In memory of my grandfather
Our life is full of moments of bright and not very emotional, meeting and parting, parting and acquisitions, as well as losses. A few days ago died my grandfather. I've always been this way: I went to the village to his grandfather, spending the summer with his grandfather. My grandfather was a loved one, strict but fair. He worked as a shepherd, and the house was all living creatures such as horses, a pair of cows, sheep, ducks, chickens. It is not, and in the soul formed weightlessness. The second definition - is being lost. I would like to share with you some moments of childhood that sunspots live in the heart. Last feedback grandfather was 4 years ago, before I found my family and left home. He had partial vision problems, and he recognized us better voice.
- Hey, Grandpa! You still walk? Not frozen? Do not you?
- Mother! - In the voice of his grandfather was the heat. No, everything is fine. Meeting people, yes. A little more I'll walk, yeah.
It was his "mother" a good tone sounds in the ears. And yesterday, before receiving the sad news, I woke up early, sonny side snuffle, which six months, lie, listen to breathing baby. Suddenly, I hear a door covered up, not closed until the end, clinking latch lock and scraped his sneakers. Get up, ready to punish a cat that plays with a door and then walking a draft in the house, and even with the slippers of my plays - the disorder. She stood up - all the doors are closed, and sneakers, generally no shoes no front or behind doors. I look like my grandfather came, to visit, to make sure that I'm fine and left. It is a pity that we can not turn back time and take a walk with his grandfather, talking about anything and everything, rather than to rush home for their small business. I put a candle and pray for him tonight.
- Santa and give a horse ride? - Asks the little girl 4 years old with huge blue eyes and blond hair. She was so small that once again my grandfather was afraid of her embrace. The mother could not hear the girl more than 3 months, and the baby was often ill and ate like a bird. So what horse it? God forbid zashibet one stroke tail. And doctors do not just muddled that not long granddaughter on white light. While looking at Lassie, grandfather once thought that it will outlive us all even, as was the granddaughter of activity and mobility.
- Daughter, because there is no seat at you. No sooner had Grandfather order for you not think that you do not slaughter horses.
- Well, my grandfather. Oh please.
What to do? Just put granddaughter on the quietest of the horses. It was Pal. Young, but it seems not bad. Stallion, sensing on his back is not usual for a weight, bucked, and she fell to the ground, or grandfather or uncle does not have time to react, to catch or mitigate the meeting with the ground. Crick was not only tears in their eyes and determination in the attractive face.
- I still want to ride! - Said the little girl.
- Natasha, you see, my friend is not in the mood to ride today. Let's do it next time? At that we decided to do.
* * *
- Grandfather, why do horses hose hanging? - Quite uncomfortable question was asked her granddaughter again.
- Because the horse wants to write - nothing in response to not come up with my grandfather. It remained in the memory of the girl for a few good years, if the horse has a hose, it is best to go away, suddenly konyazhka decides to go to the bathroom and get you.
* * *
- Santa and let the match.
- Why, granddaughter?
- In the teeth dig deeper.
Grandfather, broke off sulfuric head, handed the match to the child. On the face of the baby was so much frustration that can not convey. And the thing is that my friend persuaded the girl to ask his grandfather matches to dissolve a fire, fry the onions, and of "smoke," as adults. This time brats thwart the plans.
* * *
- Taaaak, tell me, who was smoking? - Voice grandfather sounded so scary that I wanted at the same time - a little and hide somewhere - something that only Grandpa did not look so menacing. In addition, in the hands of his grandfather were the reins, which can be punished by the 5th point of the believers, teaching proper behavior.
- We do not smoke, - timidly said the brother, only a couple of months older granddaughter.
- What story Dusi women, our neighbor - it's a lie?
Sitting in the bush thistles and wormwood, "smoking" rush, our company consisting of a neighbor boy earrings that have contributed to our gatherings a couple of apples varieties Antonovka, cheerleader Sasha, bro Natalka and two younger sisters plant. None of us smoke, we just set fire to the reeds, no matter how it is there for - the right referred to, for us it was a rush, and lived his adult life, but so what, in the bushes, so what that hiding, well, that, then what of us stink, but so what, that "ate" roasted on the fire a bow and seized unripe apples, but it was a life with a capital letter.
- Yes, we do not smoke - we otmazyvatsya Sasha. Natalka flapping eyelashes and just about ready to cry, because we did not smoke the same. And grandmother Duska, oh how we hate, The Whistleblower rare, at other times sunflowers her steal and chickens poraspugaem - this is the children's place of the headstock, which lays us all the time, and we are not too lazy to get from his grandfather "mushrooms and nuts."
- Who will lie for infusion do - growled grandfather, usually smiling and kind.
