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The fact that it is not necessary to touch

In connection with the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant of the people broke out interest in dosimetry, radiation and general environmental pollution. The proposed theme is dedicated to the dangers that can be found in the most unexpected places (and sometimes and at home), walk with normal household dozikom. Or simply poisonous things that are touched by hands (or language) is not recommended to the Ministry of Health.
39 photos will be those who have something to add, supplement.
via caves.ru

So, start-to:
Very beautiful piece - called a sextant (or sextant) as you like more - one is called. Often found in the apartments of experienced sea dogs as toys wall. Scales instruments issued before the 70s, made using the phosphor of permanent action (CPA) on the basis of salts of radium-226. The dose rate of gamma radiation can be seen on the device.
Security: on the meter from the device, you can do anything.
Hazard: The possibility of contamination radium and its decay daughter products of hands, clothes and all what you want. Home - radon gas, which is released from this device gets into the lungs and butet to Happiness, especially in the flat where the unit will hang.
What do categorically not: enough with his bare hands, disassemble, otkolupyvat paint and more to haul home.

Watch diving. All that can be said about them is said about a sextant.

Scales with aircraft. SPD. Ra226 and further by row. Activity on Ra-226 5th degree. Balance among not - make your conclusions. DER vprotnuyu - 25 mSv / h.

Here is such an oxygen gauge ...

fotik itself does not shine. Shines is glass. I understand that in some old illumination lenses made using thorium. I understand that he is.

Refractory bricks "Bakor". It is used in the glass industry in the ovens on "hot lines". Radionuclide composition - Ra226 continue the series. MED - 8 mSv / h on the board. Surprisingly, these products are designed to GOST where reglamentiruetya activity of natural radionuclides. Measurements show nasoblyudenie guest ... Glaziers themselves were surprised by the fact that they are in the fields of radiation and vozdeysviya breathe radon (oven fairly large), they did not know.

These kompasiki quite freely sold in sporting goods stores.

It's a miracle - is nothing but a source of gamma-block type E
E - probably because Estonian, produced at the Tallinn instrument-making plant, sold all isotopes of the country (including Tashkent)
There are 4 types - E-1M, 2M-E, E-3M-4M e.
The easiest - 4 - about 40 kilograms and 1 - 160. Serious thing - dose in the beam of a 1 meter can reach 1, 5 - 2 roentgen per hour. Cesium-137.
Attention!!! Similar things can meet even where a radiation heard only by hearsay - this is a small list of places where they can be seen:
Mines, boilers, conveyor lines of mining and processing industries, bunkers, cement factories, crushing plants, water tanks, conveyors Distillery, lab ...
True or not, for which he had bought for and sold - say even on steep slopes in the tramways were - for automatic switching of the braking system ...

But caught in scrap metal. BGI-60 - the appointment - the same as the "E" - see above. Used source - cesium-137 activity of about 0, 2 Curie - DER 1 cm from the source - 200 R / h. From block - 4 mR / h ... Weigh - 56 kg, here someone on a scrap and passed ...

In the same series

Mineral Museum - the most evil mineral krasava UV

"Uranium glass" - a purely dosimeter check =)
Maximum saw 800mkr from the Imperial door handle with uranium glass color green toxic% -)
UV flashlight illuminated

Buttons made of uranium glass. Although unusual for the last blue color and opacity they shine brightly in the ultraviolet and give increased background:

It's a little bit about Flyurografiya:

These are the eyelets of some radio equipment. Passed dedulki - radio amateur who had a household dosimeter - discovered and passed! There is a growing consciousness of the people! Each block up to 3 sources. And from one unit shines about 15 mSv / h.

Electrodes for cinematic lamps with thorium. Active small sterzhenёk. Understand, and indeed once again touch the lamp, you should not! It should be stored in a special casing. Shards of glass in half a centimeter thick fly two meters. High pressure therein.

Such (Chinese?) Smoke detector. By the way, there is enough smoke detectors with different radioactive elements. Hang napotolkah (over us). Kakgritsya, read the small print

Here is ROKUS

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Regarding Rochus - In general, the probability of encountering such a source is very low - because they are controlled very tightly, but still if you bum it disassemble - and tehnogenschik passing by will not notice the container, then I think he will notice next to him boiled homeless - 1 centimeter DER from source under 80 million x-rays - Feel the bum hardly something or see - I think will die almost instantly ...

But still - that thing - from gamma-therapy device BEAM-1 year of production - 1968. Half-ton depleted uranium. Inside cobalt-60. Activity - 4800 Curie. Thing pleasant in all respects.

