Appeal to a woman

Creator created man and created the woman to help him in procreation. In this way this man should not not like to fight, so you are not pulled out his hand, he should not keep you completely hand. Two free hands and it is easier to push the crowd, and the offender to drive away, and supplies to find the right path.
No, in moments of silence, he will hold your hand, but at other times you yourself should hold on to his jacket back and hold on tight. Moreover, the Lord put your duties keep him if stumble on a stone, cook him food supplies, which he will give to you, and brush away the sweat from his face, which sometimes fills the eye, as well as to heal the wounds that might get in path. And keep children after him, and the boys show an example of how goes the pope, and the girls an example of how hard you hold on to the Pope.
This is your purpose in life. Where he is going and how the Lord asked him, and only him! Him to answer. To you even question that does not happen. Your man is responsible for all of you.
But what Satan you unhappy, suggesting that you have to run with a man on par and even overtake him? What demon whispered that we should try to grab on the way the wrong hands? What snakes hissed that you can do it and that you need it? Who, on the insane, assured you that you better know the way?