Grandfather Frost

Even hard to believe that our beloved Santa Claus was originally a terrible and evil, he collected the sacrifice, and took not obedient children in the bag. Scary sounds, agree! But gradually Santa Claus much kinder and instead became the sacrificial giving gifts. It was during the existence of the USSR communist image of Santa Claus as a counterweight to the Soviet
Santa Claus took shape completely, and during this period he had a companion - granddaughter Snow Maiden.
Funny fact, well as for us, because not all peoples mascot of the New Year - Santa Claus appears as a prominent elder comely. The Finns, for example, the traditional New Year's holiday tradition embodies - goat. Therefore, funny nickname in Finnish winter wizard Joulupukki literally means "Christmas goat." The Finnish Joulupukki no granddaughter, that is, for the wife, with whom he lives in a cave somewhere in the Arctic Circle. Interestingly the name of his wife ....
How old is Grandpa? According to various estimates, our Santa Claus for over two thousand years. Over the past 2000 years, Santa Claus existed in completely different images. It was originally a pagan god in the form of winter road: an old man of small stature, with gray hair and a long white beard, and with his head uncovered, in winter white clothes and with a characteristic iron mace in hand. And in the IV century image of Santa Claus looked like the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who lived in Asia Minor in the city of Patara.
Interesting, but Cyprus Santa Claus, called Basil. Hmm ... maybe it's our tourists tried?))
White deer sled named Leszek - a favorite of Santa Claus and he lives in his manor.
Few people know that Santa Claus is not only granddaughter, but also the perfect wife - Winter. Just serve him Marossy, or even earlier called Treskunov. Throughout the winter Santa Claus walking on harsh woods and fields, a loud banging his stick and cold calling, which is covered with ice all around. And if in the stove in the house suddenly cracking the beam, then they used to say that it was the work of Frost.
The youngest people believe that Santa Claus was born on November 18, the day when the winter comes fully into its own. How many candles on a birthday cake Santa Claus? Probably a lot. Most likely, so that the cake will need huge. Yes, and they will blow out oh so easy! So this week celebrating the birthday of Frost)
Our Santa Claus is much more conservative than their Santa Claus. He prefers to wear a long red coat, beautifully embroidered with silver, white pants, a hat trimmed with swan's down and decorated with beautiful patterned mittens. But his opponent, Santa Claus - red jacket, pants and cap with white pompom for the nose grandfather flaunt glasses, and sometimes even in the mouth pipe.
And Santa Claus is a mod, it, imagine there is a separate room in the mansion, which is reserved for the dressing room. There's Santa Claus outfits are stored for all occasions: winter coats, even a summer coats and, of course, sports ski suit.
Hard to believe, but in the twentieth century Santa Claus had nearly disappeared for good! After the revolution, decided that to celebrate Christmas and New Year - bad for the people! However, in 1935, disgrace for the New Year has finally taken off, and soon Santa Claus came together for the first time on the New Year celebrations. It is difficult to imagine that nearly 20 years of the New Year has been banned!