In this photo we see how the ordinary courts of the phone release in '58, SAP containing radium-226 (MED - 3, 8 mR / hr) folk craftsman, who is also a minstrel and troubadour made the pedal to the drum.
With this pedal followed by a tour in China and was detained at customs ... The pedal flaw troubadour scolded ...

These things - tips on sights Kalashnikov shooting night. Used the same SPD based on radium-226. There are a huge number of small arms in the warehouses. The dose per centimeter - 6 milirentgen hour ...

Sight Mortar. MED - up to 2, 5 mR / h year - from 1946 to 1958.

This source container from PRHM-1M (field repair chemical workshop). Source it is very good - about 8 curies of cesium-137 (20 000 R / h centimeter. Midday scraped metal from the car in search of this byaki. The show was - Mama Do not Cry - the container was in flames - half protection Furnace. Forty meters from the car background reached (in the beam) and 2, 5 mR / hr. At 10 cm above the container thrashes about 250 mSv / h (25 F / hour). From the sides - 1, 7 R / h ... weighs about 100 kg .

But the source container for testing military dosimetry equipment. Called PRHM-1M. Sources no children. The dose can be up to 10 meters roentgen per hour ... and those above and those that may be encountered on the territory of military units, and even the Civil Defense firefighters ...

The container laboratory. Inside can be everything. We found for garages

Here's an interesting eksponatik ... can meet in the locations of military, civilian parts, NBC well, and generally just in scrap metal - sizes may be other - more but form approximately the same. Inside is a source based on cesium-137.
Owl to such tricks, even closer than a meter not stoit.Moschnost dose centimeter from such sources can be estimated by 1 or more x-rays per hour. (pictured - 1, 2) are used (and used) such sources in a ruler for calibration of dosimeters. I happened to pull out of metal like a dose rate of 1 centimeter more than 5000 (why inaccurately - because there was no device that would measure more than 5000), X-rays per hour, the dosimeter type RM1203-04 drowned in 7 meters of it ...

Icing sensor type RIO-3. Maybe in the third on the ground, repair shops and even on the roof of your home. It contains a very decent source on the basis of strontium-90.
Dosimeter feels it is already on the meter ... pleasantness of this device consists in the fact that if it is not destroyed - it is possible to protect screen, no gas pollution will not be released ...

here they are - argon welding electrodes with thorium.

Level (for precise horizontal installation of the device, you can see the bubble) with SPD:
From a distance of a few centimeters - 30.15 mSv / h (3 mR / h):
It is used quite widely - from simple scales to complex geodetic instruments to install them in a horizontal plane. There are both active - or not. In the non-state special danger is not as tight vial and the radiation level at a distance of 20-30 cm does not exceed 100 mR / h.

The wick of the gas lamp Chinese or Korean-made. Saturate some garbage containing thorium-232 when burned forms a bright white flame and alpha-emitting aerosols.

Toggle DPU-45. It is found everywhere: in the devices in the vehicle and like to insert, equipment (especially the military). The handle has a white ball. raising a dose figures ran very fast, three times has exceeded the maximum measured value (9.99 mSv / h). By grouping switch 1cm managed to get a normal readings - 9.32 mSv / h.

Here's a vesh - called chromatograph. There are many laboratories.

Inside is such a little thing:

and one more little thing is such a little thing:

Posted in [mergetime] 1302039491 [/ mergetime]
In appearance - an ordinary unremarkable flolga, but an activity of 1, 2 GBq. Nickel-63. In beta peel - Mama Do not Cry. And most importantly - very cool ... bumazhechki smeared on which she was lying then shown to 800 disintegrations per minute.

Here is a box

content - from one to several vials.
The bottle can be anything - from the tritiated water finishing with cyanide. The main difference from a normal water or "normal" cyanide - in conjunction applied radioactive tritium or carbon-14. Such as full bottles and empty can fall in any of the institutions or laboratories where addicted to a thread of biochemistry. Labeled the case and all the stuff. No dosimeter you do not define this bottle.
The main danger is if swallowed. Therefore, if you really want to hold him - only gloves, but better - do not touch.

And that's what makes RTG drunken herders ATV:

Oops, for those who do not know: radioisotope thermoelectric generators

Posted in [mergetime] 1302039747 [/ mergetime]
photo 2005 dose 100 R / h. But how they are fighting brave helicopter pilot !!! Product "drop" from a height of 50 meters. 2004.