Well, yes, burning cane, fried onions. But you did not smoke.
Grandfather took a pack of cigars Vatra, with an ax in it, and we felt the approach of punishment. Children were given a cigarette with a proposal for a smoke without hiding. Sasha was ready for such a light sentence. Father struck a match and offered podkurit cigarettes. In the process of educating the offspring of Natasha's mother intervened.
- So, this time you get a warning penalty, "Marsh wash hewed younger cowards."
My grandfather did not have time to blink, as the guilty have received the "award" in two basins of warm water and a bag of washing. In memory of the children always remained - smoking is paired with stained shorts to be washed, and it would be desirable and the lake, and corn with sunflowers disrupt and rods on pear important things poreshat!
* * *
- Sasha! Edrit your division! Well, come here! - Grandpa, holding a whip in his hand, looking around the yard. Naidoo, will be worse Well!
- Do not go - mumbled brother.
- Who's grandmother Manka henhouse broke ?! Yes, there should have been to come up with this - to break through the roof! This - the infusion ought to do, and ?, - continued to ask questions about his grandfather.
- No one. Natalka is. I wanted to run across rooftops and chickens on top look.
- Um. Like this? She tyamu on this will not be enough, and the growth of the roof - the climb.
- That's all it is! - Continued to compose tales of Vienna woods Shura.
- All right, we shall understand - said the old man and went into the hall by collecting tools in the bag.
Sasha was quick to fudge "interesting" to spend the day. Moreover, the village was far from the center and very bored in my head and climbed the most, seemed unrealizable task. So this time, hit by Natasha to "go see the chickens from the top", climbed to the roof of the chicken coop grandmother Manka. How many years ago the chicken coop, I do not say, but clearly, more than two children together. Rickety planks of this design could not stand the weight and stubborn Sasha, a young and likely future Oktyabrenok, fell directly on the dozing chickens. The noise ran grandmother with a rake in one hand, the other adjusting headscarf, seen, for better sight, who used debit rake. Seeing skedaddle granddaughter grandfather Basil, did not catch up, but in the chicken coop ought to check out. Sasha, the grandson said a little earlier grandfather, rubbing his sore foot and did not even try to run away. Placing a rake in a corner of the barn, Manka grandmother went to the boy's side. But tomboy was quick and darted into the lumen formed henhouse door. What grandmother? Living alone for more than a decade. Aid to repair the henhouse left only to ask my grandfather. The bottom line is: Sasha got screwed in the ears of his grandfather Basil with greater assurance had never approached a cannon shot to the house grandmother Manka and Natka has promised not to take part in silly antics Sasha.
Ejevichka ©
PSDelites its episodes to communicate with grandparents :)
- Hey, Grandpa! You still walk? Not frozen? Do not you?
- Mother! - In the voice of his grandfather was the heat. No, everything is fine. Meeting people, yes. A little more I'll walk, yeah.
It was his "mother" a good tone sounds in the ears. And yesterday, before receiving the sad news, I woke up early, sonny side snuffle, which six months, lie, listen to breathing baby. Suddenly, I hear a door covered up, not closed until the end, clinking latch lock and scraped his sneakers. Get up, ready to punish a cat that plays with a door and then walking a draft in the house, and even with the slippers of my plays - the disorder. She stood up - all the doors are closed, and sneakers, generally no shoes no front or behind doors. I look like my grandfather came, to visit, to make sure that I'm fine and left. It is a pity that we can not turn back time and take a walk with his grandfather, talking about anything and everything, rather than to rush home for their small business. I put a candle and pray for him tonight.
- Santa and give a horse ride? - Asks the little girl 4 years old with huge blue eyes and blond hair. She was so small that once again my grandfather was afraid of her embrace. The mother could not hear the girl more than 3 months, and the baby was often ill and ate like a bird. So what horse it? God forbid zashibet one stroke tail. And doctors do not just muddled that not long granddaughter on white light. While looking at Lassie, grandfather once thought that it will outlive us all even, as was the granddaughter of activity and mobility.
- Daughter, because there is no seat at you. No sooner had Grandfather order for you not think that you do not slaughter horses.
- Well, my grandfather. Oh please.
What to do? Just put granddaughter on the quietest of the horses. It was Pal. Young, but it seems not bad. Stallion, sensing on his back is not usual for a weight, bucked, and she fell to the ground, or grandfather or uncle does not have time to react, to catch or mitigate the meeting with the ground. Crick was not only tears in their eyes and determination in the attractive face.
- I still want to ride! - Said the little girl.
- Natasha, you see, my friend is not in the mood to ride today. Let's do it next time? At that we decided to do.
* * *
- Grandfather, why do horses hose hanging? - Quite uncomfortable question was asked her granddaughter again.
