Massage to improve vision.

Improve your eyesight by using the massage, it is not at all difficult. The most important thing - to set a goal and go for it every day. Long work on the computer, daily eye strain, poor posture, and sometimes lack of vitamins - all of this has a negative impact on our vision.
Ophthalmologist Bugrimenko Elena, from the Center of Eye Microsurgery, recommended to improve eyesight and relieve fatigue the eye, easy to do acupressure. For this simple procedure will need to take no more than 5 minutes, and a significant effect will come in a week or two.
To improve vision through massage, you need to gently and carefully
work on the following points:
The inner side of the eyebrow - deepening the side of the nose;
Deepening in cheek - in the two-two and a half inches from the middle of the lower eyelid;
The lower edge of the cheekbone, under the eyeball;
The depression between the eyebrows over the bridge;
Temporal hollows, closer to the eyes.
Breathe deeply - it contributes to the proper implementation of the massage. If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them before the massage.
Acupressure facial rejuvenation and good mood.
Closeness of the quality of the individual - the tendency of blocking access to others in their personal space ....