I have on the table near the house computer is ribbon. An old, already torn in several places. Normal, like, black and orange. She even painted gold anchor and the words, too, with gold, "Red Crimea". Of course, it is not as beautiful as it is now handed out on the street volunteers of different movements, not as beautiful as portrayed on the posters, brochures, or on where else pleases designers. This ribbon old - it has more than 60 years.
Once she was on his cap my grandfather.
He was taken to the Navy when he was 17 years old. He has worked as a tractor on the farm - not for long, just a couple of years. And the ship he was wearing ordinary peakless cap - without guards ribbons. The cruiser "Red Crimea", where he served, had time to get to Sevastopol. But before - Sevastopol fell.
"Red Crimea" ... of course, not the cruiser, and commanders of this cruiser, conducted several raids in the area in the fall of Sevastopol 41st. Quite risky, but successful. Many marked the highest awards. My grandfather, of course, was not among them. He was a sailor in the boiler room. And the war he graduated from senior sailor or sailors say - starmosom. Actually, shoot at the Nazis he did not, and could not. Shoot the other - up there. And they shot - which God forbid.
Many times, the crew of the cruiser could have been killed. For example, when air raids near the Count's wharf sank the cruiser "Chervona Ukraina".
In the summer of 42-th cruiser was awarded the title of "Guards". Now part of the ship could wear special ribbons - black and orange. Those who are now used everywhere. You can say that it is even with the cross of St. George, which is just a symbol ... it's just a symbol of victory. But during the war, these ribbons just did not give ...
My grandfather told me a lot about the war. And it is not only about war, sunken ships or successful raids. He hunted sea stories about Rob, where there were no pockets on the definition, and how they were treated, "sweets" young ladies on the banks of these very "pockets". He talked about how the apprentices were taught to light a 12-volt outlet with a wire, and then changed the plates with 220 volt. A lot of things said.
Photos and crew of the cruiser, friends maremanov lie in the album. Old pictures ... My grandfather is dead for more than 2 years. I remember how he was bearing, he went to his nearly 80 years - is no slouch, clearly - as if on parade. For a couple of years before his death, he traveled to Sevastopol, the city where he served for almost 7 years, 4 years of the war and after 3 years as a reservist. Just when my younger brother served there starmosom. And their name, by the way, the same way - Ivan.
I do not know whether my grandfather called a hero. He did nothing heroic like. But he wore a Guards band. Tu, which now lies in front of me. Which now cling anywhere.
© is not needed
cruiser "Red Crimea»
Once she was on his cap my grandfather.
He was taken to the Navy when he was 17 years old. He has worked as a tractor on the farm - not for long, just a couple of years. And the ship he was wearing ordinary peakless cap - without guards ribbons. The cruiser "Red Crimea", where he served, had time to get to Sevastopol. But before - Sevastopol fell.
"Red Crimea" ... of course, not the cruiser, and commanders of this cruiser, conducted several raids in the area in the fall of Sevastopol 41st. Quite risky, but successful. Many marked the highest awards. My grandfather, of course, was not among them. He was a sailor in the boiler room. And the war he graduated from senior sailor or sailors say - starmosom. Actually, shoot at the Nazis he did not, and could not. Shoot the other - up there. And they shot - which God forbid.
Many times, the crew of the cruiser could have been killed. For example, when air raids near the Count's wharf sank the cruiser "Chervona Ukraina".
In the summer of 42-th cruiser was awarded the title of "Guards". Now part of the ship could wear special ribbons - black and orange. Those who are now used everywhere. You can say that it is even with the cross of St. George, which is just a symbol ... it's just a symbol of victory. But during the war, these ribbons just did not give ...
My grandfather told me a lot about the war. And it is not only about war, sunken ships or successful raids. He hunted sea stories about Rob, where there were no pockets on the definition, and how they were treated, "sweets" young ladies on the banks of these very "pockets". He talked about how the apprentices were taught to light a 12-volt outlet with a wire, and then changed the plates with 220 volt. A lot of things said.
Photos and crew of the cruiser, friends maremanov lie in the album. Old pictures ... My grandfather is dead for more than 2 years. I remember how he was bearing, he went to his nearly 80 years - is no slouch, clearly - as if on parade. For a couple of years before his death, he traveled to Sevastopol, the city where he served for almost 7 years, 4 years of the war and after 3 years as a reservist. Just when my younger brother served there starmosom. And their name, by the way, the same way - Ivan.
I do not know whether my grandfather called a hero. He did nothing heroic like. But he wore a Guards band. Tu, which now lies in front of me. Which now cling anywhere.
© is not needed

cruiser "Red Crimea»