- Because the horse wants to write - nothing in response to not come up with my grandfather. It remained in the memory of the girl for a few good years, if the horse has a hose, it is best to go away, suddenly konyazhka decides to go to the bathroom and get you.
* * *
- Santa and let the match.
- Why, granddaughter?
- In the teeth dig deeper.
Grandfather, broke off sulfuric head, handed the match to the child. On the face of the baby was so much frustration that can not convey. And the thing is that my friend persuaded the girl to ask his grandfather matches to dissolve a fire, fry the onions, and of "smoke," as adults. This time brats thwart the plans.
* * *
- Taaaak, tell me, who was smoking? - Voice grandfather sounded so scary that I wanted at the same time - a little and hide somewhere - something that only Grandpa did not look so menacing. In addition, in the hands of his grandfather were the reins, which can be punished by the 5th point of the believers, teaching proper behavior.
- We do not smoke, - timidly said the brother, only a couple of months older granddaughter.
- What story Dusi women, our neighbor - it's a lie?
Sitting in the bush thistles and wormwood, "smoking" rush, our company consisting of a neighbor boy earrings that have contributed to our gatherings a couple of apples varieties Antonovka, cheerleader Sasha, bro Natalka and two younger sisters plant. None of us smoke, we just set fire to the reeds, no matter how it is there for - the right referred to, for us it was a rush, and lived his adult life, but so what, in the bushes, so what that hiding, well, that, then what of us stink, but so what, that "ate" roasted on the fire a bow and seized unripe apples, but it was a life with a capital letter.
- Yes, we do not smoke - we otmazyvatsya Sasha. Natalka flapping eyelashes and just about ready to cry, because we did not smoke the same. And grandmother Duska, oh how we hate, The Whistleblower rare, at other times sunflowers her steal and chickens poraspugaem - this is the children's place of the headstock, which lays us all the time, and we are not too lazy to get from his grandfather "mushrooms and nuts."
- Who will lie for infusion do - growled grandfather, usually smiling and kind.
Well, yes, burning cane, fried onions. But you did not smoke.
Grandfather took a pack of cigars Vatra, with an ax in it, and we felt the approach of punishment. Children were given a cigarette with a proposal for a smoke without hiding. Sasha was ready for such a light sentence. Father struck a match and offered podkurit cigarettes. In the process of educating the offspring of Natasha's mother intervened.
- So, this time you get a warning penalty, "Marsh wash hewed younger cowards."
My grandfather did not have time to blink, as the guilty have received the "award" in two basins of warm water and a bag of washing. In memory of the children always remained - smoking is paired with stained shorts to be washed, and it would be desirable and the lake, and corn with sunflowers disrupt and rods on pear important things poreshat!
* * *
- Sasha! Edrit your division! Well, come here! - Grandpa, holding a whip in his hand, looking around the yard. Naidoo, will be worse Well!
- Do not go - mumbled brother.
- Who's grandmother Manka henhouse broke ?! Yes, there should have been to come up with this - to break through the roof! This - the infusion ought to do, and ?, - continued to ask questions about his grandfather.
- No one. Natalka is. I wanted to run across rooftops and chickens on top look.
- Um. Like this? She tyamu on this will not be enough, and the growth of the roof - the climb.
- That's all it is! - Continued to compose tales of Vienna woods Shura.
- All right, we shall understand - said the old man and went into the hall by collecting tools in the bag.
Sasha was quick to fudge "interesting" to spend the day. Moreover, the village was far from the center and very bored in my head and climbed the most, seemed unrealizable task. So this time, hit by Natasha to "go see the chickens from the top", climbed to the roof of the chicken coop grandmother Manka. How many years ago the chicken coop, I do not say, but clearly, more than two children together. Rickety planks of this design could not stand the weight and stubborn Sasha, a young and likely future Oktyabrenok, fell directly on the dozing chickens. The noise ran grandmother with a rake in one hand, the other adjusting headscarf, seen, for better sight, who used debit rake. Seeing skedaddle granddaughter grandfather Basil, did not catch up, but in the chicken coop ought to check out. Sasha, the grandson said a little earlier grandfather, rubbing his sore foot and did not even try to run away. Placing a rake in a corner of the barn, Manka grandmother went to the boy's side. But tomboy was quick and darted into the lumen formed henhouse door. What grandmother? Living alone for more than a decade. Aid to repair the henhouse left only to ask my grandfather. The bottom line is: Sasha got screwed in the ears of his grandfather Basil with greater assurance had never approached a cannon shot to the house grandmother Manka and Natka has promised not to take part in silly antics Sasha.
Ejevichka ©
PSDelites its episodes to communicate with grandparents :)
