Mozhajskij Troopers: with shaving flight without a parachute on German tanks

Next, we present a line from the novel by Yuri Sergeyev "Prince's Island": "German colony salable swept the snow-covered highway.
Suddenly appeared in front of low-flying Russian planes if they were going to land, was creeping over the snowdrifts, dropping to the limit of speed, in ten - twenty meters from the surface of the snow, and suddenly fell bunches people on snow-covered field near the road.
They tumbled in a blizzard, and after jumping more and more men in white coat and seemed to be the enemy, overcome by panic, it will not end in a white tornado, this white celestial river Russian falling in the snow next to the tanks of the ditch that arise live and immediately rushed under caterpillars with a bunch of grenades ... They were like white ghosts, watering from automatic infantry vehicles, anti-tank guns shots burning through armor, burned for several tanks.

Russian to be seen in the snow, they seemed to grow out of the ground: fearless, fierce and holy in his vengeance, unstoppable by any weapon. The battle was boiling and bubbling on the highway. The Germans killed almost everyone and have rejoiced the victory saw them catch up with the new column of tanks and infantry, when a wave of aircraft again crept out of the woods and out poured a white waterfall of fresh fighters, even in the fall hitting the enemy ...
German colonies have been destroyed, and only a few armored vehicles pulled out of this hell, and rushed back, carrying the mortal terror and mystical fear of courage, the will and the spirit of the Russian soldier. After it became clear that the fall in the snow died only twelve percent of the landing.
The rest took an unequal battle.

I can not imagine any German or American or an Englishman, voluntarily and without a parachute jump on the tanks.
Current Russian destroyers and our army is required to mock this fact of history ...
Why not just write: that the soldiers feared Stalin feared that they would be shot, which had been forced to ...
