Santa Claus and his counterparts
A little more than a week left before one of the most important and favorite holidays of our country - the New Year. The apartments begins to smell fragrant mandarins appears Christmas mood, and kids waiting for gifts from Santa Claus under the Christmas tree. It's time to remember the look of these old men in other countries. For you a selection of Santa Claus with colleagues around the world.
"Santa Christians" from Burundi. In African Catholics Santa Claus lives on Mount Kilimanjaro, as it is the only mountain in Africa, on top of which is constantly covered with snow.
Here is Father Christmas in Hawaii.
Santa Claus in Australia.
Dutch Sinderkalas wears coat and white boots. Before the New Year, he arrives in Amsterdam on the ship, but he does not give gifts. For this he has suites - Moors in magnificent turbans.
Belarusian Dzed marozi.
Babbo Natale. It looks like our Santa Claus. This favorite Italian character of its historical roots go back to St. Nicholas. Babbo Natale long time he lived at the North Pole, and later bought a home in the great northern Finland - Lapland.
Pere Noel. Winter Folk Christmas characters straight from France. Traditionally, Pere Noel, came to the house on a donkey in wooden shoes, and with a basket of gifts through the chimney penetrates the house, expanding the gifts in shoes left before the fire.
Sintaklaas or Sinterklaas - Nicholas, the Netherlands and Belgium. Children and adults also celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 5, although a national holiday does not count.
Daidi on Nollaig - Irish counterpart of Santa Claus. Ireland - a country of religious and highly values its good old tradition. That is why the New Year in Ireland will be imbued with mysticism and uniqueness.
In Cyprus, Santa Claus and all the name Vasily.
Actually, the Grandfather Frost.
Santa Claus - the most famous partner of Santa Claus. Gray hair, neat beard and mustache. Red jacket, trousers and a cap, cap. Dark leather belt clings thick belly. In fact it is the elf-swinger. Most often on the nose of his glasses, and mouth - fuming tube (in the last few years trying not to "push" this element of the image).
In Sweden, two of Santa Claus: stooped grandfather with gnarled nose Yultomten and dwarf Yulnissaar. And he and the other for the New Year go home and leave presents on the window sills.
Many of the peoples of Russia have a similar character: his name from Karel Pakkaine (frost), and he's young.
Yamal Iri. In Mongolia, Santa Claus look like a shepherd. He is dressed in a shaggy coat and a large fox cap. On the side of his snuffbox, flint and steel, and in the hands - a long whip.
Ehee Dyl or Chiskhan - Yakut Santa Claus.
This New Year's character, apparently "settled" better than any other New Year's colleagues. Judge for yourself: his wife Kyhyn Khotun knows winter time; three daughters Saaschaana, Sayyyna Kyhyyney and partitioned between a spring, summer and autumn duties. What does he Ehee Dyl, is not entirely clear.
China Santa Claus name simple and easy to Dun Che Lao Ren and Shan Dan Laozhen. Despite the exotic name, the habits of the Chinese grandfather of the famous Santa Claus does not differ.
In Finland Yollopukki lives. He has a wife Maria. Yollopukki wears a long coat and prevents the appearance of his bell.
In the photo on the right Yollopukki with his Hungarian counterpart.
Source: fototelegraf.ru

"Santa Christians" from Burundi. In African Catholics Santa Claus lives on Mount Kilimanjaro, as it is the only mountain in Africa, on top of which is constantly covered with snow.

Here is Father Christmas in Hawaii.

Santa Claus in Australia.

Dutch Sinderkalas wears coat and white boots. Before the New Year, he arrives in Amsterdam on the ship, but he does not give gifts. For this he has suites - Moors in magnificent turbans.

Belarusian Dzed marozi.

Babbo Natale. It looks like our Santa Claus. This favorite Italian character of its historical roots go back to St. Nicholas. Babbo Natale long time he lived at the North Pole, and later bought a home in the great northern Finland - Lapland.

Pere Noel. Winter Folk Christmas characters straight from France. Traditionally, Pere Noel, came to the house on a donkey in wooden shoes, and with a basket of gifts through the chimney penetrates the house, expanding the gifts in shoes left before the fire.

Sintaklaas or Sinterklaas - Nicholas, the Netherlands and Belgium. Children and adults also celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 5, although a national holiday does not count.

Daidi on Nollaig - Irish counterpart of Santa Claus. Ireland - a country of religious and highly values its good old tradition. That is why the New Year in Ireland will be imbued with mysticism and uniqueness.

In Cyprus, Santa Claus and all the name Vasily.

Actually, the Grandfather Frost.

Santa Claus - the most famous partner of Santa Claus. Gray hair, neat beard and mustache. Red jacket, trousers and a cap, cap. Dark leather belt clings thick belly. In fact it is the elf-swinger. Most often on the nose of his glasses, and mouth - fuming tube (in the last few years trying not to "push" this element of the image).

In Sweden, two of Santa Claus: stooped grandfather with gnarled nose Yultomten and dwarf Yulnissaar. And he and the other for the New Year go home and leave presents on the window sills.

Many of the peoples of Russia have a similar character: his name from Karel Pakkaine (frost), and he's young.

Yamal Iri. In Mongolia, Santa Claus look like a shepherd. He is dressed in a shaggy coat and a large fox cap. On the side of his snuffbox, flint and steel, and in the hands - a long whip.

Ehee Dyl or Chiskhan - Yakut Santa Claus.

This New Year's character, apparently "settled" better than any other New Year's colleagues. Judge for yourself: his wife Kyhyn Khotun knows winter time; three daughters Saaschaana, Sayyyna Kyhyyney and partitioned between a spring, summer and autumn duties. What does he Ehee Dyl, is not entirely clear.

China Santa Claus name simple and easy to Dun Che Lao Ren and Shan Dan Laozhen. Despite the exotic name, the habits of the Chinese grandfather of the famous Santa Claus does not differ.

In Finland Yollopukki lives. He has a wife Maria. Yollopukki wears a long coat and prevents the appearance of his bell.
In the photo on the right Yollopukki with his Hungarian counterpart.

Source: fototelegraf.ru