Day of Victory
On the eve of Victory Day I want to tell you about my grandfather, a veteran of the Second World War Vorobiev Mikhail Alexandrovich. Grandfather was born in a village in the Gorky region, at the beginning of the war my grandfather was 16 years old, in the first days of war, missing in action, his brother, pilot-fighter, has not returned to the departure in the summer of 1943, after six months uchebke he was sent to the front. Fighting was sent to the artillery to combat vehicle SU 76. Since my grandfather was the youngest of all the crew, he was appointed recharged dryers combat mission was to support the infantry. He fought as a part of one of the Ukrainian fronts. Since 1943 there has been a radical change, the times per day were 30-50 km and sometimes more, as the grandfather said, the Nazis skedaddle with such speed that even left food stores, as well as drying was directly behind the infantry, then to approach captured crews have time to profit, as well as the kitchen could not keep up the pace attack our army, and made stocks so as not to starve, a real scourge had lice, especially in the cold, since the clothes are not particularly take off your grass, wearing a sleeve clothes on exhaust pipes, for some time, the problem recedes. Somehow we stumbled upon a warehouse of food and there was wine in barrels, especially the suffering drew him out of there right helmets. In April 1945, he was wounded in the leg. They were preparing to cross the Oder, was ordered to come to the fore, as well as before they stood a few days, the self-propelled gun on the first try did not start, grandfather took poker (which engine plant) and went to the front of the machine, where there was a hole for her . Prokrutit- tried did not work, was not strong enough, then all went to the other side of the Oder, held above his head, bullets rattled on the armor, my grandfather had to run for the self-propelled gun, asked the crew to go all krutnut, spun, started up again all went again above the heads Again bullet on armor, all ran for the car and then my grandfather remembered that poker is forgotten, and without it you can not, so you get up in the middle of the field or lesa- all priehali- make nothing, ran to pick up, and then took a turn again, he runs for the car and then I realized that he was wounded in the leg right through his right doctor, to the rear, still trafficked through the same river, and then the shelling, the grandfather is in the boat and see the sparks from the shells, scary was- little closer and boat overflowed wave and to dnu- grandfather and of course with the wounded leg is not a swimmer. In general, we managed to swim and sent to the hospital on the front line 50 kilometers further grandfather told him one day in the morning woke up from what started firing from all sides and shoot and shoot without stopping, and it is strange somehow, like the Germans and then drove them back or what? Here in the House flies soldiers and shouting "Comrades !!! The war is over !!! "It was the 9th of May.
Thank voinam- winners and eternal memory of the fallen !!!
P.S. And the crew and the car came to Berlin in full without loss.
Thank voinam- winners and eternal memory of the fallen !!!
P.S. And the crew and the car came to Berlin in full without loss.
