I feel that I'm losing her. That is, do not want, and lose.
Was once an anecdote about Petka and Vasily. When Vasily finds Petka in Anka, and he jumps out the window and quickly crouches on a bed.
- What are you doing here? - Menacingly asks Chapay.
- Cocoa ... - timidly answers Petka.
Vasily gets accustomed to the following activities.
- And why de * mo dog ?!
- Furious battle for the revolution!
Screams resourceful orderly.
It seems that we are brutalized in a fight for the revolution. A joy for the Russians stolen Crimea.
We obscures eyes smoke from the fires, and they are blinded by fireworks.
Tolerance is very fragile thing.
I still have to separate the wheat from the chaff, but to do it more and more difficult.
Mutual dislike grows without fertilizers, on any ground, and even does not need watering. Hate is always easier than to understand, to forgive and to listen.
You know what the worst thing happened?
Both parties have sown dragon's teeth.
Sure, inadequate type Fahrion, Miroshnichenko and other clowns of our political elite, have done everything to get Mordasov. True, they were bullied and got in the face all - it happens more often. They are unworthy politicians, limited people and call them patriots can only blind.
But what did Putin and his associates ...
In principle, the entire system balances destroyed. Ignored by international treaty. Global security in jeopardy. It is now called a return to the bipolar world?
But the most unpleasant of all - pereporchennye relations between Russia and Ukraine. For many, many years - there can be arbitrarily long ironic but true. Beginning in 2014 will regurgitate decades. Do you know why? Because hate rallies. History of the Crimea rallied most Russians gave to feel victorious. This is a cause for pride.
History of the Crimea rallied most of the Ukrainians, awakened in them patriotism and love of country. And the reason for that was the humiliation and insult conveyed neighbors, relatives, people with whom part of Ukrainians speak the same language.
That grow on this compost from insults and humiliation, which threw the dragon's teeth.
Well, not exactly love!
You happy with the possible harvest?
I - no.
That's why I was horrified to feel that I lose restraint and tolerance. It is easy to forget that the dissenter is not necessarily the enemy. It is easy not to notice that adherents - does not your friend. Temporary allies too often hit in the back. I'd like not to lose the human face, but I fear that with each passing day it is becoming easier and easier to make.
Jan Fioletov Your text to link ...
Was once an anecdote about Petka and Vasily. When Vasily finds Petka in Anka, and he jumps out the window and quickly crouches on a bed.
- What are you doing here? - Menacingly asks Chapay.
- Cocoa ... - timidly answers Petka.
Vasily gets accustomed to the following activities.
- And why de * mo dog ?!
- Furious battle for the revolution!
Screams resourceful orderly.
It seems that we are brutalized in a fight for the revolution. A joy for the Russians stolen Crimea.
We obscures eyes smoke from the fires, and they are blinded by fireworks.
Tolerance is very fragile thing.
I still have to separate the wheat from the chaff, but to do it more and more difficult.
Mutual dislike grows without fertilizers, on any ground, and even does not need watering. Hate is always easier than to understand, to forgive and to listen.
You know what the worst thing happened?
Both parties have sown dragon's teeth.
Sure, inadequate type Fahrion, Miroshnichenko and other clowns of our political elite, have done everything to get Mordasov. True, they were bullied and got in the face all - it happens more often. They are unworthy politicians, limited people and call them patriots can only blind.
But what did Putin and his associates ...
In principle, the entire system balances destroyed. Ignored by international treaty. Global security in jeopardy. It is now called a return to the bipolar world?
But the most unpleasant of all - pereporchennye relations between Russia and Ukraine. For many, many years - there can be arbitrarily long ironic but true. Beginning in 2014 will regurgitate decades. Do you know why? Because hate rallies. History of the Crimea rallied most Russians gave to feel victorious. This is a cause for pride.
History of the Crimea rallied most of the Ukrainians, awakened in them patriotism and love of country. And the reason for that was the humiliation and insult conveyed neighbors, relatives, people with whom part of Ukrainians speak the same language.
That grow on this compost from insults and humiliation, which threw the dragon's teeth.
Well, not exactly love!
You happy with the possible harvest?
I - no.
That's why I was horrified to feel that I lose restraint and tolerance. It is easy to forget that the dissenter is not necessarily the enemy. It is easy not to notice that adherents - does not your friend. Temporary allies too often hit in the back. I'd like not to lose the human face, but I fear that with each passing day it is becoming easier and easier to make.
Jan Fioletov Your text to link ...