes three key decisions ultimately determine the quality of his life.
And if you take those decisions unconsciously, then most likely, you will find the fate of the majority of people living today - is far from ideal bodily, emotionally exhausted, and often poor as church mice. But if you start to make these decisions consciously, you can change your life from today.
The first solution: carefully choose what to focus on.
Every moment of your life compete for your attention, millions of different things. And you have a choice - to focus on what is happening here and now, that determines your future, or nothing squander your attention to what happened in the past.
Concentrating on something, you direct your energy to it. What you focus on what and how you do it, define your life.
What is better to focus on? On the fact that you have, or what you are missing?
I am more than sure that you think about both sides of this coin. But if you look carefully at your everyday thoughts, you will realize that the lion's share of your time is spent on any one of them. So for what is?
If you understand that a large portion of your time is spent thinking about what you do not, and the envy of those who are more fortunate you financially, then maybe you should admit that you should be thankful for the fact that you have, some of which has nothing to do with money. After all, you really should be grateful for your health, family, friends, and the possibility of sanity.
Accustomed to appreciate what you have, you can easily create a new level of emotional stability and wealth. Try to feel this gratitude to all of your mind, body, heart and soul. For here lies the real joy, happiness and contentment with life.
Now look at your attention on the other side. What do you often focus your your attention - on what you can control, and that transcends your control?
If you focus on what you can not control, you just add to your life a little stress. Yes, you have power over your life by many factors, but neither you nor anyone else can not control every single one of them.
After you change the pattern of thinking in the right direction, you should go to the next important decision. And it ...
The second solution: Try to understand what it all means.
Ultimately, what you feel in relation to your life is irrelevant to what's going on your financial situation, and to what happened to you, or did not happen. The quality of your life depends primarily on how you feel about all this.
Most of the time you can not even be aware of the effect that makes your life as your subconscious, giving a particular life event a certain sense.
When you might be something that ends abruptly the usual course of your life (a car accident, health problems, dismissal, and so on), what you think this event - the end or the beginning?
If someone comes to you in the conflict that you eject from this - gratuitous insult or a valuable lesson?
And if fate deals you a crushing blow, what does that mean? Does this mean that a higher power you want for something to punish or experience? Or maybe it's still an invaluable chance to become stronger?
Your life is the way you want it to be. And along with the value that you allot it to you comes a whole bunch of different emotions - which, in turn, change your life like itself, and the way you live it.
During my workshops, I always ask the question: "Do you know someone who sits on antidepressants, but did not get rid of depression?" And, as a rule, 85 to 90 percent of the collected affirmative answer.
You have not thought about why? Because, after all, and drugs to take to make it better. And only antidepressants in the list of possible side effects listed suicidal thoughts.
The truth is that no matter how much a man may take antidepressants if he always spends his time and attention to the fact that he can not control, the use of antidepressants, even only temporarily removes depression. And if he is going on and make a conclusion such as "life - rubbish and not worth living", this emotional cocktail can not overcome, no antidepressant.
But if as a result of what happened to him the same man finds a new purpose in life, the reason to go on living, or the belief that everything that is done - for the better, it will not break, no misfortune, moreover, it will make it a stronger .
When people break out of the trap of habitual aspirations and values, they begin to realize that in fact they are not restricted, and can make their life as they want. Change the object on which you focus your attention, and the shift in the perception of life, can change the biochemistry of your body in a positive direction in just a few minutes.
So return regain control over their lives, and always remember: the perception of life is equal to the emotions, and the emotions are life. Choose consciously and wisely. Look for the bright side in any event - and gain wealth, which did not even know his true wealth, the deepest sense.
As soon as you change the perception of life in the right direction, this change creates new emotions, which in turn lead you to the need to make a third important decision:
The third solution: What to do?
Commits actions you pretty much painted the emotional state in which you are. If you, for example, are evil, you will behave very differently than when you are gay or outraged.
And so if you want to direct your actions in a certain direction, the easiest way to do that - to choose a worthy goal, and try to change your emotions so that they gave you strength, not fettered.
And for each person the individual emotions. One man was blinded by anger and forces to retreat to another, he just gives the strength and desire to go forward.
Some people express anger quietly and peacefully. Someone - loudly and violently. And someone is successfully suppressing it with a cool head to gain the upper hand in the dispute, or be able to take revenge.
Where do we take these behaviors? As a rule, we subconsciously copy their behavior with other people - those whom we respect and love.
But what about those of us who are furious or angry? Often we reject them consciously behaviors simply because these people you do not like ... But somehow, we all too often find us again and again "refuse" to seemingly unworthy behaviors of our youth. Why is this happening to us?
Any person would be very useful to look as carefully as possible to those behaviors, which he slips when irritated, angry, sadness or feeling lonely. For without this he never let them change.
And now that you know about these three decisions, and know what they have power over you, you can already start looking for themselves role models - people who have made my life the way you want to see and yours. And I can tell you without a shadow of a lie - people who support each other calm, soft attitude to live a much more full and rich life, than those who are constantly cursing or fighting. After all, only they really know the meaning of their lives.
But if you read this article, you already know that you can achieve the same as you. And if you understand how different people approach the above three decisions, you will certainly look for their own way to positive changes in your life.