Good stories ...
- Listen - suddenly spoke in a low husky voice handset. - Hey, who says?
Yet it was possible, without saying a word, quickly press the lever, but Alyosha unexpectedly said:
- This is me ...
Invisible man was not surprised, quite the contrary. His voice seemed suddenly softened, became louder.
- Hello Baby I am very glad that you called. I've been waiting for your call, baby ... You, as always in a hurry, huh? ..
Alyosha did not know what to say. That man, of course, took him for someone else, it was necessary to immediately tell him about it, I apologize.
- How are you in school?
- At school ... ok ... - I muttered Alyosha.
The interviewer, apparently, something felt his voice again became as hoarse.
- You're probably now in a pool? Or in the studio? You run, huh? Well, run! Thanks for calling. I'm waiting every day, you know.
The next day Alyosha thought of a man who was looking forward to the call of the "baby».
And Alyosha decided to call again to apologize.
The tube was removed immediately.
- Hello Baby Thank you for not forgetting my grandfather! Maybe you come sometime? You know, I almost did not go because ... my wounds, be they are wrong!
- Wounds? .. - Horrified Alyosha.
- Well I told you, baby. Do you really still quite crumbs was all forgotten, perhaps? I was injured when I was still in the "Ilyukh-humpbacked" flew. You're called here, and I feel better. I did well.
Alyosha suddenly realized that he simply can not say that old, battle-scarred man that he is talking to an impostor.
Alyosha evening as if by chance, casually asked his father:
- Dad, what 'Ilyukha-humpback »?
- "Ilyukha-hunchback?" It was a plane during World War II - Il-2. The Germans feared him terribly, called "black death».
- And if my grandfather was killed in the war, we would often go to him?
Alesha's father squeezed his hand.
- If only my father was alive ...
He said nothing more, a great and strong people. And Alyosha thought it could have been killed because of this unknown grandfather and "baby". But the "baby" surprising unbelievable lucky in life!
And just need to call that person.
The old man's voice was almost cheerful.
- Well, now every day a celebration! How you doing, baby?
- Fine! - Unexpectedly said Alyosha. - Do you like something, tell me, please.
The old man was very surprised. It can be seen, it was not used to it things someone interested.
- Yes, I have all the same. Cause some old man's.
- Have you seen the war tanks?
- Tanks? I covered them from the air. Oh, baby, it was once ...
Old man's voice became husky voiced, young and fun, and it seemed that no elderly person sitting in an empty old man's apartment, and combat pilot manages its formidable aircraft. And the battle around on the ground and in the sky. And far down on the enemy is tiny, like a small insect, a tank. And only he, the pilot formidable "Ilyukh-humped", can still save the minnows from a direct hit ...
Uncle Volodya, a neighbor Alyosha from the ninth floor, worked in the police. Having come to him in the evening, Alyosha confusedly told him everything, and the next day a neighbor brought Alesha small piece of paper with the address and name.
Lived old pilot is not very far, six stops on the bus. When Alyosha went to his house, he thought. After all, the old pilot still thinks that every day talking with his grandson. Maybe learning the truth, he did not want to talk! .. It should, perhaps, at first, to warn ...
Alyosha went into a phone booth and dialed the number.
- Is that you? .. - I heard a boy in the tube has a familiar voice. - I immediately realized that it was you ... You call from the machine that down there? .. Get up, I opened the door. We learn, grandson ...
Mozhajskij Troopers: with shaving flight without a parachute on German tanks
According to one of the combat capability of the Blackwater employees in different countries.